Vaccination MegaThread

Whoa… and which year is V from? Is it the original from the 80s? Or maybe they made a remake recently…?

I know this is not related but I’m just passing by to drop some love for everyone who was jabbed and/or had covid and long haul symptoms.
This is your reminder that you will heal because your body is a miracle in every way and it knows, intrinsically and at a cellular level,what it’s like to be healthy and whole again.
I promise you,you will run and dance and laugh again before the year is over and all this fear and doubt-will be replaced with love and faith and confidence. You are a miracle and God’s greatest creation.:heartpulse: sending health

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No, it was the newer one. The first season of it. I never finished it because it sucked, but there was plenty of “disclosure” in it, if you’re into that kind of thing.

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I just want to say I love you. I just found out my mom’s friend doesnt want to mert her because my mom didnt get the shots, and i am SO tired of having to explain about things like the Japanese bioavailability study… the aspiration of the syringes… the EUA… how these things are NOT vaccines… etc etc.

So nice to meet a kindred spirit on here. I was so bummed when i saw people on here taking these shots. Im a doctor and now, not even one doctor i know says I’m wrong. They all agree - but a little too fucking late, right?!

Kim Iversen did a great bit on Rumble about the Danish researchers talking about how much placebo was given. Which is why people didn’t automatically die. And i saw that that researcher was on Dr Drew yesterday too.

Dr Drew:


Big hugs to you. I really mean it. Im so fucking tired of the masses who cant see through the most blatant psychological operation of our lifetime.

ETA: Absolutely no shade on those folks who took it in good faith :heart: We all need a red pill moment. But i am angry at people who still aren’t curious as to the strange increase in sudden deaths, neurological problems, heart damage, infertility, turbo cancers, autoimmune disorders, etc.


Great to have you here! I’m glad you didn’t get swept away in the sea of conformity. Nothing but respect that you were able to stand up to the blatant lies and continue searching for truth and health.

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  1. A brilliant article by the brilliant Whitney Webb on the many failures of Moderna before it hit the gravy train with the EUA:
  1. Aaaaaand news today in Sweden says Swedens birth rate is the lowest it has been in over 20 years.

Just. As. We. Predicted.

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Thank you :pray:t3:🥲

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In my country even doctors were powerless. Even now their authority is slipping/has slipped away… the political power has shifted to public health officials and the bio/lab scientists. The problem with that is these people make radical policies but have no real connection to how that’ll impact society.

This paper discusses a spike protein detox regime.

Not medical advice. Just my opinion.

This is a PSA. See post above b/c of link below.

Please use the relevant fields and supplements. This article is bad news. It’s likely to be followed by a flood of other articles. You can still believe in the Science while acknowledging a flawed manufacturing process may have put you at risk. There’s no shame in that.


100% recovery is going to be difficult.

This site contains only 1000 peer reviewed articles about covid vaccine side effects. Grouped into only a bit more than 100 different diseases. Seems safe to me. Get your boosters now. :syringe:

Sarcasm aside, I did not check all the linked articles, but from a few checks I saw that these articles comprise all the different covid vaccines, e.g. also the chinese protein vaccine. First I thought it would be only about mRNA vaccines.

Study and draw your own conclusions.

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my friend needs to detox from the v.@.x ive read on here that the blueprint of life audio can help alot with that.

Just like to know if anything else should be noted thanks

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@valor 787

Besides this thread, which I recommend using the search function for, there might be some help here: Vaccine detox fields/restoring health advice


yep, we are the stars(angels) they want to kill the stars

Hello there, Edmund. I see you haven’t been around long. A few things you should be aware of. We all have opinions and beliefs and in the true spirit of this forum we don’t trash each other’s sharings just because we don’t agree. This is not that kind of place. A forum member flagged your post as being offensive, and I agree.

If you really want to open communication with someone, that is not the way to do it. Perhaps there was a way to actually question and determine if some sort of conversation could have been had. Even a debate would have worked. But not name-calling and attempts at shaming for having an opinion that was not your own.


What do you think you’re doing? Why are you responding to posts from years ago and then calling them a fucking idiot? In what world do you think that’s the kind of discourse we allow here?

His opinion is his opinion. You want to disagree, go ahead and do so. But do so respectfully.

But to respond with that level of disrespect in this forum is the last thing I want to see here and just might show that you don’t have the level of maturity to be here. So explain yourself. Why? And maybe if you get a bit of a wake up call, maybe back down from your comment and acknowledge you stepped out of line. Hell, an apology would be even better.

We don’t call people fucking idiots in this forum. Those that do get permanently banned here.


“Send Fredo off to do this; Send Fredo off to do that." “Let Fredo take care of some Mickey Mouse nightclub somewhere.” “Send Fredo to pick somebody up at the airport.” I’m your older brother Mike and I was stepped over !

I can handle things! I’m smart! Not like everybody says… like dumb… I’m smart and I want respect!


Arguing with opinions is the absolute worst form of arguing. And I did the same with my opinion. But given how many people have been permanently hurt or killed by those COVID-19 vaccines, I went a little overboard. To me, it was crystal clear from the first time I heard that they were making COVID-19 vaccines, that it would be used with ill intent.

It’s not a matter of opinions it’s a matter of being able to read data. And the data to me was crystal clear back then and even more clear now. They are flat-out dangerous and maim/kill people.

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