Vaccination MegaThread

Every field and nft has its uniqueness
Eternal NFT is actually great


True true. I’m seriously considering eternal but it’s quiet expensive :sweat_smile: almost 900 in Cad


really! can slowly consider😅


Me too :sweat_smile: - I just don’t have the money, yet.
Someday Though, IMMORTALITY - Nice to meet you…


:partying_face: :beers:


I just realized this, the part I got vaccinated specifically my arm. My whole arm is okay just that one spot I got the jab hurts to touch. Doesn’t make me yelp or anything just hurts. Is it possible the vaccine contents are still stuck in my muscles after tons of detox? Or is it like a muscle to nerve damage according to google?

My niece also hurts where the needle was inserted, so keep listening to the field, I think it will take time

For me it’s been 1.5 years I’m just confused how it can still hurt :sweat_smile:. I think DrVirtual7 blood cellular health made it pulse at that spot for a split second or two same as some other of dreams field but not for a long time enough for me to know there is doing some fixing. I’m thinking maybe I’m not able to fully detox the vaccine yet because the contents are stuck in my muscle. Confused :sweat_smile:. I hope it gets better but plasma flaunt doesn’t seem to be helping on this part as well.

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Maybe try a nanobot DrVirtual7 or a captain’s blood purifier


Captains yup that’s why dream has stroke prevention field :grin:


I had this exact experience and it lasted about a month. That one was my second shot (it was biontech, I think mRNA). My first shot was jannssen (the one where they said it only requires one shot, but changed the rule shortly after lol)

I technically didn’t have to take them also. I took them for ease of travel at that time


Do you arms not hurt anymore try like pinching and massaging and see if you still have pain?

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I just did for both arms to compare and they feel same. The shots were in the left arm btw

It’s not new information, but it Mr. Campbell did have a nice example of how low the quality is in modern scientific research papers lol

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Well yes of course to hide the fact about the dangers of the vaccine :laughing:. Brutal man brutal world.


Conspiracy actually means “breathing together” (con - spiration). Which can happen when people collude in small groups to do things —which has basically gone on in all levels of human activity since the dawn of civilization lol.

It’s good to avoid extremes, though. These days. the theories about conspiracies don’t involve any secret information. They involve research papers, government directives, patents, and occurrences that are now visible to the naked eye.

Ultimate causes can be debated, but it is a manifest fact that quite a few things are not as they have been and are not as they should be.


Conspiracy from
a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.

I said conspiracy means truth in hind sight as in a way. That nowadays that’s seems to be how the world flows not as a direct definition. But I’m deleting my post I feel like I know this Matt guy.

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I’m probably done arguing with people or posting stuff deemed as conspiracy don’t want to be targeted :rofl::rofl::rofl:. Mind my nuisance I’m for the vaccine and all the way for the vaccine. :joy::joy:. Jokes intended. But yeah you are right. Nowadays it’s just blindly open in sight backed up by research papers and etc. It’s a good topic to discuss about though lets us be more aware of possible solutions to avoid disaster.

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I think you are reading too much into it

All these “conspiracies“ about the potential side effects of the vaccine have come out more and less to be true. And the vaccine was definitely not as effective as they promised/said. Lots of lies came out.

People dont have these theories to empower themselves or their ego, but to protect themselves.