Vibration of Transcendence

It says you’re not receiving any, I believe you would have to start the conversation.

Thank you for considering it.

Edit: Forgot to tag you, don’t know if you got it. @_OM

This is just some variation in the computer calculations.

Different devices often state different sizes for files.

Nothing to worry about. And no, it’s not because the field grows, but that was a pretty cool theory!

P.S. If you still have doubt the file is correct, you can compare the checksum of the file with someone else’s. There’s tutorials for this online. :slight_smile:


Hey guys just want to give my digest on Transcendence now that I’ve experienced all three multiple times:

VoC being the active aspect of the universe translated to the “ability” of Gratitude for me or the act of giving which is a state of “Havingness”. One comment I had mentioned in a previous post is that VoC gave me the experience of feeling my beingness very easily and once I went deeper into it, I felt that the “action” is that of gratitude without limit. Example, I can be grateful for a manifestation as if I’m having it right now without anything interrupting that.

VoDL is the passive aspect of the universe and that simply translated to Acceptance for me which is the ultimate communicator of experience. You only have what you accept and that’s from a standpoint of energy. So using the same example as earlier, while I can “have it” due to being grateful in advance, Acceptance expands it or communicates it to the universe. “You only get that which you love” is another way of saying what you accept. I’ve always believed that real love is unconditional acceptance (no thought). When I reach this feeling, my whole body gets covered in goosebumps.

VoT… now this vibration is very unique. I understood why using the other two is a precursor to this. I experienced this as the environment of those two combined. In the past, I’ve had experiences that gave me the same feeling as VoT. When the vibrations flood my whole body, I can keep my mind quiet without any sense of time. Although, I am finding that if you use that space to feel, see, and intend your goal it is very powerful because you feel no desire for it only a sense of something that is true here and now. It’s true silence you can use as you wish. Thinking is somewhat difficult while in that space, only true intent can drive it.

I’ll keep experimenting as I continue but overall I can say the Vibrations series is worth every penny.

Guys keep in mind, that to get these experiences I had some really strong things come up first, it wasn’t all rainbows. Very dark things popped up for me in the process.

Hope you guys are well

Edit of something I just thought about:

VoC is like the computer that allows you to create structure.

VoDL is the electricity that powers that computer.

VoT is the internet where you can use that space to use as you wish.


Hey man @Samurai I had a question, can you PM me? The option to PM you is disabled. Thanks.

Today was my first time with this one and it was so nice!

Right after starting meditation letting go happen automatically, after some minutes any experience appearing in consciousness was effortlessy expanding and getting more and more subtle till disappearing in emptiness.

Felt deeply present in whatever was happening and at the same time free of it.
My sense of self kept condensing and immidiately dissolving again and again but every time.

Felt so lovely to me, probably more than VODL. Was like finally coming back home.

I have experienced this multiple times in the past during meditation, but this time was really a matter of minutes.

Meditation went on for quite some time after the audio ended and only at that point I realized how much I had been crying :)


I finally got around to buying this and my experience was very much the same. Complete freedom and peace as it seemed. Immense pressure building in my head area almost like it was going to pop, followed by feelings of a bliss like quality.


Just bought it!

Wondering… Is the ego dissolution field on this one as strong as the ego dissolution field on youtube? I would like to just replace all listenings of ego dissolutions with VoT if that was the case…


The ego dissolution is just as strong if not stronger in VoT because it costs money and sapien probably does not have any reasons to make it weaker.

I could not see why that wouldn’t be the case.


Feeling-wise I think ego dissolution is more “concentrated” but it’s just me really, objectively, I don’t know. I still listen to ego dissolution then the 3 vibes in my playlist


I forget how many times I’ve looped this already, i just wanna say it’s perfection. My favorite of all of the vibes.

It’s true confidence


Take it easy on your self trust me. Pace yourself and give yourself a break for reflection. We are here for you :heart:


Thank you so much Nabs :heart: i can say it’s been truly a crazy ride haha i took a little break for a few hours to focus on VoDL and VoC, when i first came back to VoDL, it was like returning to real life haha I couldn’t help but laugh! Crazy night man


Oh I feel like I vaguely remember times when that used to mean something different


i haven’t had enough time with this as i am focusing on soul restoration, but i would like to share:

  • the ego dissolution in this morphic field helps. also it sounds nicer to me.
  • i haven’t ‘felt’ what others have through their testimonials, but i have seen more non-dual perspectives in my life.
  • to expand on the non-duality, i sometimes go to this mindset that knows i have a story playing in my head and it needs validation through interacting with certain people.

Ahhh that shit feels goood…!! Who needs weed when you have VoT :D!
Its like heaven on earth!

Best Regards


after The Devil and Crucible, i was meditating on Vibration of Transcendence.

i found that i was clinging onto the belief of having only one ‘true love’ and one ‘true career’.

i realized that i am meant to be exploring new hobbies that i can turn into monetary gain.

i realized that it’s okay to meet new people and date and have no expectations how deep the relationship will go.

the moment i grabbed my phone to take notes, i got a text from a friend. synchronicities!


It’s funny how all this time I’ve thought I’ve been dealing with some emotional issue (ofc practically true) for the past week I’ve been having reoccurring thoughts so I like usually went with soul restoration core, heart and vibration of Devine love.

For some reason, I always skip the Vibration of Transcendence and soul restoration brow.

I’ve been getting insights on my daily life from (higher self? carry the mandala 24/7) i do things I know are going to turn out bad for me, create thought literally out of thin air that I know 99% are simply not true yet I keep feeding the thoughts. the thoughts were about emotions so I was inclined to play VoDL and while I helped a bit the thoughts were still the same.

that’s when I was “told?” transcendence. So added 2 audios on my playlist This and Soul restoration brow, I notice i give mental energy to things that probably don’t serve me. within 30 mins of playing the playlist i notice the thoughts were gone.

Not the devil reversed did this yesterday (to this extend)
cruible helped a bit but not like this.

def adding this guy in my stack, i always avoided anything related to my mental wellbeing (sneaky ego) (perhaps it told me nahhh you don’t need that).


oh hey i had a similar reminder!

i really resonate with what you’re saying.

i too have been thinking it was emotional when my roots are currently mental.


YESSSS, i’ve been feeling my night stack with emotional audios and have these thoughts I don’t think i harm myself emotionally but rather mentally and thus it affects me emotionally.

edit: strange we both bring this thread up mins within each other.



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