Visual Introspection (The Micro Dose)

The calmness, grounding, focus alone is worth it. Probably the only field that can keep me focused on work for long hours. I like looping for hours but then things get to blurry at times to where I can’t even see with my glasses on lol


This is so cool, I’m on day 3 and colors look so vibrant and beautiful! That was the first effect I noticed, now I’m noticing music is starting to sound much better too. I go on Instagram and am like damn everything looks so rich and saturated. Really noticing the mood boost and focus effect too. Its much easier for me to really get into whatever I’m doing. Thanks Captain.


Wanted to update after listening for 3 weeks. This field it legit feels like a trip, but a very clean trip. No disoriented feeling of nausea or any impairments like I’d get from the real thing. Ill try my best to describe what I’m experiencing. It’s like my mind is syncing up with my visual processes. For example I can look at a tree or the texture of my jeans and my mind simultaneously creates a cartoony, rich and animated image In my mind of whatever I’m looking at. Like if I were to imagine a tree with out looking at one my mind would create a beautiful almost perfect like image. Not in terms of clarity because it’s hard for me to visualize like I want to but in terms of what my mind creates. Well when play this field a few times everything I look at has this effect slightly. But even deeper because I can visual an array of things about that object. Like tree - wood - leaves - air - breath - life. Or shoe - design - color pattern - material. I see and feel in much more depth with this field and it’s Truly amazing. It’s been making my work days more enjoyable too. I hope I made sense.


That’s exactly what I’m experiencing and makes me little tired and great mood enhancer I can see the image of the field moving too.


Ofcourse you made tons of sense!!! I did similar experiment by combining it with Cyber brain and when I closed my eyes after a while…I had patterns dancing all over…in my minds eye…

I guess you might enjoy Tetrachromacy.

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I think I got this field the same day I got black martian jing, and I usually get tired when my body integrates a new field. But maybe the jing helped that.

Does anyone in here have test of tetrachromacy I got it but don’t see results yet?

Stacking with Ego dissolution.

Will see its effects over the coming week.

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stack it with cyber brain and you’ll experience synaptic energy discharge in visual form

though combined with ego dissolution seems very interesting

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I mean’t to type my file address for ego dissolution, but it did a google search instead:

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something like ketamine based dissociation

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Safe and effective.

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Summary of Intermediate Review:

Key: The field aims to simulate the benefits of microdosing by utilizing the mild effects of psilocybin mushrooms and Salvia divinorum, targeting specific brain areas. The goal is to create an experience that mimics the effects of a microdose, offering potential benefits and fostering a highly creative outlook. Recommended usage is 1-2 times per session for optimal effects.

Reported intermediate benefits/reviews:

  1. Enhanced Visualizations and Altered Perception: Users experience vivid visualizations and altered states of consciousness, reminiscent of substances like LSD but without the associated drawbacks.
  2. Mood Enhancement and Relaxation: Positive effects on mood, relaxation, and peace are commonly reported, leading to a sense of increased well-being.
  3. Increased Focus and Productivity: Improved focus, concentration, and productivity, particularly in creative tasks. The field is seen as a tool for mental clarity.
  4. Spiritual and Introspective Effects: Users mention effects on the third eye, spiritual experiences, and heightened intuition, creating a sense of lightness and connection to inner realms.
  5. Long-Term and Cumulative Benefits: Some users note sustained benefits, including improved visualization even after extended use. The audio becomes a valuable addition to daily routines.
  6. Comparison to Substance Use: Users draw parallels between the audio effects and experiences associated with substances like LSD. The audio is praised for providing similar effects without negative side effects.
  7. Sensory Enhancement: Reports of heightened sensory perception, vibrant colors, and an enhanced appreciation of music.
  8. Application in Daily Life: Users incorporate the audio into daily routines, using it during workouts, before sleep, or in the morning.
  9. Personal Transformations: Users report personal transformations, including changes in perception and interactions with the world.
  10. Positive Impact on Mental Health: Notable positive effects on mental health, including relief from stress and anxiety.

Note: Individual experiences with audio content vary, and the described effects are subjective. Users are encouraged to exercise caution and be mindful of personal health conditions, consulting professionals if needed.


I love this field combined with test of tetrachromacy makes everything very vivid and vibrant and pictures look cartoony and animation like movement kinda like manga panels.

My visual perception does get a bit different, like perhaps more vibrant or “cinematic”, but no animation or anything like that…
I wonder if there’s a way to amplify the effects… should I just try looping for hours? : )))

I’ve been doing max 3 loops.

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Adventures along the z-axis.

How much did you listened too this field at day and did you See Images in your head

How much you used IT at night for third eye also what rly Open IT?

How much to use at day safely