Wealth Generation + +

Nice. I have my sights on Byron shire :wink::ok_hand:

To keep on topic, I have some rather amazing results to share here soon. If I’m honest though I think it’s been a collaborative effort between this field
Woven worlds millions
Financial protector
And blueprint of life :dna: that field has been a miracle for me. Alpha and Omega


Haven’t paid too much attention to this one this may

But I got 10€ at random twice
Someone gifted me really good expensive shoes I can use for my new job
Got 2 E cigarettes as gift
Someone lent me 125€ to be able to pay for loans

Hopefully this can help me sell my underused nfts for good too​:face_with_hand_over_mouth::rofl:


everything is intentional


So I’ve been subscribed to he premium subscription for about 3 months now to receive benefits from the field and financial protector and so far I have not seen any benefits really. The only thing I’ve noticed was after listening for the first time, I found a dollar bill on the ground but that was months ago. I know this field works cause I see the comments from other users but I don’t see the same results the average user here sees. I will continue using this field as the price for the is cheap in my opinion for the benefits that is offered. Blockages? Too many fields? I will keep experimenting with this


Trust the process, it can be exactly that. Sometimes other things (often related to other fields / shadow) have to shift first. Fundamental fields like soul core and blueprint of life can make a big difference. As with the energy course, I haven’t done that yet tho


Point of no Return
Blueprint of life

Could help tremendously.



It was so fun truly like Austin but the most amazing is that im writing about something positive and fun …and That did not happen in a long time.

Some shift hopefully is happening 🪷☀️


Just wanted to update:

February: >600
March: 1900
April: 708
May: 1050

:moneybag: :moneybag: :moneybag:

May the showers of abundance bless you :slight_smile:



What happened in March? Do you notice anything done different in that month that you can pintpoint and share?

Im trying to cath it myself too because same up and down (but always extra)

Yours looks similar and i wonder if its the wave the fluctuactes to push more after.

Like how the heart works.

Diastole = relax (lower in this case) to fill up with blood (money momentum)

Systole = push blood out (up) higher money

So maybe is what we do in one month will reflect the next one.

This audio works yes or yes but passively brings small actively brings big. Ime


So the rumours are true ;)

I am gonna ponder on this


Do you use only Wealh generation ++ or combination of wealth fields?

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May I ask what is that combination? :grinning:

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She’s back?

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Various stuff…
I keep experimenting
I really like the unexpected and mind settings album, kuberas blessings, among others


Ok I have to take note of anything I see that could save money. As for results I have mainly been using my sources of income as the effectiveness of this field but you have to take into account ways to save money.
-Just this month I found out the meal delivery service gave a massive discount which saved me money on food orders.
-Also an airline to gave a massive discount (about 70%) on an unlimited travel pass which would pay for itself in only a couple of flights
Discounts may not be considered wealth generation but if it saves money, that money could be used in ways to generate wealth.
Just my $0.02 on this field’s effectiveness. Don’t ignore the small stuff!


This one plus Fortuna smiles, probability wave+ gratitude for blessings would make a great combo for sure

Or capital governance
Unexpected gifts

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Any experience or report on this combo?

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