We are one!

I starting to incorporate fields like ego disolution, crucrible store trauma, etc. And everyday im geting more consciuos and get insights like we are one and its not ok to fight another human being or animal. also i want to go back to frutarianism or raw vegan. Because we dont need “protein” in every meal. remember no animal cook his food or count macros. Always remember dont fight spread love because in the end its only you. there is no body else here. We are one, its like a tree with all his leaves and fruits in the end everything that has the tree is the tree. we are like drops of water in the ocean. Also i want to share and experimient, close your eyes and be very present and mindfull about every sound or feel the things that are near to you. if you get there you will realize that everything is inside you theres nothing out. our Brain is like a computer or device thats play the movie and our eyes are the proyectos of that movie. And we are just watching. we have no control of things. and nothing is good or bad. you create that duality. Always everything is happened for you and for your growth. Get rid of ressitance and let the movie please itself, but you need to do your part, like eating good food, meditate, breathwork, maybe plant medicine like ayahuasca or dmt or shrooms, on to go more inside and relearn and heal traumas and understand that everything is the way its is, dont live in the past or try to “change” things that already happened. you are guided with and intelligence (call it god, universe…) everything is ok. when you feel alone remember we are everything, sometimes if hard to believe that because of the ego in this 3d but when i fast for 31 days and became frutarian for 2 motnhs i move to 5d and it was very overwhelming because i download a lo of information but its hard yo mannage if you are not ready because the ego get a kick in the ass. Our nature is to love everyone and doesent judge anyone. because in the end its you. and everything is a mirror. Dont hurt or judge yourself or judge others because some day life will put the mirror in front of you with another human being showing the same thing you do to others. No Joke being frutarian or raw vegan or breatharian is our real way to live. we need prana for our sistem not dead flesh of atorture animal. dont get me wrong now a days i ate animal products but im transitining to vegan and then maybe raw till 4 and then i wil be frutarian again. and Feel that unexplinable unlimited energy and love. its like be on extasis everyday all day but more grounded. I love you all i love you! we are one thanks community for make my personal and spiritual journey more smooth. if you need to talk please share your experience or ask for help. love you all again LOVE YOU ALL!`


I don’t see a question here so I moved it to another section

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That’s a Beautiful Lifestyle and Good Insights.


Not my sentiment.

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Yes, we do

I think it’s the exact opposite :slight_smile: