Very Urgent Have Inquiry About Psychic Attacks/Defences

I have been experiencing psychic attacks for the past few months but recently it has become extreme and I am energetically sensitive and have some psychic abilities so its quite intense. It is disrupting many areas of my life and its becoming more difficult to deal with.

Issues: Intense psychic attacks which include anxiety, depression, Insomnia, Intrusive thoughts, bad dreams, brain fog, fatigue, flu symptoms, involuntary movements or loss of control of motor system. For example the negative entity or attachments I have, they move my body around when I try to sleep; shaking my head, moving my body or banging my body on the pillow so I can’t sleep. They also make many involuntary movements when I try to meditate. When I try to read, watch videos, learn or think about something they suppress my cognitive abilities. They force words out of my mouth and cause strange facial expressions. Psychic attacks started when I started using morphic fields and developing psychic abilities.

  1. Can negative entities block the ability for someone to use connect, communicate and command their morphic field. For example if I have powerful entity attachments can they block my ability to command a servitor to do tasks such as replenish my meridian system, repair auric field or to ground me?

For example, some sapien medicine nft allows one to use the command “connect to my consciousness” which is a feature for the Ouroboros; will I be able to reconnect back to it if I disconnect my consciousness from it? I am not sure the level of clarity I have when I communicate with my morphic fields for them to understand my requests in the context of psychic attacks. I disconnected my consciousness from some morphic fields it is unclear If I can re-connection back to them. I need to know if I connected to them for practical and safety reasons.

  1. Is there a number limit to how much psychic protection someone can use at once in their auric field in the context of Passive Fields (Without activation commands such as the " The Exorcism Rite version 2.0" , “Negative Entity/Bad Spirit/Demonic Removal (Banishing Frequency)”, “Ritualis Token” or Active Fields (With activation commands such as the sapien token of cleansing or servitors or some smart fields. For example If I use the command activate “entity removal”, “shielding”, “negative energy removal” & “cord cutting” is there a limit to how much servitors or smart fields I can use at once before the psychic defence fields conflict or override one another.

  2. How many hours do fields such as “entity removal”, “shielding”, “negative energy removal” & “cord cutting” last on someones auric field before they can replenish them or reactive them?

  3. What is the number limit to how many entity attachments someone can have at once in their auric field?

  4. Is anyone in the community skilled enough to give me a psychic reading or tap into my auric field to know if I am being psychically attacked or if these are dark personalized energies?

@Maoshan_Wanderer @Gnosticmedic27 @anon83343177 @JAAJ @Atreides

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Default advice for anyone going through “spiritual turmoil” is to stop thinking about spiritual issues and spend more time in nature. Play hippie and go hug trees. With that make sure your diet is good, your rest is adequate and be honest about stress levels, especially self imposed.

There arent any hard answers to your questions. If playing with morphic fields and psychic abilities lead to your issues then a good way to begin detaching is to stop doing those things. Some people say that life becomes more difficult or painful as one progresses spiritually but that sounds rather dismissive. If you’re getting beat down by weird forces then take steps to reduce those forces. Very rarely is a person being attacked strongly enough or by an entity powerful enough to totally wreck their life.


More often than not, “curses/spells/psychic attacks/enitites” are coming from our own psyche. Have you tried the De-Inhabiter combo, Booted Boots and Curse/Spell Removal? They should help.

Personally, I found out that all the “attacks and entities” I was experiencing were from my own lust. Using Programmed Intention’s “Remove Lust” field solved my problem completely. Before that, I was having to use Booted Boots nearly everyday I was so “dirty.” Now, I don’t ever need it. The point is, it’s usually our own egos causing the issue. If it’s not, then De-Inhabiter combo has the ability to cast out even the highest level entities and demons. Keep in mind, even if it’s an actual demon or entity attacking you, they’re attracted to something within you. They are a reflection of psychological elements within you. The answer always is to work on yourself IMO.

I think it’ll do you some good to read this thread too.



Yesterday I very consciously connected with my higher self for the first time. Was also doing much detachment, unconditional love, and chakra work.

Over night and as I was waking up this morning I was having psychic attacks. This included sexual energy attacks as well. Similar stuff I had been dealing with for a long time, with nearly identical views/methods as Gnosticmedic27 above.

In my case it has a lot to do with family and generational trauma. Stuff that’s suppressed/repressed, and I’ve been energetically unraveling and dissolving through myself, with support and guidance.

Rereading SammyG’s post here, I understand much much more, and can connect better on some of the points. They really hit.
Love & acceptance of the negative energies within you. Being centered and positioned in power, direct control of your personal reality. Letting the negative flow out and dissipate.

My reality this morning was kind of going nuts and I was sensitive to all these unexpected physical shifts happening around me. As I read the advice section, reread SammyG’s post, and started writing here, I started tuning in to the energy of the message, what it means, how it’s relevant, how can I apply it…and then my surrounding environment settled down and started feeling more at peace…peace