Visual Introspection (The Micro Dose)

Microdosing psychedelics refers to the practice of taking tiny amounts of drugs such as LSD or magic mushrooms. Some people claim that microdosing brings them benefits such as improved mood, focus or creativity.

Not for “getting high”


Inserts Sad Violin
And just like that,all my hope has been washed away😢


see: New Perspectives: New Release for “getting high” and “staying high” all day.

In ways that will truly change your life on a permanent basis.


Microdose → Shamanic Blend → New Perspective → My Personal Emotional & Mental Supporter :zipper_mouth_face: :hushed:


Don’t lose all hope yet brother! I’m on my 3rd loop now. It seems like colors are slightly more vivid, I may just be sleepy. I look forward to using this in the morning. It seems like it’s mostly for the focus and mood lifting aspects, not tripping out sadly lol. I’ve heard that LSD help in rewiring the brain, so I’m hoping that’s an effect :eyes:


not LSD though right ?


U refer to being high on life I assume.The mature and healthiest version of being high.Just being high on everyday even mundane experiences.
I am talking about immature version.Plz dont roast me now😬

Still thanks for recommending,it is on my list now.


Yes, lots of research about that :pray:

The metaphor often used is like pouring fresh snow on the slope of your brain, so you can avoid some of the entrenched paths and build new neural pathways along the way.

Did myself lots of research and careful experiments around that a year or so ago.

Lots of PTSD patients are having huge results, while being medically assisted and over serious programs. Though this can be a slippery path outside of programs, and microdosing might be the safest & most solid one in my experience.

I’ve met some folks using psilocybin & mdma therapeutically going unfortunately on the tangent. While others were rocking it and getting a proper training to become psychotherapist, so they could participate in those programs and assist people themselves.

There is all sort of psychedelic therapy schools popping up around North & South America (no way in Europe for now haha), even some Ivy League schools are having some research & courses on the topic :trophy:

Didn’t work for me specifically though, as even small micro-dose (7mg) on a tight schedule would kick me out of homeostasis (cf. having poor sleep and feeling bad on the days off).

Recently discovered I have adhd (being solved :pray:), and this is most likely the reason of the homeostasis issue. Hence still uncertain when some guys recommend it for that scenario…

If some of you would like to delve further, be sure to check Stan Grof’s work,, plus loads of university research.


great, great stack idea
I’d just put BoL before


Thought the same, with perhaps BoL right between Microdose and Shamanic :grin::+1:

Like this:


Enough time on the thread for now :))

Did only one listen because of this :point_down:

So far my experience is that, as most field from Captain now, this is intelligent af :))

Noticing a subtle difference, but it feels this has added to my system only what I need.
Feeling some familiar sensation, but only positive ones, one of them is having no more background anxiety :pray:

Making a guess, but the purity of the substance may play a lot as well.

Will see the evolution over the day, the night, and how I feel tomorrow.
I’ll keep you guys posted :nerd_face:




Microdosing: A Complete Guide to Microdosing (


Am I the only one seeing the picture move?


I forgot the name of this design but yes, this is one of the effects


does this idea not scare like seeing stuff like this? I dont get how people do drugs that make u see different stuff and that not makeing them scared.

Like seeing imaginary people from taking drugs that noone else can see?

I know this field doesnt do that. am talking about drugs in general. some drugs that is

even like astral projection like leaving your body and seeing ur self lay their is a no no for me


Curiosity is the prime driver


Damn, Captain. I was just thinking of this the other day. Then I said “naaa it will never happen. In your dreams.” Thank you!


Oh yes! I literally thought about if sapien would create a MD field this morning and was like :" no I guess he’s not interested in it ", guess I was wrong !! :grin::ok_hand:

Goes on my shopping list right away . I’m going for blueprint first so it might take some time for me to try . But I’m hyped for y’alls reviews :+1:


I can recommend the subreddit r/microdosing on reddit. It’s the most wholesome and helpful community on reddit ,very helpfull.

And yes psilocybin and lsd have been shown to increase neuroplasticity, so it changes the way your brain works on a structural basis. This is how people can have among lasting effects even from a single dose .

"Taken together, the evidence suggests a potentially shared mechanism wherein both ketamine and SPs may engender rapid neuroplastic effects in a glutamatergic activity-dependent manner. It is postulated that, though distinct, both ketamine and SPs appear to produce acute alterations in cortical network activity that may initially produce psychoactive effects and later produce milder, sustained changes in network efficiency associated with therapeutic response. "


“As in humans, a single administration of psilocybin or LSD produced persistent antidepressant-like effects in our model.”

“Our results indicate that classic psychedelics may have therapeutic efficacy that is more persistent than that of ketamine, and also suggest that a subjective existential experience may not be necessary for therapeutic effects.”