Vaccination MegaThread

Well of course, you basically neglected hundreds of research papers against the vaccines. Thousands of people suffering from side effects. Millions of people who died and billions of families that suffered mentally and physically. The word “conspiracy” is really used to denounce the globalist agenda. True some conspiracies are fake and some conspiracies are true. Knowledge is power as well. I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s ego when information seems to be getting burried up and facts seem to be in blind sight. By all means you can listen to the lying news media. That’s not my problem. That’s completely up to you. I have no problemo. I have no problem with anything tbh. Whatever floats your boat you do it. I don’t care. You can say whatever you want doesn’t really matter to me. I’ll live my own life deciding and discussing things I want.


Oh now I get you, I agree somewhat

Thats what most people did I think, at least I did. I stayed away from news around covid and the vaccine or general bad stuff thats without my reach of control.

But you have to keep in mind that most unvaccinated people faced discrimination and in some places exclusion from society lol.

That was pretty hard to ignore. And it feels good to find likeminded people on the internet whom one can talk and vent about the whole scenario.


Care to explain?


Ah yes, I asked a friend as well, and my understanding of far-right in Germany was highly different from the US perspective.

I understand what you mean

I see what you mean, you just want to get rid of all the notion about the vaccines being bad? Well, here is the thing I gave you a liberal news source to prove that even the liberal news source agrees with my points so it’s not a conspiracy anymore. I can find much much much evidence base on the far right sources against the vaccines. I only gave Elon musk as an example because he is a significant public figure.

It’s true though at some point it is fear mongering. It does mess with our mental states but I think something really important to recognize is that if you already have been vaccine injured you really cannot denounce the fact vaccines are bad. Once you have been injured it’s even harder to get into higher states. Because our body is connected to our souls. I think what really broke apart families and tore apart families is the vaccine itself. If it never existed we would have all been free and not caring. But if you think the vaccine is so safe I dare you to take 10 boosters. :laughing: don’t actually do that cause you might get hurt :smirk: but just saying if you think they are so safe and they do more good than harm. I dare you. :wink:

The peak he’s talking about is around 12,000 higher than the earlier years—this would be after immunity from natural exposure to covid and presumably after immunity from the vaccines… if they conferred any. Covid itself is around 18,000 higher than the earlier years.

So… with optimal conditions, we have an increase that is still 2/3 of the amount that freaked everyone out when covid was at it’s worst.

I’m not a statistician, and these are ad-hoc comparisons. But, to me, indicates that either covid didn’t matter, or the peaks cited are fairly significant. --And this is all after Covid picked off the weakest people in the population

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Another thing is
People here aren’t strictly anti - or pro-vaxx. If anything they’re more likely pro. Captain and Sammy themselves have had multiple shots I believe. Hence there are many threads here to counter the side effects of vaccines that are apparently very real (I know friends of friends here who are out for months due to “long-covid” and presumably side effects from various vaccines. There isn’t enough data yet, it seems.

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I hope this is satire :joy:

Edit: It definitely is lol

I would be absolutely shocked if that’s true.

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The spike issue is an interesting point. My guess is that the uptake in the Covid boosters is clustered around the release date, as the the highly motivated and those subject to industry or regulatory mandates are the largest block of recipients these days. I didn’t watch the video, but I think this lines up with your objection. I could be wrong about that.

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:rofl: :rofl:

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The best defense ever lol


Indeed! In my country many people suddenly and inexplicably fell to the ground

Disclaimer: I am not necessarily opposed to vaccines. For many chronically ill people, vaccination really needs to be considered :slightly_smiling_face:

The difference between conspiracy theory and the truth for awhile was about 6 months. It’s becoming shorter and shorter. Never forget though that the ones running this shit show knew the shots were “faulty” from the beginning. They’re going to use the backlash from the outrage do the great-reseting for them, it seems. Everything is done for a reason, there are no mistakes, and even when things seem sloppy it’s done that way on purpose. By whom, for what? That’s much harder to say.


yes! I have followed these information :slightly_smiling_face:


please remember whether you are for or against the vaccine, whether you think one is a conspiracy theory or the absolute truth - when all is said and done, all of us just wanna be healthy, safe and free. And thats independent from any current viewpoint or perspective. So remember you dont need to be hell-bent on winning an argument, as that is the ego’s domain


When he stood up I was like “Oh that´s gonna be a good one”.

And he delivered.

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