Vegetarian problem

You do you but I would never recommend either Keto or Carnivore. I’m a proponent of dietary guidelines that can be sustained for life instead of dietary yo-yo’s, because you will almost certainly bounce back the other way.

Difficult to explain succinctly and I will elaborate if I get to a journal but right now I’m at my daughters soccer game, not paying very good attention apparently.

You get to the point where you have high motivation to change. Generally you are overweight or sick. That’s your current reality. You have a strong motivation to not be sick or overweight so the ideal you is far away. There is tension between your reality and your desired outcome. Your brain naturally wants to resolve that structural tension. You do carnivore or some other extreme diet. You make some progress. The tension is no longer present so You lose motivation. You stop the diet. You slide backwards again, statistically speaking often worse off than before, due to other structural tension models that exist such as, I’m really craving junk food right now and it just so happens I have a ton in my pantry. Makes it easier to resolve that structural tension conflict than the one where you’re only slightly overweight or not so terribly sick anymore.

Diets don’t work.

If you consciously decide to take on the identity of a healthy person, then there are many small, gradual, sustainable changes that can be made for life long health. With identity you can make better decisions every moment of every day. There are additional processes like implementation intentions that can ease the burden of trying to willpower everything.

This all deserves a much, much longer explanation than I can thumb on a phone in ten minutes. More to come I guess…,


Had burger and some chicken today. I felt good. Energy wise is stable. Tomorrow I’m going vegetarian again ( I have to. Hemorrhoid :sweat_smile::joy:) which I hope the problem is not there lol. But I appreciate it. Thanks :)


Also, I’m not telling this is good, this is bad, see what works.
I have tried, IF, OMAD, KETO, fruitarian diet, vegetarian, also water fast about 20-21 days.

I’m planning to give a dedicated focus on Zero carb carnivore in future.
Issue I faced was histamine trouble. Gotta find a solution before I start.
I can assure you, bowel movements gets better.


Also, by experience, if I avoid any craving food for few weeks, then craving completely stops.
3 weeks max. So till then , we gotta have will power.


Highly recommend it too, intermittent fasting. I’m doing it almost every day for the last year or longer and for me personally it’s great. But like scribe mentioned, there’s no one solution that suits everyone


A 16:8 IF seems to me to be closer to the natural evolutionary way we’ve eaten. I’m not totally against that. I will absolutely tell you that eating late at night is a sure means to weight gain. Sumo wrestlers will purposely take in calories toward the end of their waking hours to help put on the weight. So I would tell people to try to get their food in from 8am-4 or 5pm at the latest if they are going to IF. Most people I know who IF seem to forego breakfast and will do a 12-8. You’ll find evidence to support whatever your view is. Pick something and stick with it to give it time to work. If you can’t sustain it, then it’s not the right methodology for you.


Yep. The IBS thing could be food allergies too.

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It’s easier to be salt-deficient on a vegetarian diet. Anytime in the past where I’ve stood up and felt light-headed it was quickly corrected with electrolytes and drinking more water. Could be a simple as that.


→ The Lymphatic Effusion+ may help a lot with this issue.


I’m more of junkie vegetarian/vegan too. I eat salt like crazy lol. Because I have low blood pressure. And it help with that. I think my main reason why because I have very high metabolism. Back then when I’m very active. I can literally eat anything. Without worrying about my weight. But this is when I was preoccupied with school thing. I don’t nowadays. Even then I still loose so much weight by being vegetarian alone without actually do anything really. Not even exercise. To the point I can be look quite malnourished. And all my bones just pop up. Like it’s just concerning lol This is why I love being vegetarian though. Not to much effort to do the exercise.

This is a picture of my thighs when I was vegan back then

Looks llike arms huh. No exercise. This is just me being vegan alone and lazy. I have to. Or else I can just be too thin like just no meat at all in my body.

Rather than eating meat and have to walk at least 5k a day for me to compensate the activities that I don’t do like when I was in school. The majority of time I exercise always inside my home. Like walking over and over again in my house. It’s tiring rather than just eat veggies and lay down! Lol but I have to deal with blood pressure. I think I will just eat fish. To balance that. Or eating meat 3 times a week.

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Maybe this is the problem?
Perhaps more healthy whole foods, and 1-2 servings of legumes every day would help.

Do you have iron deficiency?


I might have that considering the amount of tea I consume a day. Also coffee back then. But I’m trying to drink tea only after one hour after I finish my food. With lot of sugar. It doesn’t make me that weak

I can drink tea like 5-6 cups a day. That alone without coffee sometimes

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this happens with literally everything though? there will always be resistance and ego backlash when trying to change or adapt to a different concept to your already programmed self-concept.

wow, that’s such a bold claim.

Definitely interested in this, im gradually increasing my willpower and it’s been awesome, but it really is a burden trying to willpower change, it’s possible, but it’s one hell of a suffering.

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Yeah I understand but that still does not mean “diets don’t work”.

There are many diets and many diets work well for people, and not well for others.

After all, doesn’t diet mean to restrict yourself from certain foods? that clearly seems to work for people😅

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I been using back my old thor mandala that growing for 2 years. Lately I feel the motivation to do exercise lol!


Can you take blood test or something?

The quality of the food matters more than anything, maybe learn about healthy vegan and not junkie vegan. And just make small changes, and concentrate more on healthy.
You shouldn’t follow a diet that leaves you feeling bad, but sometimes there is a different underlying reason…

I (used to) have a special kind of tiredness where I was extremely tired… and low blood pressure… I was drinking 7-8+ cups of coffee daily and it didn’t help at all and my blood pressure was barely normal even like that, but in the end I was feeling dizzy and sick (obviously).
For me it turned out to be linked to low thyroid function.
It is possible that for you there is also something else in the background that you’re not aware of.


I’m going to eat balance food for now. So a little bit of meat but more veggies and fruits. But mostly will try to stick as vegetarian in general. Idk if that even make sense lol.


How is it going……
@anon25711007 :relaxed:


Hey. Thanks for asking. I’m doing well! Thank you


Wonderful. How is the meat reduction going along…