Vaccination MegaThread


What do you folks think of adding this to the suggested fields list?

I figure it might keep the immune system from overreacting while it’s doing its thing. I have an autoimmune disease so I figure this can’t hurt. :Ic


More and more people talking about having health problems after being around people who got this experimental therapy.


EXTERMINATION machine unmasked: Why vaccinated people are making HEALTHY people sick, Pfizer document admits vaccinated people “shed” infectious particles, the spike protein is the bioweapon

Now, is how to reverse this? I guess that the same fields above can help.

There are “vaccinated” people unaware, ignoring or simply not believing in the spreading of infectious particles. I had to avoid and micromanage all of this lately. How can this end well?


Yes, very worthwhile to add to the list.

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BoL is definitely doing something: after I spammed it yesterday, not only did I start feeling an ache at the spot in my arm where I got the Pfizer shot, but I also started feeling the same ache in the same spot on my other arm where I’ve gotten shots in the past.


Thanks for this sharing, please update as it is very interesting and can be useful to many people.


Biolife Plasma?..on Gumroad or patreon?

And yes …everyone is OM

Yes…it’s clearly states that it keeps the cytokine production under control…n checks inflammation

This link ain’t opening. What was it about?

Had my second Pfizer jab yesterday and my parents are dumbfounded that I’m having absolutely no side effects (both of them were knocked out for two days)


You’ve listened Blueprint
or Plasma Light + Plasma Mitochondria + Plasma Protocol?

All 4 of them, plus Exorcism 2.0 every night and sometimes M-State Gold. Also, I played the Plasma Drink during the actual shot.


? ?

It’s in my sleep playlist @Fender_Cad

Yes, I know it, but why did you use it for vaccination?

A recommendation in this thread


Ok, thanks

Blue print of life ,for sure and some full body detox

Hello everyone,

I am researching about what is mRNA vaccine.

MRNA vaccines teach our cells how to make a viral protein that triggers an immune response inside our bodies. Our immune system reacts to the proteins and builds up immunity to the disease.

Just curious, has anyone done research on why we think mRNA will be harmful to you rather than helping you? Vaccine exists for awhile, like small pox, etc, but what makes this covid mRNA stand out? Is it simply because it has a short research period and that’s why people don’t trust it?

And for some conspiracy theories, some said you would be infertility, microchip into the body, the vaccine is the virus…

I don’t like chemcials in any vaccine, so I want to avoid it, until it becomes mandatory.

Has anyone had deeper understanding about how mRNA affect or harm us? I have trouble to find this info online and I don’t understand why people are so firm about the negativity of the vaccine. This topic is info exchange, not to start commenting or arguing each other point of view. Thanks.