Voice inside you

So I was having an argument with my husband and I was speaking lot of things loaded with emotions. I was hurt. Usually the argument would be two way. But today when I was speaking my husband suddenly said, “What are you doing to me?”
I asked “What do you mean?”
He said, “There is a voice inside me which is not letting me speak. It is saying to me that your wife is right don’t talk back to her. Don’t speak back. She is right.”
Now I didn’t do anything, I was just talking normally of course I had strong emotions but that was pretty much it. So I said to him, “I am not doing anything. It must be your own thoughts.”
He said, “No, this is not my voice, this is like some female voice… maybe gender neutral voice. But this is not my voice. It feels like my face is a void and there is someone small inside my face and she is speaking to me and telling me not to talk back. Stay quite, your wife is right”
He didn’t seem to know the gender of the voice but he kept addressing the voice as ‘she’. ‘She’ was talking to him and stopping him from speaking.
He also said that all this felt blissful. Like he was enjoying this discussion inside him but he also felt this was weird. He was sure it was not his own thoughts.

What do you all think was possibly happening?

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Could be your higher self. Or your guardians


I have never had a proper conversation with higher self so I don’t know how it sounds.
But why would my higher self speak to him? I think it can only speak to me


Higher self can talk to other higher self as well. Or your guardian.

Higher self always talk calmly. No matter how panic you are inside. It always brings you peace. When you hear yourself talking. Even though you are panic. That small voice always talk calmly.

You said it was blissful right? It could be your higher self


Not to me … I didn’t have this experience. My husband did! He said it was blissful … so it couldn’t have been my higher self… maybe his. Maybe it was some intercession. Maybe some download … maybe hallucinations….I don’t know that’s why asking here in case anybody has similar experience or knows about it.

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I litereally wanted to write the same thing just now :slight_smile:

and could also be that you have played angelic intercessions, or others etc

Perhaps during your argument, becasue it was so heated, you sent a profound request for help. Which was then heard.

A very beautiful experience actually. I recommend writing it down in a notebook


Thanks @Nice2knowU… even I thought it was a beautiful experience for him. And yes I have been playing angelic intercession but not for past two days … but I did think it could be that … could be. Can angels talk in any language? :grimacing:

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Hey guys, I got a response on this in private and it scared a shit out of me.

Guys it was just a spiritual discussion, I was not asking for a reading. And the fact they send this response is private and not in the thread itself says that they know they should not be saying that
I am not saying Imogen meant wrong to me … but still please don’t send such readings unless someone asks for it… you don’t know the conditions I live in… I might be alone or anxious and lot of other things.

Please don’t send private readings without first asking if someone wants that.

If my question is implicitly calling for a reading then I am sorry … but no that’s not what I am asking here… it was a spiritual discussion only

I was trying to help you to figure it out. I thought by doing it you know it’s either from higher self or your guardian. Then I’m just naturally trying to solve the problem. I message you because I thought that’s the appropriate thing to do. I don’t have any intention or meaning to scares you at all.

Sorry if what I did bring you so much anxiety. It’s just my natural reflex to do it. And I do it too in real life with people.

Though it can be annoying and I know that… But I forget. I do it because of reflex.

But my intention was trying to solve it. So I apologize. It will never happen again


As I said … I am not saying you wanted to do me wrong but still it was unasked for and you know it somewhere that it could be uncomfortable that’s why this response was sent in private and not in thread itself.

I don’t know if you are the same Imogen who was there sometime back and I adored her…
But regardless … I am saying this so that everyone is reminded that readings like this can be scary and should only be given if asked for or after asking the person

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I am the same person(: just not as much active as I was. I’m suffering from back aches. There is so much pain in my back that I can’t handle it sometimes. I come here and go.

My energy not as the same as a year ago. Pain change people energy. And you even notice it yourself.

But like I said to you.

You’re protected. It’s what am saying. Angel can be in many forms. Including cats or your mother. You said you listening to angelic field. Perhaps the guardian itself is the angel that been helping you. Either way. Sorry for the inconvenience


Sorry to know about your back pain … and welcome back to the forum. Yea I noticed your energy is not the same as it was a year back … you were a happy young girl that time. Take care of yourself and do use fields to help you heal.

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There are interesting voices/modes that emerge in “”split” personalities, so the mind is capable of novel reactions to stress. It could also be that a desire that goes against his usual personality—like letting you win an argument—might sound feminine to him, just as split personality voices are of multiple genders/ages/personalities. (I’m avoiding a discussion on the metaphysical status of such voices.) I’m just suggesting that improvement might be marked by certain voices the same way that distress is. He said it was peaceful, the “takeover” of his normal inner voice (if that’s what it was) was very brief. No reason to think too much. This sort of thing happens every day

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that’s the inner voice it might knows things more than you know (it could be you like you develop some sort of inner intelligence (talk active intuition) , higher self, ancestor or spirit friend)

in times of crisis that voice activate in me addressing problem and what i should do.

but people are different each one have some sort of something that guide, some are guided by their ego which is a bad thing and others some are guided by what i mentioned above

Edit update: i saw the screen you shared so it is likely a spirit friend (old lady) lol

since you said you’re having spiritual discussion why would one believe in spirituality then get scared of spirits, that doesn’t make any sense. old lady spirit seems wanting to help.
i would love spirit that want to help and sooth the problems.

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Hey @Imogen … I am sorry too….I got anxious since I am new to this country, alone with my husband and far from family and friends. Also I am scared of all those things too. I reacted out of that but I know you only meant well. God bless and take care

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It’s all fine (:

Has he tried to go to therapy. “Voices” might be a sign of trauma (d.i.d.) or schizophrenia