Vaccination MegaThread

Its also funny how you mention mickey mouse. Considering it was always meant to represent Wicked by Disney.

Brother, how are you feeling? @Gnosticmedic27

Are you feeling better?

@Edmund those skeptical of the Covid vaccine won the day. Very few people are taking the boosters. Relitigating the arguments of from years ago doesn’t change anyone’s opinions—it hardens them.

It might be useful to deconstruct the PR/Propaganda campaigns, the failure (removal) of protocols that should have kept those shots and the from seeing the light of day, the failure of to weigh lockdowns on traditional cost/benefit analysis that’s still playing itself out it terms of wealth destruction and impaired childhood development. It wasn’t all about stock prices. Most of those failures probably originated with people trying to do the right(ish) thing—prevent deaths from a novel airborne virus. It’s impossible to stop such a spread, but something caused doctors to forget that. And to the extent that the vaccines were/are dangerous (I’m not doubting they have risks—serious risks and uncertain benefits) and the lockdowns created huge problems, a lot of doctors (the vast majority) took the vaccines and abided by the lockdowns. They weren’t trying to help Pfizer, maim people or depopulate the planet. They weren’t/aren’t stupid, but their minds were captured in a way that only the pursuit of good can manage to do. Yes, there was suppression of reports of side effects and trial results, but the rationale for that suppression is that they believed Covid was worse and that people needed to be vaccinated to stop it.

To repeat they weren’t stupid. In fact, the experts had to be fairly bright to make these mistakes. And the simple fact is that most people don’t have the time or the means to doubt experts. Doctors don’t and neither do most patients or the general population.

We need a high trust, high verify society to prevent a reoccurrence. Only by re-installing the devil’s advocate position in science, journalism, and public policy can we achieve this. Stay positive and focused on that mission.


Keyword: believed. interesting how “trusting/following the science” wasn’t applied at the most appropriate places

Well, once a decision is made and policy is rolled out, there’s no turning back.Legitimacy is at stake. World War I was a catastrophe and people knowing that couldn’t stop it. Scientists are no better than generals and pharmaceutical companies are not that different from defense contractors. People and organizations don’t like to admit mistakes. “Science ” or “medicine” are not exempt from that, but, but, in theory and often in practice, they do self-correct given enough time.

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Aparantly you are not aware of the millions of deaths from those vaccines. And it baffels me, because its right infront of you. Many did not try to maim or kill people, yet in their ignorance they did. Uncertain benefits? I highly doubt injecting yourself with graphene oxide, snake venom and DNA alteration, has any benefits. And we do know for certain that not any vaccine given for covid has protected anyone from a viral infection.

Yes snake venom. It’s proven beyond a shadow of a doubt there is atleast 20+ different snake venom peptides in those vaccines. That is also how they cut the DNA to insert the mrna to produce the spike protein. (Wich is highly toxic). And proven to not protect against any viral infection. It dosent matter if your organs are full of spike proteins when it’s your lungs that get infected.

I’m aware of the points you are making and the disturbing facts about the MRNA vaccines. My point is about persuasion. You believe X. Others believe Y. You want to change their beliefs. A frontal assault that is too blunt doesn’t help. Assuming good faith on the part of those responsible isn’t naive; it’s a useful way to understand how the people who carried out the program sold it to themselves first.

There are countries with an almost 90% vaccination rate with the Covid MRNA shots. It’s going to be a difficult process for the populations of those countries to come to terms with the net harm of the vaccines, but they will, though it will be in ways that won’t be satisfying for those who paid a social price for opposing the vaccines or a physical cost in terms of a side effects. But if you want to play a role in picking up the pieces and not having a broken society, a certain amount charitable interpretation of people’s actions and motives is necessary.

Actually the lives lost, along with other adverse effects of those associated policies are at what’s really at stake.

The fact that there are people who see pro clot shot policymakers as “legitimate” is what’s truly frightening.

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Have you read The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert Kennedy Jr.?

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I find it very naive to assume good faith when it is so obviously done in bad faith. They have said it a thousand times over, through their media, books, and politicians. That is their dark magic, telling the masses they intend to depopulate the planet, only to not be believed. But let’s not argue on semantics.

By “Legitimacy is at stake” I’m addressing the behavioral of bureaucracies and professionals (and ordinary people) tendency to censor, self-censor, and ultimately resolve cognitive dissonance in tragic ways that are tragic. Thus the World War I reference.

“Assuming good faith” I should have added for argumentative and analytical purposes because my point is that most people most of the time presume they are actions are justified, even advancing a greater good. That’s how we think. So if you want to understand how a large group of people made an error that’s where you start. Now did some people have some high level knowledge of the harms and push through anyways. I suspect there were, but I’m pretty sure most of them believe they did so for their version of the greater good.

When i say acting in bad faith i mean the illumedonkey bloodlines, the luciferians. And those who push that agenda. Maybe we are talking about different things. I dont realy care for the doctors with 6 years medical school, who couldent look trough the most obvious hoax since 9/11.

I can’t speak to the Illuminati and Lucifereans. I know the argument, but it’s beyond my ken analyze it.

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Hello everyone, I just want to ask for opinion for the unvaccinated. I refused to vaccinate and I lost my job at last. I have been off work for 15 months and saving has dried up now, so I have to return to the society to work again.

It seems like covid still exists, as news continues to say there are new mutation and there are more people caught the new virus. I don’t know what will be the long term effect of having covid infection (my understanding is this virus will mutate your DNA, permanently destroyed your immune system. My sister caught once, and caught a few more times within the following months…meaning she is getting weaker).

How do you (the unvaccinated) handle the situation? I am thinking to wear a mask if I have to work in the office, but breathing in your exhale is not a healthy thing for long term. Remote job only has call center or data entry opinion. Any suggestions of what you do, or how you can avoid the covid without vax?

Ps: a child in USA is typically had up to 40 shots before 18 years old (if I remembered corrextly)

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I haven’t been vaccinated either, but it’s been so long since the epidemic. Does the country where you live still require a vaccination certificate to job?

I think you don’t need to worry, you just need to take basic protection. Generally speaking, your body’s immunity can resist the virus and the captain field.



Thanks for your reply. Canada is not mandatory to vax or mask in public now. My point is that covid still exists. And people who got caught seem to have immune system issues and catch covid again easily

My understanding is that the virus changes the human DNA permanently.

This is why I want to know how to unvaccinated people stay at a public area and avoid catching the covid?

I can run sapien covid silent field non stop, but that will exhaust my energy body very quickly…

I think the simplest thing you can do (and all of us) to prevent is to maintain a healthy lifestyle (good nutrition, good sleep, little stress and moderate exercise). Also nourish your system with jing and chi will make you more robust both physically and in your aura. Also grounding and practicing qi gong is a very valuable extra.

Many diseases first attach to your aura and then to your body. but if your aura is strong it will not be able to affect you or at least you will have an additional defense.



Just my experience and thoughts and not medical advice.

For what it’s worth, I never took the Covid Vaccine and I didn’t experience a severe case of It. I did play the various antivirus audios whenever I felt something—anything—in the offing. But there’s a good chance I (and you and most other people who “avoided”) had an asymptotic or low symptomatic episode. I have played the long haul audio, and I have felt sensations with it, but in my everyday life, I’ve never thought I was suffering from long Covid.

As a general rule, it’s hard to duck a respiratory virus, especially if you live in an urban/suburban area.

The Covid vaccine didn’t do much in the way stopping transmission, though social distancing/masking probably did some—mainly because it stopped people from talking, coughing , and sneezing so much, but this just forced the virus(es) to mutate and arguably slowed down herd immunity.

The good news for you is that the unvaccinated are probably doing better with reinfections (do a deep dive on IgG4 antibodies).


There are no such thing as physical viruses, it’s protein shedding that signals to other bodies to begin the detox process. Viruses are mental/etheric. They’re transmitted energetically. Masks only work in the mind, and make you sicker in every other way. Possession/infection are very similar. The injected are the ones who get sick most often most severely, and your DNA expression is always changing based on your mental/emotional states. It can’t be changed permanently unless you allow it to be, it self-corrects (think distributed ledger. The body eats up bad records, replicates consensus matching ones. That’s why they have to change the consensus of the body through repeated gene therapies, changing the DNA. It’s your choice, can’t happen by accident, unless your spiderman, I guess.)

Forgive my hurried writing.

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@igem Thank you. Yes, fear will make things worse, but the question is, it seems like the current covid is not as ‘mild’ as i observe. Some of my past coworkers caught covid, got depression, or serious permanent hair loss, some lost smell sensation for almost 3 weeks…So, this is why i become cautious for the possible consequence of not protecting myself in advance

@Jay Thank you. I haven’t thought about the jing, chi and aura part. I will do aura cleansing weekly!

@Replay Thank you. Yes, it is hard to avoid a respiratory virus because none of us can stop breathing and remain alive, so this virus is a ‘whole population’ participation. I just feel that nowadays, people just don’t worry the covid too much, but what i see is that catching covid does have consequence, depending what is your current immune system status…One of my past coworkers constantly caught covid, until depression occurred. Another person, got cancer even she eat healthy and did exercise,

@Niezdeyhyuke Thank you. This is a very new perspective to me, as i never thought virus is mental/etheric. I always thought it is physical because we need physical medicine to kill it. But well, i am not a chemist so i have no idea how does drug makes people recover, but i don’t trust western medicine completely. I thought the vaccine MRNA changes/destroys the DNA pernamently, as it is rumored that the vax contains AIDs, which destroys your immune system in a matter of time (faucci is famous on using AIDs to make money, based on some records i come across). Talking about this, i remembered Sapien has a DNA repair track Maybe you have a good point. Very fresh view. Thanks for sharing.

So conclusion is, just live as normal, no vax, no mask, and if got covid infection, it will not be a huge sickness to a point of death or serious injury like what we see in news.