Vaccination MegaThread

maybe ask @LittleOwl


Let’s see what he says now that you tagged him. I think only Dreamweaver would know though.


At this point, I pray everyday for it to be reversed. Maybe prayer is the only possible way is what I think sometimes.


It’s meant to help with everything, damage done by the vaccine isn’t an exception


Flaunt is great for sure. But in my opinion it is not good enough in my opinion. I have played flaunt over a 1000 times now and for a few months. However, I do think if you played all the plasma fields together everyday then it might actually heal maybe 60-70%. Also, I do believe the vaccines had their own rna and dna inside them. Thus, it made its own strand or maybe combined, but our dna is changing constantly. It’s just those certain types of core dnas I think the vaccine got and it’s just really hard to reverse. Dna repair + Blueprint of life I think might not be enough however, I’m not an expert I’m not entirely sure. I’m trying genetic therapy from psychic university just incase. Also, I do believe supplements are stronger than the frequency itself or might help to boost the power of the frequencies. It’s like this, a person can become a robot very easily but unbecoming a robot is super hard and takes hard work. Since the vaccines made us transhuman it’s going to require triple or maybe quadruple he amount to undue the effects. Also, the zombie cells in our blood need extra help.

Oh btw it’s either that or since our dna changed it lost its adaptability to adapt to the new environment. Because our bodies were never meant to survive in such harsh conditions filled with radiation, pollution, etc… it could now just be having adverse effects from the vaccinated and people around us because of vaccine shedding. However, blueprint of life and DNA repair did actually heal us of the genetic change. That could be another possibility. There are endless possibilities tbh but these two are the most logical in my perspective.


blueprints and blood purifiers, I believe it can be reversed

I really hope to find a way. My sister-in-law and my sister both have problems with the uterus due to the vaccine.



I figured this regarding damage/injury but but from what I was brought to understand very recently about reverse transcription into the DNA, any DNA reboot will always have the Vax DNA. This part is what scares me the most- not having normal DNA anymore and not knowing what the hell is going to happen because of it. I feel this is why everytime I think im healthy again eventually I start having nervous system issues again. If you talk to Dreamweaver, could you please ask him if it even addresses the DNA change specifically from the vax’s reverse transcription? For all we know, he already took it into account when creating DNA Repair System. That would be such a relief to find out.


The study that showed possible reverse transcription was in-vitro and with a cancer cell line. The DNA was shown in the nucleus but it was not proven that it was built into the genome.
While these findings are highly alerting and need more research (which seems not to be done, we know the reasons) you should not see it as a fact that you have now changes in your genome. If you convince yourself of that, it might create problems by nocebo effect.

And one more thought: If DNA would be inserted into the genome and then expressed, it should lead to more spike protein production which should activate the immune system to kill this cell. All cells who produce spike protein have to be killed by the immune system. If this always works is another interesting question and I am pretty sure it is not investigated, yet
I see real danger only in case of a silent insertion and I am not sure if that can happen with LINE1 elements.

I think you can relax a bit about your concerns.

But what else could create your problems? It is known that spike proteins stay in the body of vaccinated people for many months (one study spoke of 6 months, I think there was even another one who found them after a full year). They may travel inside exosomes through your body and nobody knows the consequences. But there seem to be ways to get rid of it (book below).
And another problem seems to be generation of autoimmune antibodies. Dreamweavers Auto immune reversal might help in that case.
I think Florian Schilling wrote about both problems in his book “Long-Hauler: Manual for Long-Covid and Post-Vaccine Syndrome”. Maybe you find some answers and solutions in it.


Thank you. I was aware of this nuance to the study. The uncertainty is what is concerning to me. Who knows, maybe the nocebo effect is what’s causing my issues. Or it really does change the genome. I guess we don’t know and may never.

Yes exactly. That’s the big question- how long do the spike proteins stay in the body? I got only 1 shot and it was a year and a half ago at this point so I’d hope they would be gone. It could just be 5G and all the radiation we live around causing my symptoms. There are a lot of big questions. Especially why so many people are dying suddenly.

Yes this did help me a lot at the beginning. I started to use it again a couple days ago. We shall see.

Thank you for pointing me towards this. I will read it.

I just hope Max Heal Potion addresses all the possible issues. I think it may.


Sorry for the deleted message my wifi lagged out. :joy: I wrote, I’m sorry about your sister’s situation. That must be hard. Especially for women uterus problems can be the most painful with their periods combined that’s a killer pain. I hope she gets well. All the prayers for her. There is never a time we must stop trying to get healthier and stronger. Stay strong :muscle:.


Thank you @PenguinTime

So I will try Max Heal Potion for my family
Do your best and let the rest take its course


How is max heal treating right now any like difference?

I haven’t purchased yet, but this will be on my shopping list :joy:


I’m about to purchase it XD wish me luck hope it does everything it says in the description


no problem looking forward to your results🙏


How about rife frequencies from Bioresonance for prions (misfolded protein), platelets and parasites (this is for spike protein). I just started using the morphic fields, mostly because I was really impressed with the effect frequencies had. I’ve been completely exhausted for a year. Not vaccinated, but after using all kinds of parasite, bacteria, virus, protoza, fungi, heavy metal detoxes, you name it, my energy was improved almost magically.
I was interested in the morphic fields because I needed to deal with a lot of negative programming. Feel like I’m finally breaking old patterns and improving my overall life and thinking. I think it might be beneficial to use rife frequencies for detox in addition to morphic fields.


La Quinta Columna are detecting asymtomatic clots with thermography.


Yes I am aware of these but haven’t used them. Thank you! I’m not sure that’s what’s going on with me. Maybe I will try if all else fails. I realized recently that some of the Patreon fields (like The Circulatory Engineer) have Bromelain in it and that should address the spike protein issue for people.

Honestly, I was totally healthy again for months and pretty sure I got all of the toxins that are inside the shot out of my body with the Rife Vaccine Detox and Nano Bot frequencies from Dr. Virtual. Whatever was left after that I’m pretty sure was totally eradicated after using the Panchanga Yoga series which removes any and all toxins from the body. My last concern is whether or not DNA can be completely repaired and remain repaired if it has indeed been altered by the reverse transcription.

The last couple days I’ve been using Multiple Sclerosis and Induced & Enhanced Plasmalogen fields and they seem to be helping my nervous system. I haven’t had the tightness since. Btw the role of plasmalogens in healing vaccine injury has hit mainstream news in Canada, at least in this one interview below by Rebel News.


And as far as the clots, Restoration From The Long Haul and The Clot Dissolver address that. I used Long Haul for months. My circulation was screwed for months, causing so much fatigue. But I think that’s resolved as well.


There are doctors finding obstructions in the blood of the unvaxxinated as well. There seems to be shedding. Even though we get detoxed, the invironment is still toxic. Detoxing evidently works, but one cannot stop.