Vaccination MegaThread

welcome anon23052947824, whoever you are! :smiley:

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It’s Daniel.


It’s not confirmed.

After that sexy gif yesterday, how can you deny it :grin:

I don’t deny it :D


When Luna arrives, she will catch him :laughing:


The so-called smoking gun :wink:

I’m getting round 2 of Pfizer today. If you don’t hear from me again, you’ll know what happened to me! :wink:

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You are a karate man, you have the strength inside you.
Then you must also finish the Dossier! :wink:


Plasma Protocol and Mitochondria, and also Blueprint of Life

Also, are we supposed to listen to those fields daily for a while to make sure everything is forced out?

read below

It doesn’t say how often to listen. I’m listening to all three at least once a day @TF_CAD

All three stacks, just once, and that’s already a lot

I’m doing multiple times a day (as much as I can handle), I’m not taking any chances.

I guess I sort of feel a need to strike hard while the iron’s hot, since I got the first shot less than 12 hours ago

All three stacks x1 time a day

Stack # 1
Plasma Light
Plasma Mitochondria
Plasma 1

Stack # 2
Plasma Light
Plasma Mitochondria
Plasma 2

Stack # 3
Plasma Light
Plasma Mitochondria
Plasma 3

I meant, for how many days would I need to do it? Thanks for the stacks!

I don’t know, it depends on the person
My wife has been listening to them for more than 2 months, but she has rarely managed to play them all on the same day; maybe it takes a lot less, if you listen to all three stacks every day


Hi i’m alive. I think the implications are self-explanatory there