Wealth Generation + +

It’s always amazing when people create this type of content but need people to buy it from them to generate income! Sometimes most people don’t use logical reasoning and that’s how people take advantage of others. If they have the ability to create wealth generation they would have multiple sources of income as not needing people to buy it. We all
Have our own opinions and that’s mine

Some people like helping others , not everyone is selfish. dream doesnt have to generate income from this, he chooses to so everyone can have a slice of cake


I think this is a fair critique and it’s something I’ve considered myself. But, I land on the opposite side that you do.

Dream hasn’t created any fields that day “Listen to this x times a day for x days and you will for sure pocket a million dollars” or anything like that. The fields are made to give your being a helpful push in the right direction. How effective that push is will depend on many factors (subconscious limits, personal ability, the situation you were born into, the opportunities available to you, other aspects and energies in your life that affect your earning potential, etc.). From my knowledge Dream and most other makers of fields will tell you that you have to personally be taking action towards your goal.

Dream’s success in marketing his fields is possibly a direct effect of his ability to tap into and utilize wealth generating energies. Also, I think it’s totally possible that someone with a “better” set of circumstances could benefit monetarily from Dream’s wealth/luck fields far more than he himself could due to individual circumstances.

Main point being what I said earlier, these are helpful pushes. Strong pushes in some case, but not instant money making machines. Near limitless other factors come into play. Personally, I’ll take any helpful push I can get.


This person is implying Dream should have already made multiple stream of income and should make all his fields for free. You see that thought process of theirs? It is called entitlement. Ignore them lol.

There are plethora of free money and wealth fields.


Hi GQinthekeys

I realize that you just got here, but surely you know that you are in the house of the creator of this field. This forum is a place for you to learn and grow, and I hope you are here for those reasons. If so, please enjoy yourself. You will find that we are grateful to have access to this work. But be aware - the creator is a business owner, and this is his business. There are many types of fields for every aspect of life on earth.


Do we know this is his only source of income?

Is anyone forcing you to purchase anything? (There are ~500 free fields)

How does any value exchange work in the world?


Every one of us need to buy good x from person y to fulfill need Z

And person Y needs to buy good x+1 to fulfill need z+1

The thing is that, after the end of the transaction both me as person X and Dreamweaver as person Y we are better off than before.


What needs to be graspt is that He spended a great amount of time develop such ability to create those products, and for how amazing he is, the roundabout principle and the specialization principle could still affects him, the more he focuses on one layer of skills the less he can focus on other things, therefore he needs to squeeze a benefit out of it.

Nevertheless, a great amount of fields are free to use, and they work, in theory you can be good to go without ever purchasing anything, in practice after you see how good those fields work, you are intuitively called to other productions, and btw among the free fields there are some very premium ones for which i would have paid 200€+


Guys will this still work even tho i only a work a job and i dont have a side hustle or anything

like will i just randomly get money ?? surely not, surely i uave to do some extra work and this would just help

Yes maybe yes

I.e. maybe a friend calls you to help him doing something and he gives you money.

You win a gift.

You get extra money from work.

You get some settlements for situations maybe from years ago when you paid more than you should or ecc.

The pathways for wealth are a lot and some pretty surprizing.

Play it, maybe in combination with unexpected gift and let it surpise you


Oh wow and i just saw on a post above, dream confirmed you get 100 dollars extra confirmed lol this a no brainer gonna buy premium

thx captain <3

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If you get Patreon Top Tier, Don’t pass by without a few plays a week of Financial Protector aswell.

And if you could print the mandala and keep it with your money, they will feel extra cocooned by it.

That field is so powerful


ahahah holy shit this worked so fast, i won 30 pounds in winnings playing the lottery
also got a lot more tips yesterday at work from customers

Massive lottery win incoming :OOO


$100 credit statement + extra cash gifted from family


Do you listen every day?

Yes and I have the financial protector as my phone wallpaper


Two times a day?

I find difficult to understand this train of thought, to me there is so much wrong with it.

what if my income opportunity is selling the product, as it is my skill to make these things, so I am using my skill in making these things to generate income, while also providing for customers/people who follow what I do.
I am pretty sure, they could also… sell something online also.
So I just dont understand the train of thought. How do you know that it isnt my opportunity i making use off?
How do people think opportunities arise.
You have to pay attention and use the skills you have.
At least in the capitalist world this is the easiest and most logical thought about it.

Perhaps how the field works is misunderstood, but i have never said money magically appears, things are made to work within the system they were designed for.
the environment around you which also includes the ideology of the people around.

Sorry for the comment, i just found it so strange, it is like thinking inside a small box, a set of self created opinions that lock you inside a small world where you cannot see bigger pictures.

Regardless I like creating for patreon, those are the people who support me.
Why wouldnt I want to make things for them?
and of course i am want them to also succeed and make money also.
what’s wrong with that?

for the mods if this statement was rude or seemingly so then feel free to remove
and I apologise if it was.


I 100% agree with @Dreamweaver what you say here and i am paying for and enjoying the benefits since you created the premium tier many thanks for the work!


You are so cute. You unpack stuff far better than I (why is that a surprise lol). Love you, Dream :slight_smile:


Don’t worry Dream you’re completely correct on this argument and when I first read his statement I couldn’t fathom it either.

You’re providing a service that people enjoy and benefit from and in return they revenue is justified. People pay for things all the time that the like and constantly want use of. That’s why subscriptions of all kinds exist.

So again don’t feel bothered by his statement. Like you said some people are just in a box closed off from the bigger picture. And some people just want everything for free, but life isn’t that sweet nor is it rewarding.