Vision of Clarity

Does this do stuff to the occipital lobe?

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I do a few loops throughout the day whenever I’m feeling eyestrain and I have it included in my night stack. No other eye fields but I used eye regeneration for weeks before purchasing this. Can confidently say I can see a few feet further without my glasses.


Hello everyone, I just found out there is a situation called Diabetic retinopathy. If you find using this field and not having progress, see whether you have high blood sugar

I ran the diabete type 1 and 2 track from patron for 2 times, and I got knocked out. Afterward, my eyes felt relieved somehow. So take a look.

I am a vegan and ate a lot of carbohydrates to overcome hunger during the switch from meat eater to veggie eater. Afterward, I still ate a lot of carb, plus vegan fake meats (lot of oils and artificial favours) when I started to do fasting…so just a share of experience and may become a wake up call to you.


Did anybody get the astral vision part?

Any update on this?

A post was merged into an existing topic: Discussion for other similar Channels on YouTube

Can I share this audio with my 5 year old daughter (she got diagnosed with slight astigmatism) or is it similar to NFTs, and effective for the owner only?

She should be able to use it. Works for family. Give her the mp3… wish her a speedy recovery. I have astigmatism… it sucks.


Sorry to hear that, looks like the cause of it its still unknown, probably hereditary.

Astigmatism happens when your cornea or lens has a different shape than normal. The shape makes light bend differently as it enters your eye, causing a refractive error. Doctors don’t know what causes astigmatism , and there’s no way to prevent it.

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Very interesting; any updates?

I’ve been using this field for about 2 weeks now. My emotional landscape has signficantly improved in regards to my patience and outlook on my life.

I was already making lots of progress with my patience, but this field signficiantly boosted my progress. It could be due to my changed outlook on life. It feels like it corrected a previous phase of my life when I was desperate for certain results and just took action, action, and more action while ignoring how i felt and other things in my life.

I always thought i was optimistic and that good things always happened to me, but whenever something “I didn’t like” would happen, it would take me down a mental slump. But ever since running vision of clarity, it’s like i internally believe better things are coming so there’s no reason for me to be pulled down.

This reminds about how our thought patterns and beliefs affect our physical body.

I also feel like my vision has improved. I feel like the astigmatism is going down as well, since I definetly feel my right eye working more. I’m not checking it anytime soon tho, Imma just let it do its thing for a couple of months and then check.


Sorry I haven’t been active on this forum for quite some time. Back on to eye healing have severe floaters and trying everything.
Has anyone had much success with this project?

Hi how is your mum now? I’m still trying to heal mr macular hole too, not sure what field to use yet. I just use eye regeneration 2.0 but curious about these fields

Fresh pineapples have been scientifically proven to cure floaters very effectively.


I ate them for a week and feel like they got a bit worse

Has this been permanent?

Hello everyone just bought it
Wish me luck:)

Can I play it or give a copy to my mom as well? Or it will it work for her?
She has night vision problems lately
We live in the same house so I can play it sometimes when I see her


Update day 1:
When I sleep I sometimes wake up with very dry eyes and need to use drops
I’m using contacts all day and thecontact lenses dries my eyes

Woke up with dry eyes again;
And all I had to do was to play it on my phone and my eyes felt much better I didn’t need to use drops

Played that all night and woke up feeling better emotionally too!!
It’s amazing!


Do you rub your eyes or stare at screens a lot? One should never rub their eyes, as they damage the delicate eye tissue.

Also the pineapples need to be fresh pineapples, dry/preserved pineapples don’t have the enzymes bromelalin that break down the tissues that contribute to floaters in the eyes.

Update bro? Is your vision permanently sharper than before