Vaccination MegaThread

Yes even this is an abnormal immune response

Spoke with my GP the neurologist report thinks it’s hyper vigilant nerves they don’t seem to think it’s nerve damage
But they will still run an mri and nerve conduction test to be on the safe side

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End shielding n protection…n radiation removal post that…session …

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But then my blood work would’ve shown up inflammation markets and they were normal - I do take curcurnin regularly
I have to wait until Thursday gp will call me to see if my symptoms have improved or not.
Going for bio resonance therapy on Wednesday hoping that will help remove some and balance my body

OK fingers crossed that you’ll find relief soon. I still think the auto-immune reversal field is worth a shot if all else fails. Your blood work will have looked for only a handful of specific autoantibodies, there are hundreds of others that don’t show up on routine tests, particularly :-


I’m so worried. That sounds won’t trigger an immune response from the p.fizer will it?

Listening now :pray:t3:

Have you tried medical medium? He deals with a whole host of inflammation conditions through diet and supplements
I try and have gluten free as much as I can because I have muscular dystrophy
I avoid sugar as much as I can too…, juice regularly and try not have as much dairy only in my morning tea

I really don’t know to be honest but it sounds to me like your immune system is over-reacting to the spikes that your body is creating, so I’m hopeful that the AIR field will calm down that response in line with what most people experience after the first jab. The ivermectin field will stop the spikes from binding to your cells and the glutathione field should then be able to neutralise and remove them. And hopefully in a few months your body will stop producing the spikes.

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So frustrating trying everything the ai didn’t help much
I’ll listen to the glutathione field once more. Ivermectin didn’t really help I found it made the prickly feeling more

I have fennel tea daily tgis is supposed to stop the spikes apparently :cry:

I also have dandelion, nettle, neem combined was taking prior to the jab. Maybe it’s trying to bind to me but not having much luck
Need a mystic to scan my body to see what’s going on or just remove the thing out of my body :sob::sob::sob:

Yes, a very long time ago, before he became popular I had a private session with him. him= “the medical medium.”
IDk if u can still book a session with him

That was close to 20 yrs ago, I think. I was a lot healthier then, compared to how I am now. But I am 20 yrs. older now. Age happens, life happens and sh*t happens too.

BTW Ive found that dried stinging nettle in capsule form is a good anti-histamine. It just doesnt seem to last very long, unfortunately.


He’s amazing I watch his live streams on Instagram very entertaining
Wow you’re so lucky to have had a session with him

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Ive been gluten free, sugar free, low histamine, low carb diet for years now.

That’s brilliant, does the low histamine diet help?
There’s also the AIP I think it’s similar to the low histamine diet

Well, after a while u eliminate so many foods and drink.

Sometimes I feel like a panda, they will probably go extinct because they only eat bamboo. It makes life less pleasurable. However less inflammation.

I forgot the name of that gal (Yasmina) that has that website where she has cookbooks and such for low histamine diet/eating. There is also something like histamine that can be high, and cause trouble, but I forget its name. Then there are people who get triggered by things, I dont get triggered by, (and visa versa) so its individual. She says after a while, u can start testing yourself with small amounts, to see how u react. I think u may after a while become more “normalized”

So far eliminating wheat and sugar made the most drastic difference. That was many years ago. The sugar got eliminated about 30 yrs ago. The wheat about 20 yrs ago.

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You get used to it eventually I don’t miss sugar that much
I’ll check out her cookbook thank you, my brother gets hayfever pretty bad so it may help him.

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If he has hayfever, he should try eliminating the Nightshade group of vegetable. IE: Tomatoes, eggplant, white potatoes (other potatoes OK), bell peppers etc.

And no chamomile tea.

He needs to do some research with reliable sources…


Wow that’s pretty much everything we eat :grimacing::sob::rofl::rofl: