Vision of Clarity

Anyone noticed that this made their eye placement slightly wider on their face? I noticed when I looped, now my eyes are wider than before.

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Is this still available? Gumroad says page not found.

i noticed looping this with Negentropic Marquardt Masterwork really made my face symmetrical and past 2 nights i looped vision of clarity all night with black martian jing on another device using poweramps. vision gotten much clearer noticeably.

That’s cool, however I really liked where my eyes were on my face beforehand. This field makes my eyes slightly too wide across my face for my liking. Apart from that it does what it’s supposed to do

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@Rosechalice Could you check if there is a new link to this one ?

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Would love to hear some testimonials from people who have been using it for a while now. What improvements have you noticed? Has it improved your eyesight measurably? Does it help fix a lazy eye?

Hi, did you manage to get your vision checked after using the field for a while? I’m looking to reduce astigmatism as well, so would be grateful for your review. Thanks.

Hi all, the link doesn’t seem to be working and I’m not able to find this audio on Gumroad. Has it been taken down?

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It really helps with dry eyes and itching after working for long hours on computer. Other than that no improvement in eye sight for me.

And yes it is taken down so probably a new upgraded one will be released.


The same for me.


My Vision as been stable at -2.5 each eyes for the past 10 years at least.

For 50 days I meditated with this field this way:

Mandala gazing + Meditation Master audio (sometimes along with Vision of Clarity Audio and Quasi Kinetic Crystal Audio on other devices) with a 25 minutes timer.

I wanted to get the astral vision ability, I was not thinking of the vision-vision itself.
Then, I had to change glasses a couple months later and have been told that I was over-corrected.

My vision actually went from -2.50 to -1.75.

I am super happy ^^


One may ask “Why did you had to change glasses if you didn’t noticed any change?”

Well the long answer is:
I needed a new prescription for my lenses, my sight and glasses where mesured and they told me my glasses were over corrected. It resulted in a prescription for lenses and glasses, a new set of glass on my glasses, and a couple boxes of contact lenses.

That’s for my precise people out there.


Also technically I did had to change my glasses even tho I did not knew I had to do it.

So the first post was acurate too.
The two answers are right.

And also yes, I am rarely bored.


Did you face any discomfort in using your earlier glasses during those 50 days? Because when the power changes having the old ones cause headaches, irritation etc. as the eyea are already better with better vision and the glasses are just dumbing them down.

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No not really.

@Kalacakra it went gradually and probably kept on improving after the 50 days. It is often like that, I use field and get results with a “delay” in some cases

I have a lot of eyefloaters too so it messes with my perception of my own sight and I am not so prone to headache.

I did felt the relief with my new glasses tho as I was straining on my eyes without knowing with my previous glasses.

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Yes I meant this itself, the strain on eyes results in headaches for some.


Yes got it,
No headaches but I dont wear glasses or lenses every day. Sometimes I’d just rather go blur so I was not pushing on my eyes that much :love_you_gesture::sparkles:

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Awesome, first confirmed vision sharpening results from this field.

I always knew it worked, would just work long term.

Also for the floaters, you can eat fresh pineapples everyday. They’re scientifically proven to get rid of floaters, the bromelalin in them dissolves damaged collagen proteins in the human eye. :slight_smile:


Thanks for the advice,
Unfortunatly eating fresh pinnaple everyday is a bit compelling for me as they’re not always in my local store. 🫰

is this no longer available?


I’m shocked it’s not available, this is one of the first fields that made me an addict. face grooming is gone too, but you have face yoga now!

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