Vibration of Transcendence

While the descriptions are similar, the 20 minute meditation on Gumroad seems to be a different field. The energy of the two fields feels distinctly different to me, and the Gumroad meditation file also does not seem to connect to the same ‘nodes’ as those in the live meditation.


I’m glad you’re here to verify things, what a super (developed) power (energy sensitivity). Maybe Sammy or Dream can recommend something.


They are similar but not the same. As for mp3, the youtube video and audio work hand in hand. It’s supposed to be listened there for the full effect. The effect of the audio is compounded the more people are listening at once. That is why when we did the mass meditation, many of us felt the energy very strongly. It was pretty powerful. The good thing is that the energy developed in those mass meditations continually power the field… and just people listening on a daily basis. So it grows more and more powerful by the day.


Sorry. Missed all this.

Believe this is the same field.

Not to be confused with the earlier “Uplift” field. lol


Were you able to get it? There is another series. They are both good.

Were you able to get it?

How come on the website it says that the audio is 28.6mb but the one i received is 30.02mb?

is anyone else’s this size?

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no lol, mines 28.6mb, did you update it ? @Captain_Nemo

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I see what you talk about, maybe the fields grows and thats why the bytes increase lol
redownloaded it right now

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that’s pretty cool if true

haha yeah

Did you add any metadata? (Photos?, changed location of the file or anything)

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the old file is the same, the one I downloaded when I brought it

the old one

Tested this and downloaded VoT from gumroad a second time:

No difference here :man_shrugging:

Have you compressed the file with 7zip or another program?

no, nothing, straight download from gumroad

Hello _OM,

I’ve read your descriptions on your experiences of going through the process of self-realization.

I’ve experienced a lot of it and we have an interest in similar material David R. Hawkins (and Lester Levenson who David claimed taught him part of the path).

I wanted to know if you’re down to have a discussion on these topics with me, I would appreciate some guidance along with discussion some idea of dealing with the Causal field which is is how I’ve been manifesting.

“Don’t wait or dont want but compose your reality” -Vadim Zeland

Part of the teachings in one his books, Tufti The Priestess. This is what balanced me out after losing grip of reality.


Sure. Send me a PM