Valhalla Vial (Artemis Series)

I’ve seen all your posts, I will sit down and write a detailed answer

Give me the day :slight_smile:


thank you so much :slight_smile: no rush and no intention for spamming i’m sorry i’m just overthinking and wanting to re-write them before you check them out(but now i’m a clown you saw them all i’m disappearing asap)


You’re not a clown, truth be told, you’re doing good by reminding me a bit. Your odds go up lol


hehe this made me smile, thank you :D

@Dr_Manhattan , would this field help someone with Parkinson’s, specifically to tackle movement related symptoms like frozen feet, dyskinesia (side effect of rising and falling dopamine in the body from medication) and reduction in cognitive abilities and memory?


The Valhalla Vial is crazy. I love it.

Every wiring field feels so much… wider? now. It’s given such a fresh life on things it feels kind-of weird to think that it hasn’t been with us all along. That’s weird to say, but there really feels to be something ‘non-temporal’ about it.

I am absolutely an order or magnitude more fried as a result. I don’t even feel like I’m ‘abusing’ it, but it’s pushing things hard and in unexpected directions.




Lmao 🫡😂


how does it feel to be like this Captain?

I would wonder about it too.

Let’s say Eternal works exactly as may be expected. Thus no aging after even a thousand of years. Let’s say someone keeps spamming all the brain fields for 1k years. Will he still have lots of potential to grow? Aren’t there any fundamental physiological and biological limits? After all, it’s only a finite space in… (unless we integrate it to something outside :) )

It’s believed that human brain wouldn’t be capable of functioning with more than 400 years of memories.


well morphic resonance posits that memory is not stored in the brain, so that wouldn’t be a problem

it could be that the neurocircuits (or whatever is supposed to store memory) actually just holds or facilitates the memories that are transmitted to the brain from the outside and so growth is akin to getting a better cpu or ram or something, it increases it’s capacity to facilitate large amounts of memory at once without overwhelm


I think that reaching such milestone will pose answers to this question naturally, also some quick search yields already interesting results Extending lifespan has mixed effects on learning and memory

Worms with extended lifespan were able to form new long-term memories all their life, but they forgot faster.

Of course these aren’t humans.

Thinking about brain as more of a memory interface (stored not only inside it) is interesting direction too.

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@Dr_Manhattan could this help with Epilepsy?

How has looping this been for ya’ll?
how many loops before overwhelm

As others have mentioned, Vahalla Vial pushes the wiring fields to new levels. I’ve played this for three days, mostly for 4 or 5 loops per session, followed by longer sessions with Elysian Focus, Deus Oculus, and other wiring fields.

In both cases, I gained more in a three days than I had in the week prior. I hadn’t yet plateaued in any sense, but the rate of acceleration was declining. These new gains were NextGen gains on NextGen fields. Today was an early morning Zoom meeting. With no time for the morning stack, I launched straight to work with no coffee, so to speak, but I did have my Vitamin V. Fifteen minutes of VV and then Elysian Focus in the background for a 90-minute meeting. I was on the hot seat to explain a novel regulatory solution with two lawyers, a CEO and a COO of a large concern. Still without my “coffee”— subconconscious limit dissolver, Quasi Crystal, Extreme Confidence, etc.—it was just me, VV, and lots of Elysian Focus, but it didn’t matter because I was in the NextGen Zone. I answered all objections and went through what-if scenarios that actually led to a new set of ideas. I’m usually pretty good in this setting, but I worry about questions from left field. They came but so did a clarity I needed. When my counterparts referenced a form number that I probably hadn’t thought about for over a year, I made the quick connections and kept the conversation flowing. Usually, I leave a meeting, even a good one, with some doubts, but this one felt perfect.

If you have the money, VV and EF can really accelerate your work life. If you are budget restricted, get VV and ProActive Brain and turn PAB, a $35 brain field, into a 2.5 gen field, (I did get a strong boost of sensations with PAB after using VV, so I know some action is happening. I just can’t put myself in the other universe where I exist with VV but without EF to run a comparison experiments, limits of corporeal existence and all that.)


Cool stuff happening also grabbed Valhalla Vial when it came out having fun wiring sadly i am a bit fucked up from covid and still experience immense fatigue(Doctor says will last at leas 2-3 weeks) which messes with everything i do, which is little in the physical sense, but ive been wiring, meditating and gaming a lot.

Defenitely notice the comprehensive upgrade that Valhalla Vial brings to the brain game and am spamming Drops of Memory and Animus Luminis Radiantem the most with elysian focus and whatever i feel like in between when i feel like it.


I’m using White Matter, Brain Key and Kortisudo in this order, is that good? Also can this replace Brain Key or White Matter?


Yes your order is right :ok_hand:

Valhalla can replace Brain Key


Giving more epilepsy, sure. It can help a bit.

I’m not guaranteeing instant epilepsy but if someone rolls on the floor just watching blinking lights. It can increase the likelihood.

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I’m not saying it can’t improve with healing and dopaminergic neurogenesis.

But I’d wait for something else if it is your only concern