Visual Introspection (The Micro Dose)

Yes, the recommended dosage is 2 times, so I will try Micro Dose 2x and Torsion field 3x and see the results.


We have been playing this 3x in the evenings before going to sleep followed by Negentropic Full Body Purring and Smart Reiki. Love this combo for total relaxation and deep, restful sleep.

And, the Micro Dose played softly in the background while watching a favorite show intensifies the visuals, sounds/music, and involvement in the storyline imo. No, it doesnā€™t make me feel high! Lol! Just some really sweet side effects, though! I highly recommend this Treasure! :sparkling_heart:


Playing in the background for so long, wouldnā€™t it be a lot?


I am our DJ, lol! I Only play it 3x at most. Then I put on Purr for a few listens, then Smart Reiki.


Ok, got it.


will this also make it easier for subconscious communication like the DMT, right? @Captain_Nemo

This field is amazing. It makes me feel light as a feather, and, to be honest, it does feel like a mild high.

One of the MAJOR benefits Iā€™ve found, especially when working, is, it effortlessly allows me to pour love into whatever Iā€™m doing, creatively. Like, a sort of, effortless focus that has been drowned in care.

Iā€™ve been using Sapienā€™s fields for a little over 2 years now, and this one, I feel, has the greatest impact on my ability to be productive throughout the day.

I was skeptical of purchasing it, and ummā€™d and ahhā€™d for a while. Iā€™m glad I picked this up, the first listen after purchase was especially enjoyable!


Iā€™m just now about to go for a few rounds on this one, and for this very reason of wanting to be in a state of:

Thanks for sharing these words. :)


If you love to cook, then I recommend a single listen of this before hand.

Not only will you give a massive amount of care to the food youā€™re preparing, managing the multiple kitchen tasks at once will seem like a breeze.

Another thing I forgot to mention before, time seems to pass more slowly under the effects of this field.


Oh yes haha now thatā€™sss something I want! I usually multi-task really nicely when Iā€™m cooking but look for the mess Iā€™d be leaving after! :rofl:

Iā€™m quick to fix it though haha but if Iā€™m making food itā€™s organized mess time!

Ahh yes and more harmoniously as well!


This + ā€œSynesthesia Fieldā€?

Anyone else here has Auditory to visual synesthesia?


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I used to see ā€œwavesā€ when listening to music when I was younger, but it faded as I got older. Like theyā€™d arch in certain directions depending on what Iā€™d listen to. Like when you throw a stone into a still pond.

They wouldnā€™t be a particular colour, more a distorting of the surrounding.

I used the Synesthesia field for a bit, not long enough to see any effect I donā€™t think.

This field however, Iā€™m a strictly monochrome kind of guy, all my artwork is black and white, I only wear black clothes etc. But, since listening to this field, I find myself incorporating more colour into content I produce, and my artwork.

I donā€™t feel the effect as strongly as the first week of using it, but I can tell it affects my cognition.


Love this field, works as a ā€œVibration of Trancendenceā€ for me. Feel more attuned to my intuition and enhances colours very beautiful.

It is good when you are microdosing on mushrooms too - makes the effect a little stronger :smiley:

Tried to mix it with LSD too (90 ug) - it really made me laugh for a very long time :stuck_out_tongue:


Itā€™s no longer available on Gumroad. Is there an alternative?


Autism. Microdosing.


I went 3 months without playing this field thinking theres no long term benefitsā€¦boy was I wrong. I played it and saw a whole other worldā€¦all Dreamweavers mandalas nft changedā€¦ They became animated when you glare your eyes and ho into tranceā€¦some freak the hell out you but the animated pictures like in harry potters movies are insaneā€¦


Youā€™ve inspired me to start using this again :smiley:


Funny, saw a reportage on Netflix about LSD and psilobycin. Looks promising towards the future. Any reviews for this one? Does it affect your rational 3D filter and you see more stuff? I see mostly above the effect is more calmness and losing anxiety :slight_smile:

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