Vaccination MegaThread


I guess everything that has plasma in it. Maybe virus disruptor and immun system charged too.
Be careful about the plasma fields though too much at first can be overwhelming if the person is very fragile. So the infrared and plasma beach maybe just 7 minutes at first per day and see how she feels. Especially the plasma bath is rather strong so aviod looping it. Start slow and monitor how she feels.

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No I’m sorry, you can ask some expert person, please ask openly in this topic.

I have been playing plasma bath, plasma infrared bioactive beach, torsion, cosmic volt, flower of life and grounding only once. She is taking it well.

Am also using infrared plasma water charger, water alkaliser n water oxygenator

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I wrote to Sapiens directly too, have not got any response

Please read this


Thank u so much. Truly grat ful for the response.
With plasma you mean…it shd be play d with the plasma fields…as in in combination.

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Try play this alone

Also read my feedback!


Awesome…my mom too scores around 95 - 97 % saturation. Will try. N my city is very polluted.

All the health joy n longevity…to ur parents…and loads of love from the universe…:blush::heart:

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Yours too!

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Would the non-rNA vaccines like Johnson’s and Astra be better if, and only if, we have to take it? We could flush those out using audios that we have, it’s the rNA ones that we aren’t sure. Am I correct?/

I’m out of work and I can’t afford the Plasma Protocol right now. What cheaper/free fields would you recommend instead to deal with vaccines (specifically the one for Covid)?

Plasma light :)
You can add other healing fields like the stem cells one.

That’s what I used to think but there has been some controversy around astra in Europe, some countries stopped using it for now (but may restart).

Is that essentially a lite version of the Plasma Protocol? Thanks! And is it more important that I listen before or after getting the shot?

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Yesterday my wife told me, there was an increase in cervical mucus, which started showing up 2 weeks ago. At the same time she said that she had some soreness in her breasts, as if she were in the premenstrual period: but she hasn’t had it for more than a year, so this combination of fields is actually working negentropically .
I still thank _OM for the advice, if you read me, and of course to Sapien’s team for creating it!


Ah sry I missed this
Well, yes and no :D Plasma Light and Bioactive Beach was the first published plasma field.
Then plasma protocol mixes that field with a bunch of other elements to have a combined, stronger and targeted healing effect.
You can listen both before and after, I would say after is more important.

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I have never put Automated Grounding on this stack, should it go in?

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I would say yes.