Vaccination MegaThread

We can ignore the hundreds of post before and pretend that one of us is saying something fresh or….

I wish you good and hope you have fun


Come on Man, both of us know that no one will read all of those posts above. And Best wishes to You aswell

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You want my opinion

I get it, people don’t want to lose whatever freedom they think they had. Not even real.

They are going to insist on their moral that it’s not 100% effective, 100% safe.

Guess what nothing is, planes are not 100% safe, microwave or phones either !

A lot of people don’t have so much of the problem with covid vaccines as with vaccines themselves.

But it’s the best solution we have. Hundreds of millions even billions of people are concerned. Sure a few of them have problems. Even if 500,000 people died of the vaccine the day it was given, it would still be worth it, because many times more die of covid. And you know it’s not even close to 500.000 and most have non life threatening side effects.

Don’t try to pretend that letting the disease spread is better. Unvaccinated people are the ones that spread covid now. There’s no debate around it.

Sure, some vaccinated do, but it’s ridicule to compare. That’s dishonest.

You want to focus on that ok, but don’t pretend that the covid itself without measure is better.

The hospitals are full, it’s about capabilities not the number of death itself. We burn money and fckers like me are going into their 4th 5th lockdown. No income again.

Inflation is coming, do you have any idea what hyperinflation is ?

Statistically it’s better even if it’s not perfect. You don’t want to get it, want to live with teletubies fine.

Few people dying, few people losing their jobs… nobody cares. We have billions of people and a fragile system on the brink. Still lucky we haven’t been drafted for the Great War.

A few reasons from the top of my head, sure could find more but :man_shrugging:

Pragmatism you know
Plus you guys are covered :unamused:


Guys I took this because I’m vulnerable I have muscular dystrophy! The side effects I’m suffering are worse than the muscular dystrophy
I’m getting admitted tomorrow. I have been suffering nearly 4 weeks now


I just wish there was a field to reverse this code of the jab


Part of the resistance comes from not knowing what’s in it and lack of long term effects.

A bigger part for me is resisting this disgusting, totalitarian, division that they are bringing upon people. This is the new world order based on fear (yes, there is one based on love). If you want to take it, fine but taking away basic rights for not wanting to? Fucking gross.


Have you tried Fa Jin Gong Healing ? I have used this field to purge food that I wasn’t supposed to eat as the food gave me nerve, muscle and joint pain.

When the field was playing, I made an intention and asked the energy to get rid of that food from my body, and in a few hours the food was really being purged + I was feeling pain free soon after.



Connor Let things be
Future will tell
No need to make anti covid vaccine a personality trait



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I lose braincells every time I look through this thread


That has a time and place but taking action for or against something is sometimes necessary.

What action are you taking I wonder ?
Care to share ?

This one got me intrigued


Resisting the jab.

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Best action is to focus on self as we all made this system together be it this present life or a past one. so working on self to change it
also, sending gif, isn’t gonna help anyone


Does every interaction/ reply have to be helping someone?

This thread is for focusing on vaccines. If you don’t want to focus on it then go to another thread.

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Alright then good luck in your gif fight :boom: !


Did you ignore what I said above? “Does every interaction/reply have to be helping someone?”Gifs are a way to express emotions, I’m sorry if that’s not allowed.