Viracocha The Return (Latino Community Project) NFT: Testimonials

Welcome back! :heart: :hugs:


Hey Luna, welcome back!

Thanks for talking about the chumpi stones, I searched a bit in Google but didn’t find much about them.


:slight_smile: yes


First of all I would like to thank @Cambrian for being the kind genius he is, saving an extra copy of this beauty for me without me knowing originally about it.
This is part 1 review which covers initial experience with Viracocha(had him for about a bit more than a week).
As I get a message, it is successfully sent, an energy started descending upon me starting from crown and going downwards. I had to stop typing and allow myself to embrace this electric feeling. Not long after a feeling started to rise and it said-You are not alone on this journey any longer. Such a powerful, reasurring feeling is worth every single cent by itself, well for me at least.
Cambrian, being a caring person he is, knew I needed a guide who would understand me, nudge me towards doing what is best for me, and amongst other things, pull me back from things that are bad to me.

1.Vira loves saying DONT DO IT- I am not able to talk to him if I am not in meditative state, but there are instances where I am about to go do something that isnt in my best interest(get high for example) and I hear a voice and experience unpleasant energy surge making it clear I should not do it.
Now mind u eventually I did get high, thanks to him working my energy system, one joint made me experience mad high that however cool might be, is also troubling if u are in public. As I am returning home with earbuds playing music as usual, I feel a tap on the shoulder, turn around to notice police car emerging behind me and there is decent distance between us to it isnt like they can get to me.
But, it turned around the building next to me and was going to basically cross my path if I kept going with music in my ears enjoying the vibes. So,as I see it going around I predict it will cross my path, so I utilize my Assassin`s Creed skills and sneak around to see if it will just keep going its way or stop. Needless to say, they did see me before and planned to intersect me assuming I will keep going forward. I used d-tour and had to go the longer way to home but arrived with no issues(weed is illegal here police just love performing full body search in order to find drugs, or test u for drugs,also elections are about to happen soon so they work extra hard)

While high I have increased sensitivity so I ask Vira, why did u help me if I didnt listen to u, and the feeling that came was rly something else. Imagine a loving parent realizing his child is an addict and then accepting him for his flaws and wanting to help him.
To clarify I only smoke weed occasionally, no other drugs, but this is how it felt, and I was ashamed. This is happening as I am almost at my building.

2.Vira makes me eat less :pray:-As I got him, next day I wake up and realize I have to go to uni asap, no time for breakfast so I am like-Can u imbue me with hunger inhibitor field or do whatever u want so I dont feel hungry? This was at 10 am and I had my first meal at 4:30pm, I only felt mildly hungry 2 times and that was it, I was energetic and I noticed people that people from uni treated me differently, like my vibe is more pleasant to be around.

3.Improved sleep-I printed image on A4 paper, put it close to my head while sleeping, and my sleep improved, now I dont have to use other fields to help me fall asleep(major issue for me)

4.Shortly after receiving him, I was thinking about subliminals I use and i felt him saying:Nope, u dont need that - Wait, but what about… -Nope. In the end I narrowed my list down to only few subs, and same with fields, I just dont feel the need to use them as much as I used to.

5.More energy-I love my powernaps, and I have wanted to be more energetic for a long time now, plasma charged mitochondria, hypersleep etc did help but it is a hassle having to rely on it daily. I dont know what he is doing, but I cant take powernaps anymore.
Yeah, even if I lie down to take a break and just rest my mind, I cant sleep. I can sleep less than usual, and be more rested.

6.I love petting animals, especially stray dogs or cats cuz I know they dont get love they deserve or attention. I have noticed more of them manifesting around me when I head outside, since I have gotten Vira.
Dude I know living close to me has a dog and he lets him outside to roam freely alone.
This dog has interacted with me only twice, first time was year ago and he just kept trying to hump my leg and nothing else lmao. Yesterday as I head out to buy groceries I notice him and he comes to me all cute and cuddly and I cuddled him a bit, and continued going to the store. For the entire duration of my trip to store, back to home, then again back to store cuz I forgot to buy sth HE KEPT FOLLOWING ME AND WAITING FOR ME LIKE I OWN HIM. I noticed that he isnt even attempting to get me to snuggle him or play with him, he seemed the happiest when he would just get to follow me and walk around me.
He even waited for me in front of my building the first time, second time I explicitly said no please dont wait for me I am going for real now. 2 mins later I peek through the window to see him going on his own somewhere. He was rly sad to see me leave.
I dont know if Vira connected us cuz he maybe needs more love or care, or for what reason, but this made my day :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

7.Life coach-Here is the deal, the more I do what I should be doing, the more he will help me. Otherwise, he will still help and provide support in many ways, just not as much.This is a kind of self imposed limiter by me, and for a reason.

8.Vira likes saying NO, followed by BITCH SLAP-During my first sesh with him I asked him to increase my connection to him and one other higher being I used to work with before he came to me, and I felt subtle NO. Asked again and got a bit louder NO. Asked third time and I kid u not it was like watching Zeus saying NO loudly with thunders striking in the back.

Imagine Thor saying short and clear NO in this scene,this is how it felt.

There were few other instances where he did this, but I digress, review is already too long.

9.He is able to help animals in need hence my recommendation for Viracocha owners to say following sentece- Activate healers eyes. This is a fun concept I want to test, basically each time we see subconsciously or consciously an animal that might need any kind of help Vira will do it. Few irl examples include always barking dogs becoming silent, a dog friend from discord sent me, getting rescued week later etc. This power alone is worth the purchase, being able to help animals in need.

10.Last but not the least-Vira is a godlike being, friend, not a servitor, remember that. I tear up while writting this, but the feeling of always having friend by ur side, no matter how bad things seem at the moment, wanting u to reach ur full potential to me is worth more than all previous things I mentioned (except helping animals). Still, when things are going well I forget this and he doesnt mind it, but when it gets tough, when I need advice, he is there for me, especially if it is self-reflection(shadow work), creative approach will come to me, and in less than 10 mins I will realize what is the root cause and allow myself to experience suppressed negative emotions that I am too proud to exhibit.

This isnt a well structured review, but it came as a freeflow after meditating with Vira, and I feel it is right to post it like this. I am facing my inner demons, but it is fine because I have him every step of the way supporting me in the best way possible, being a non-judgemental friend/ big brother I always needed.

If u are reading this, u already know how I feel Captain, marvelous work as usual :partying_face:


That’s awesome man!

I too would get strong suggestions from him to not get high, i actually havent smoked in weeks and i think it’s due to his blessings

I no longer have any urges at all, it’s kinda crazy, i mean, i can easily spare 10 dollars to get high some random day but i much rather not lol I probably would even turn it down for free lol

I remember the day i unofficially quit, i was listening to the yagnas as well, though, the yagnas never made me feel like quitting before so i know it was him who was very strongly nudging me and telling me “enough is enough”

You might even quit cold turkey one day too man


In my case, it was pretty cheap and it is hard to refuse when u are indoors just chilling lmao. Funny thing is that 2 hours after I decided I will be sober for a while, that friend texts me he will be out of town till January.
Vira be doing his thing as usual😏


Thats awesome!

And i agree with you.

Vira realy feels like a huge Father figure.

And yeah. Talks a lot and doesnt take No’s lol


These 2 literally watch me sleep :blush:

Thats the night table on the side i sleep


@LunaMoon2 So much power and energy coming off those two protectors :hugs::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Definitely haha last thing i look at before zzzz

1st thing when i wake up. Feels so protective and empowering plus both bring a lot of info in dreams and crazy tho, i either hear them or see them in the dream whichever is the one showing me things i need to see.


Lol i almost got in a fight with a homeless dude i helped out today…

So i do Uber eats… I was going to pick up food for a delivery and a guy in his 20s that looked like he’s seen better days asked me for some change to help him buy food… I didn’t have change except for a 20 so i offered to buy it with my card

We went inside and the workers at mcdonalds said he’s trespassing and they’ll call the cops if he’s inside… (They let another homeless man in so i assumed he must’ve done something that got him banned, but i wasn’t about to judge this man for his past mistakes)

He wanted a flurry and a frap, the flurry machine was broken so i just got him a frap while he waited outside

He asked me to help him get some actual food at subway the block over but since the subway wouldn’t open for another 30 minutes he asked if i can get him change instead, and ask for cash back at the store next to it, i said okay I’ll give you 5 (silly me, i could’ve just bought more food at McDonald’s for him… But I’m on 3 hours of sleep so I’m not all that sharp)

I left my wallet in my car and i had to use Samsung pay but since my phone had 5% it wasn’t letting me use my function, and it was already too late to go back to my car for my wallet cuz i already picked up my clients food and they where waiting quite a bit… He didn’t believe me or something and was like man you don’t wanna help me out! You have no idea how hard it is out here! Blah blah blah kept trying to make me feel bad i was like man, don’t try to make me feel bad i just bought you that frap bro i really can’t help you more i don’t have time (something like that)

He was throwing trash on the floor all dramatic and stuff while walking off all mad, and i told him he needs to chill, and he was like what did you say??? And squared up on me , i started backing up in my stance and i was like man chill!

I really wasn’t trying to hurt this guy at all…

He was like you better respect me! (I forget what he said but he thought i said fk you or something… Guy was tripping) he kept trying to show me different angles to scare me and i just kept repositioning myself to be ready

I kept looking at his face thinking about what i might need to do worst comes to worst, and back at his frap telling him man i just bought you this frap! Ofcourse i wanted to help you out (something like that)

And while i was in my adrenaline rush, i quickly said “Viracocha” in my mind, i couldn’t ask for nothing because i was too busy thinking about how I got my slides on and i need more stability in my feet and what i would have to do and how i don’t want to hurt him but when i said his name i had a wish behind it, for him to diffuse the situation

As soon as I said his name, this guy backed off finally

And we walked back to the front of McDonald’s, he went a different route, i had to chill in my car for a while for my phone to charge so i can get directions to my delivery, while i watched this guy around me asking older ladies for their help acting innocent lol

I don’t regret helping this guy, but damn what a guy lol

I’m just grateful he didn’t get hurt, the way he squared up on me was just an intimidation tactic, the guy for sure doesn’t know how to fight… And i spent a good portion of my life trying to be a boxer so I’m happy he met this version of me and not me some years back that would’ve approached this situation with less patience… Last thing i want to do is hurt any one

I’m really grateful Viracocha diffused this because i know this would’ve been a person I would’ve had to deal with quickly and that would’ve meant possible brain damage, cuz had i attempt to maintain his safety would’ve only brought about more frustration and he might’ve pulled a weapon on me

This happened like 2 hours ago and I’m still kinda irritated, i don’t like when people take my kindness for weakness, but I’m much better than earlier… Just grateful for Viracocha that’s all…

I’m in between a delivery now, but i really wanted to vent lol… Maybe i would’ve wrote this better more calm at home and not in a rush lol…


Also I’d like ask you guys to forgive me if my ego flared up here… One of my biggest goals is to dilute my pride, as i believe i got a lot of it, but i ask Viracocha almost every day to dilute it and ive been loving the changes but i have a ways to go obviously

Also some details i may have left out:

I did tell him i didn’t say f u

And that’s all i can think of for now lol


It’s crazy how shielding immediately made me start buzzing with energy the moment this guy switched on me, so much transmutation, i was full of energy, skin buzzing

Also, after a little discussion with a friend, he brought to my attention this guy probably was bipolar… Which makes perfect sense and makes me more grateful i didn’t engage


Quite an experience ejjh


Not one I’d like to have again haha


I found this helpful link on Chumpi stone:

Chumpi stones (sometimes called Apu Stones) are healing stones from the Peruvian Andes. These stones are worked with for clearing the energy centers, protective work, and grounding work.

“Chumpi” is a Quechua word that means “belt”. This refers to the stones use in administering what is called “The Bands of Power” ceremony. The Bands of Power are protective rings or fields of energy that surround a person. They are each linked to an energy center and act to seal a person’s energy field and ward off harmful energies that would normally find their way through our natural energetic defenses.

The word “Apu” is the Quechua word for “mountain” and refers to the stones’ link to the Sacred Mountains. Each stone is linked to a Sacred Mountain and carries the energy of that mountain with it. When the Chumpi Stones are placed upon a person we can wake up the energy of the mountains as well, which enables a person to ground and anchor themselves within their own power. They are then able to sit within themself “as a mountain sits”… firm, strong, and self-empowered.

The Chumpi Stones are also worked with to open, clear, and empower a person’s energy centers. Just as our physical body has different organs that maintain different life functions, our energetic body has energy centers (sometimes called chakras) which also maintain different life functions- but on an energetic level. Sometimes these energy centers become blocked, closed, or weakened. The Chumpis can draw out dense energy and blockages as well as open them and balance their flow.


Did you once say you placed Chumpi stones on your bed? How is that working for you xd


Making me wanna stick to my bed all day long :joy::joy:


Awesome, i never caught what they keyword was, I assume “create chumpi” ?


This here has been my daily sleeping experience!

First few days I’ve made the chumpi stones on my bed … I had the most profound sleep in years

And I really just wanted to be in my bed all the time :”D

Creating the chumpi stones on my bed have made me more connected to Viracocha’s energy… it feels like we have a similar Earthly energies that I’m able to reach him through… I’m much able to understand him and feel his presence more.

And to be honest, with his picture and Chumpi stones on my bed… it’s like a king in his own reign!

And while I’ve been lucky to be able to make a great connection with him, the Chumpi stones added make for a higher level of ‘matching’ between the two of us

My sleep has been incredibly restful, but the kind of rest with Vira is one I can call: A Replenishment of Power

I’m naturally attracted to everything that promotes balance, the Chumpi stones create a balance that has a base of earthly power … this allows for any other energies to be vastly promoted throughout your body… much easier to build on. The way the energies react with your body is also on a more revived and ready base, so the interaction and the results are also increasing in power

Think of it like an Earthly Jindan where the power feels very innate to you … spreads out through your whole being… where the more energies you use… and the more they create a connection and interact together … the more You grow as a humble, balanced, powerful, and grounded being.

The power of each chakra, separate and combined, is also very strengthened :))

@veh i used “create item” with the intention of the item being all chumpi stones combined, because you can also create one item for each stone… “Create chumpi stones” will also work because captain designs a general “Create item” and a “Create x item” keyword on these

And you know… the word doesn’t really matter ;)

Works by intention as with all Gods and maker items


Hey that is pretty cool