Victim of black magic /entity attachment


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try these two fields on dreamseeds channel: Etheric cord cutter and energy blockage removal


I have past life curse of snake and I went to socerers but nobody’s can handle and situation getting worst… tried so many curses audios but no relief…god knows only…

Because those few latin friends can’t possibly know every single latin gay person. Generalizations of course, are statements that suggest that ‘most of these people are ‘this’ way.’ Such statements generally come from someone dealing with like 2 or 3 people that are like that. How can 2 or 3 people be representative of a whole class of people?

But most of the time… they make those statements because they heard other people say it! Just through rumors that they end up fully believing. For example, Latin America tends to be notorious with this. We gossip like crazy and make stuff up about people based on small things all the time. The amount of ‘supposed witches’ that lived in our lil town in Dominican Republic is hilarious.

And see, right there I just generalized! I know all Latin Americans don’t do this but I’ve experienced it quite a bit (I might be Dominican but grew up around many Latin American cultures). Look, we all generalize. I even do it sometimes. We can’t help but do that.

The way I see generalizations is more like a common trait such as ‘gossip is a common trait in this culture.’ Or perhaps, if you say ‘Caribbeans tend to like rice and beans.’ This is a generalization too but it’s not discounting the Caribbean people who don’t. What many people tend to say though is ‘Caribbeans like rice and beans.’ This is an objective statement that generalizes a whole class of people. What the mind does next is classify all Caribbeans as people who like rice and beans.

This is usually how generalizations are phrased and then the mind takes these generalizations as fact and ingrains the belief that all ‘those people’ are a certain way. Even if the generalization is that ‘most people are a certain way,’ the mind will certainly percieve all these people in this way!

More often than not, these generalizations are very negative. And so much so, that they start avoiding such people and then believe all kinds of nasty things that aren’t even remotely true. This is actually how racism starts to form in the mind. I don’t mean the kind of racism we all have where we think certain things about other cultures. I mean the hateful kind.


Did you try curse/spell removal already ?

I tried doctor virtual and sapien audios for removing negative energies but no relief

Yeah, got it and with that I will not generalize anymore, and no, I didnt have latin gay friends, other race, so me espesially, I wouldnt know about latin people. Thanks for letting me notice my shortcomings.

No worries. Tis all good :slight_smile:


Yeah well nah, its not so funny to read that big boss sammy is disappointed in us :joy:

No ass kissing or whatever but you are like a teacher, even now I learned so yeah, not really aiming at making you mad or something


Nah man. I don’t want you or others to feel that way. ‘Big boss sammy is watching. Let me play nice.’ I’m a person just like you and the others. If you disagree with me, then disagree with me and let’s have a nice discussion about it. Treat me as an equal because that is how I tend to treat you guys as well :slight_smile:


Lol, no worries man. I know you’re not ass kissing and I’m certainly not mad.


I said big boss just for fun man, I get it that everybodys equal but from some you learn more and from some you dont learn so much, thats why I appreciate what you say and you in general


I mean yeah I should appreciate everybody and respect them, but just sayin


How did you realize you had a problem? How did you realize that you have it? How long have your issues been persisting?

you didnt quite answer this question

I get what ya mean :+1:


Hello Sammy I had problem like insomnia changes in weight types in childhood when I was 13 years then around 18 years I I saw white lights flush in my body when I closed my eyes then started depression m insomnia medications and situation getting worst day by day then I had dream like lucid dreams like daily in night when I go to sorcerer they all said same things o have past life curse of snakes with pitra dosh… my whole life is a curse like hell I tried many times suicide but got no success…god knows what lifes want from me now…

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Majin i have no enough money to buy 100dollar curse spell audio thts y m not gave u reply…thnks

is it sarpa dosha? then nullify planetry effects on dream seeds might be good , try once