Wealth Generation + +

A few times over the last days, I´ve had to pay less for my grocerys than they are priced for.
Around 30€ saved in total.

Have to make calls, but it seems I am entitled to an extra few hundred bucks.


I´ve just received an NFT as a gift, which costs 100 bucks in the shop.


Can you explain better, did you receive it randomly in the mail?

@hugo6406 offered 2 NFTs 4free, I´ve received one of them.


I don’t think this counts as a result of this field.
The description says the field shall generate MONEY, not free extra stuff.
Or was it your plan to purchase this particular NFT during this month anyways?


Fair enough. But I prefer to trust my own judgement on this.

No, tho I´ve contemplated to get one for luck.


Okay, but this logically makes no sense to me because it is not what the field description says.

I wanted to point out that you most likely manifested the free NFT due to other origins and not due to this field.

The description of this particular field says that the field is aimed at either manifesting additional $$$ or saving you $$$ with stuff that you already wanted to buy anyways.

If your judgement says “field X manifested for me ABC” when ABC is not even the goal of the field, then assiging ABC to field X means your judgment here is false.

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Wealth is everything.
From family dinners to cars, nfts, planes, houses etc.

From the description

Also an attempt to generate 100 dollars extra each month, just to cover your patreon expenses.

As we see, dollars are “also”.


Oh, you are right!
Thank you.

My bad then.
I misread the actual description and did not realize that it was aiming at both, the $$$ and the abundance.
Mea culpa.


Like I´ve said, I hear you. But if my subconscious tells me field A manifested X, then I trust it.

You telling me this is wrong, doesn´t change this.

You are free to believe what you want.


All good :slight_smile:


Update previous results :blush:

About two months ago, I listened to it 3 times in the morning and made $400 by the afternoon


Anyone else having a slow month?


:raising_hand_woman: ive made extra but less than what i had been getting the past months, but have lost some too due to the peso getting stronger and i get paid in $Usd :grimacing:

So lets say its even and thank God for Financial Protector because it saved me $250 every month from now on. I dont attribute those to this field, it def was Samurai Man :star_struck:

Lol no not God. Thanks Dream :raised_hands:


On hold, but I blame the current battle for it.

Depends on the outcome. If I win, I´ll save the few hundred bucks I´ve mentioned before.

Almost hit the 100€ mark, (got 50€ gift, and took second place in a fantasy soccer league for 30+ some goodies) but yes slower than April and May, but at least for me, it’s on me.

My focus for a while will be on something else than the money making instruments I’ve deployed till now.

But when it will go in port it will be way better than everything I’ve done so far in what concerns having a stable, constant and risk free income which will cover me for the next 3 years

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Samurai guy having my back in a very rough month for sport trading.

Love that field, I’m sure it will help me for the taxes declaration I have to fill in July

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I have been using “Wealth Generation + +” almost daily for 1.5 months. No extra cash manifestations yet for me.


Same here, however financial protector worked better for me, maybe it has to do with global financial slowdown…

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Do you listen the Alchemical Revision of Wealth?