Vaccination MegaThread

nice research

Same bro…I’ve also taken all vaccines. In fact there are thousand diseases in the world and I’ve taken vaccines for all of them…I got holes all over my body now but it’s worth it tho! People are crazy to believe stupid theories and we should believe in our government… everything comes at a price so a little side effects shouldn’t hurt isn’t it? Better be safe than sorry :woozy_face:🤦08-26-39-images


You just made a fool of yourself… you just don’t know it yet
Keep reading the thread :+1:

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It’s a joke man chill


lol, sorry, last time I got insulted months after I posted something
Dude didn’t even understand


Got a question about the corona tests.
Some “myths” floating around that they have already something on them that’s harmful and that sticks on the mucous and stays there until the body renews it.
Did anybody feel something weird when they took the test?


Okkk I’m willing to buy into things up to a point but there is a limit :sweat_smile:


Dunno with these tactics you could get even the ones who don’t want to get the vaccine :eyes:. Would also explain why they want the tests so hard although they are not really accurate.

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i don`t know cause i don’t make them haha. but there are nano things available for many years. your guess is as good as mine

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That’s what they are saying since the 5G networks started being installed in larger areas right after the first lockdown. That the chips in the vaccine connect your body to the network for tracking you and monitoring your health.

Whether this chip being in the vaccines is true or not remain to be discovered. But eventually this chip will be coming in our lifetime.

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Nope if you playing The Plasma Flower

Type Astra Ze Neca in Latin

It literally means ‘kill the stars(seeds’)


Astra is Latin but ze neca / zeneca is not? The language changes to Romanian from Latin there but I think that’s also not a good translation (I mean not a proper expression in Romanian)

Also the company is the result of the merger of a Swedish (astra) and British (zeneca) company.

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You see, it changes to Romanian on your screenshot as well, and some words make sense, some don’t, that’s why it couldn’t translate all.




  1. second-person singular present active imperative of necō
  2. “kill thou, murder thou”
  3. (figuratively) “thwart thou, check thou”
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It was giving a Latin translation. It only recommended Romanian.

If you’ve heard of some people with like a german accent will say “ze” as “the”.

Alright guys, I’m at the point of no return. I’m locked in for my first Pfizer shot on Saturday. But don’t worry, I’m still taking precautions. I’ll be listening to a ton of audios afterwards and leading up to the second shot. They’ll include Full-body detox, Plasma light, Quadible Integrity’s vaccine audio, Spirituality Zone’s vaccine audio (will be released next saturday but I’ll still have it before the second shot), and Maitreya’s DNA audio


For the case you forgot I’d include plasma charged mitochondria, the plasma bath, the plasma drink charger (for body and water) hmm… maybe the angelic vibration from dreamseeds? who knows whats inside that could get burned up from this vibration. Crucible could be great too