Vibration of Transcendence

Does VoT has no listening limits per day (despite Ego Dissolution being noted as around 1-2 times a day?)

The limit depends on how much your energy body can handle. The only way to know is to test it out.


How would we know that we hit a limit?

There’s no limit right

If you feel physical symptoms like headaches and lethargy, then you’ve reached your limit. I would only listen to a hand full of audios once unless you feel like you’re getting more benefits by listening more.


So you don’t loop all vibration audios throughout the day?

I don’t loop the vibration audios all day because I find I get more benefits just listening to it once. Try listening to it once and then try listening to it a few times. Try to see what gives you the most out of the fields.


I have been meditating to this audio a lot but stopped now and I think I need some feedback if you guys don’t mind.

I feel like I’ve been placed into my deepest unknown. I am starting to have challenges differentiating between dualities example can’t tell what’s good or bad (other than what society tells me of course) but I kid you not my pre-defined labelings of duality almost dissolved. This has penetrated my inner life so powerfully. I thought I was familiar with this experience of non-duality but I have never experienced it so permanent like this before in my life. I feel like I am moving between worlds, shifting and modifying my awareness. My reality changes from hour to hour; my rational mind has deserted me, leaving instinct and intuition as my guides. What’s even more unexpected is that I feel that all the constructs of our civilization have been stripped from my personality and I feel like a naked spirit. Yes in a way I feel more liberated than ever but when I bring my awareness back into my reality… I’m so lost.

This is kinda terrifying for me right now as I am not sure what I am supposed to do next. How do I fit in with society? My higher self is telling me I can’t go back to the way things were but also not comforting me and telling me what good things to expect. All I am told is to have faith :sob: … for how long?

Anyone have the same experience or have advice?

@SammyG? @El_Capitan_Nemo?



I think that can be the drawback of more direct paths in comparison to gradual ones

Probably physical and energetic is not ready yet to integrate such a deep work on mind


Consult with your higher self and choose a path.

Monks who ascend and end up living like rocks on mountains may benefit the collective a little, but are ultimately useless.

The purpose is evolution, individual growth to not only evolve as a soul but also evolve as a human and contribute to the earth.

Transcending duality will give you greater clarity and more “openness” to receiving information from your higher self that otherwise your ego might resist and see as “wrong”.

Demand answers from your higher self.


what is helpful is a goal or point of focus. (to provide a means of stability)
What are you doing in life? what do you enjoy doing or rather what do you think you can enjoy doing in life that works within your current mind frame.
Like say you may want to excel in cooking and make delicious food for others.
Focus on those things for now.
We can guide, but there is a vast difference between reading something and then having a ‘realization’
You will only see the advice from the outside, but when you get the ‘realization’ itself you see and understand it completely.
But without a doubt it is a realized opportunity, one that would not have been possible before. Don’t be afraid.
To see things as they truly are means there is a protected expansion of consciousness.
You feel like a naked spirit, but more so it is a newly born child. You will learn to navigate and find new levels of homeostasis.
The unlearning is quite challenging but a good sign as well.


Hello Nabs and all,

Some of you old timers will recognize this name aka -OM- aka Candle (Hi Sammy and Dreamy) :grinning:

Firstly, pretty much everything Sammy has posted about higher states of consciousness is accurate and/or has been my experiences IMO.

As one of the original users of Dale’s Higher Vibration Field which became the Ascension Field which became Sapien’s Version of the Ascension field, I can address most of these issues.

And gonna take the tiniest little credit for the subconscious limits dissolver and the OM field which seems to have transformed into the VoC field. Maybe Dreamy will tell the stories one day.

You don’t. Get used to it. :slight_smile:

Til you die. True Enlightenment (capital E) involves a death of some type. In most cases the “ego death” is accompanied by a literal physical death experience, if only for a few seconds.
Then you get to decide (from a soul level, not conscious Ego level) if you want to come back and “help” or move on to new lessons.
Either way, no “faith” is required at this point. YOU KNOW. Not you think you know, but KNOW.

Gonna have to disagree with this point and Sapien’s work and especially his Mass Love Meditation fields prove this point.
Paraphrasing a Ghandi quote,
one loving person nullifies the effects of millions of negative people.
David R. Hawkins, an enlightened being who has moved on, calibrated this exact ratio to be 1 “truly loving” human counterbalances 750,000 negative humans.

(Note: you will see a lot of “charts” or “tables” that are rip offs of his original work. Be wary of those that don’t come directly from the original source and have “additions” he did not speak of)

So yeah, those stories of enlightened monks living in caves were contributing greatly to humanity just by “existing” on this plane.
Let alone the astral work that most of them do that’s never talked about.

On that note, Hawkins has written extensively on the challenges of those rare higher levels of consciousness even beyond “basic” Enlightenment.
Instead of me writing long paragraphs like Sammyg (hi Sammy!), I would recommend his 2nd and 3rd books in his Power v Force trilogy. “Eye of the I” and “I”
They will help you navigate them from someone who’s been there done that.

Ha, seen Dreamy posted while I was writing. :slight_smile:


Wanted to add. A wonderful fictional book to read about the journey of an enlightened soul is “Stranger in a Strange Land”.
Once you realize the main character’s “Martian” heritage is a metaphor for Enlightenment. It’s wonderfully instructive on deciding “what to do now?”

Also recommended is “Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah”


Be civil guys,
These are perspectives from behind different doors.
Neither of you see the whole picture.
But if you piece them together you can see more.
Love and light or not love and light
this actually applies to Nabs
as you are presenting the perspectives he is transcending
a lesson in everything of course.


I’ll address your post with thoughtfulness even tho I haven’t been afforded the same…

There are 2 schools of thought even among “Enlightened Beings”. Those who are true pacifist and feel “whatever lessons are supposed to be learned are supposed to learned” without interference.

And there are those who are peaceful until aggressed upon and then will use a form of Spiritual Aikido to use their opponents attacks against them.

I have wavered between both at times. Sapien can surely tell you that I’m not one to shy away from a fight. :slight_smile:

That said, the more I “evolve” the more I move into the pacifist "complete non-interference’ group.
The reasons become apparent to those who have gotten to a certain level… namely the “karmic implications” of simply identifying as a “human being”

As far as “earthly” politics go… meh, the paper headlines read the same as they did a hundred years ago for the most part. Hence the “wheel of karma”

The only way OUT is to transcend the DUALITY of it all.

Yes, beings of that consciousness level still see the need to “fight” evil. Not wrong or bad, just a lesson that gets learned and “moved beyond” at a certain point.
And they are already here in shockingly massive numbers at this point.


I think you need to re read what he said bro,
Nobody thinks anyone is better or less.
Relax man, take a deep breath.
Put down thor’s mandala.
understand its all perspective.


Why are you so angry?
You assume a lot of what i believe and know and don’t believe or know. I’ve literally posted 3 times.

Ok Dreamy, gonna follow my non-interference mindset and bow out of this forum.
I’ll go back to reading only or maybe responding by PMs only.
Take care all.


Glad your still around after all these 100s of years


Geeee does no one like to discuss anymore ?

Yeah yeah I like to trigger people to get a proper conversation going, I am not angry lol.

I just like when discussions get emotional because thats when people start talking what they truly think and feel.

I actually agree with your points and some things I said just for the sake of discussions.

I love discussions, I am not angry, I don’t use Thor LOL (nice one).

Anyway, toughen up bro, just wanted to discuss a bit, maybe we can both learn from it ? ;D