Vaccination MegaThread

I never thought the FDA wears a halo.

I am aware of this info already, but thanks.

Daily reminder that we should not let it turn into “vaccinated vs unvaccinated”, whichever “side” you are. :slightly_smiling_face:


Seriously can’t even trust these drug makers for some of the most basic things, now again reports of contamination this time for Moderna, previously J&J already had a few cases of contamination.


When she feels up to it, suggest she join the Covid Vaccine Long Haulers FB group if she’s on FB. They have a lot of suggestions there on what to do to detox from the vaccine.

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The whole Ivermectin thing is really weird and makes me question the narrative even more. It’s been known to work against viruses long before CV. It prevents the spike protein from binding to the cell wall. I see people using it successfully in both my Lyme and Covid Facebook groups. There are like 60 studies that show it works but they aren’t large studies and I don’t think they plan on doing another large study (the only large one was found to have flaws and was pulled). I’ve told my dad I would take it to avoid taking a vaccine and he played a news clip that totally skewed the narrative (of course). I went to my Lyme doctor and asked her about it and she said she doesn’t prescribe it but knows other Lyme doctors are. People say it’s not approved because there’s no money in it so no push to approve it for Covid but can’t they just increase the price? One country has approved it for CV so who knows?! People are taking the horse paste and having ill effects probably from the wrong dosing, because they can get it easily when they’re doctor won’t prescribe it but you can go online and get a doctor to prescribe it for a $60 visit fee and cost of the med.



Wow. Thank you. This would help others on the forum too. Grateful.:pray::heart:

Australia used it in combination with doxycycline as a preventive and it helped.
India also used it.
However, suddenly the narrative was changed by the docs Nd tbey started speaking against ivermectin…that it is of no use…and so the story spread…followed by CV


Of course but of course, recommend limit viewing all the bad stuff too much because that doesn’t help for healing and can spin out of control easily.

Has anyone thought about this? That the main point of everything happening right now isn’t about the left or the right, vaccine or no vaccine but the greater impact of us questioning everything? What if the ascension we are going through is simply because we are questioning the narrative, the systems and structures themselves? That instead of being in fear of covid OR the vaccine, we recognize our own innate powers that can transmute anything based on our own beliefs and energy around it? The spiritual community seems to be dominated with the narrative of a spiritual war, light and dark, etc. and the vaccine being a threat against our sovereignty and i get it. I don’t like the idea of it either, nor the narrative, nor the forcefulness with which the world governments are pushing this as our only option…but, what if…this is all happening to get us to question what we’ve been told and then stand in our power…for some maybe it’s not taking the vaccine but for others maybe it’s recognizing that we have the ability to determine our reality based on our beliefs? I mean all of this is just making more division and isn’t that what we’re trying to move away from? Kryon talks about some of this and I like his messaging. and Abraham Hicks also answered a question about the vaccine. Apparently Esther took it and AH’s message was it’s not about taking it or not but how you resonate with it. If you don’t take it and have internal conflict about not taking it then you’re attracting less than desirable outcomes into your reality and the same goes for taking it. I mean if half of the world is afraid of it, isn’t that a surefire way to create a horrible outcome vs. being empowered and imagining it as a positive thing? I mean, I know that seems to infer that no change will be made unless there’s a mass revolt but…the change, at least from I know, is internal. Those internal changes that empower us no matter what the external environment is. IDK, I just worry that we (the collective) could be creating the exact reality we don’t want, whether it’s fear around covid or fear that the elite are trying to depopulate the planet and using the vaccine to do so. Neither one is something I want TBH.

Edit: Also, Reality Transurfing and pendulums is an interesting topic related to this whole experience.



both vaccinated and un-vaccinated need to put effort in finding common ground.

we can still live peacefully together, but right now i see both sides making the other the villain.

i’m annoyed because ideally we’re all equal, but some treat others as lesser than or more than. thankfully it gets easier to recognize the more it is echoed.


They have been given 2 weeks to disclose the ingredients to FDA.
Lets see if we get names like graphene oxide, then surely someone outsmarted these crooks . Lets see what happens.

Japan has reported the presence of ‘foregn materials’ in Moderna

On a happier note,


Right. We definitely are living in crazy times and taking a long time to learn the lesson. But for people okay with the vaccine, their side is backed by the majority and mainstream. Kryon talks about reality AS consciousness. I know we can’t remove polarity since why what we’re here to experience, at least for now, but if everything is consciousness that each of us should be focusing on ONLY what we want or what keeps our frequency high - and not contributing to the lower lever frequencies, which is different for each person.


You got me excited but when I just looked into it they didn’t approve it. It’s just another doctor recommending approval for covid. :unamused:

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What’s AS stand for?

if everyone does what they like and follows their truth without forcing their beliefs and opinions on others, life as we know it will flow so much smoother.

a gentle reminder that this starts with yourself. if you wait on someone else to change, you’ll be waiting a long time.


I 100% agree. I was just capitalizing the word “as” Instead of consciousness being one part of the quantum soup, it is the quantum soup itself.


thank you for the resources! i appreciate that the first link has links to its source.

interesting that pfizer is Emergency Use Authorization and that it is experimental under US law so we can legally say no to taking it.

Would it be a good idea to listen to the immune system supercharger a couple of hours after getting your shot?

It certainly wouldnt harm you. I would also recommend to listen to the blood clot dissolver.

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