Wealth Generation + +


Now, that would be rude of us lol


We don’t need your apologies. We need more of your comments, rather.

That seems to be the norm in various areas nowadays unfortunately.

It’s beautiful and much needed


I’m kinda confused by this part. If anyone has the right to respond to this it should be you.


I took a break from the top patreon tier for awhile and just today added it again. Having a slow week and as I’m rereading the description and playing this, I get a client walk in and book a session worth $100 :rofl:. Love it!


Awesome - gratz! :slight_smile:


@GQinthekeys I mean … you can always try the product, and, if it doesn’t work, you don’t have to buy it? (Most of the “expensive” stuff on GumRoad is amalgamated from free fields available on YouTube… even negentropic treasures have a preview in Alchemichal Jing Charged Blood)

The free preview of this field has energy/programming in it that lasts a bit for the person that listens to it. It will likely work for most people, and the programming also lets you know when it does. So you’re literally getting a sneak peak.

It was set like this on purpose, to be more fair, I assume.

A part of this field in particular is complex and seems to work as it does primarily because of patreon, as there seems to be something like an energy amplification factor to it (your 20 subscription gets amped up and returned to you as increased energy in the form of 100$ minimum - with the upper limit being contigent on your own ecosystem).

But, like anything, periods with turmoil and bizzare energetic fluctuations will affect how this functions. It’s not completely foolproof, neither is any product out there. 4 months ago, such a period occurred.

Edit: that being stated, I understand your mental framework and the experiences that led you to think like this. Seems rational from that standpoint. I am just trying to turn your focus to aspects of this that you haven’t been looking at.


I’ve been reading through this thread and it’s re-kindled a spark of magic in myself that had dwindled. It’s so easy to think for example “oh well, everyone at the company was getting a raise; my husband would have gotten a raise anyways” but you know… that can’t be said for certain. There are infinite realities, including one where we didn’t get that raise.

So here’s to remembering the Magog in everything… including those little Pennie’s we see. It’s all a matter of perspective.

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Or a false understanding of who “you” are. If you keep in mind that “you” are a Web of interconnected souls, and bear in mind that things need to remain balanced, you’ll see the true beauty of how this has been helping “you”.

But also, do realize that it takes time to crystalize from where it’s pulled, so use it consistently for at least 21 days to 3 months … most concrete changes of this nature can take as much as a full year to become undeniably obvious.

Most people listen passively. Conscious engagement helps a lot, as does opening channels in this density for the field to act on, like learning new skills, or removing Blockages in the form of flawed beliefs that limit what you can accept as possible. Even opening an online accessories store will help this field work more. As will broadening your social circle and increasing the number of people that count on you and care for you.

The plight of dualistic and linear thinking really is the hardest thing to overcome for souls yearning for Moksha.

Ask a reliable Astrologer to draw your natal chart to see if you have any Blockages specific to wealth and ask them how to deal with them if you do. Use the Kuber Mudra often throughout the day, it will supercharge all of what your are currently doing in terms of finances …


Try chanting OM Gram Greem Groum Sah Gurave Namah


Got another work bonus! Boy was I surprised when I heard my name called at the company-wide meeting. Don’t sleep on the premium tier Patreon membership, fam - it’s totally worth it. :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

p.s. Plus it supports the awesome work of our Captain on an ongoing basis. And we get the bonus of some incredible fields that assist us on all levels of being.


Hi, can I know how many times are you lopping this field. I am new to this gift by Sapien.

Sorry that I haven’t been updating…
Just wanted to share that I got an unexpected 125 for helping out a friend. I didn’t expect it at all and even said sth like “why so much?” :smiley: to which he said “You deserve this money”


As precise as a Swiss watch


This field should be illegal :joy:


It could be cloned. So when you listen 30 times, instead of getting whatever effect, you get 3000…and so on. I know people would get a zillion devices with it looping 24/7 xD

I know I would xD


economists reading that: 2m0s2q


I resubbed last week to the premium tier and started listening and this week I received a $25 voucher from a food delivery service that I use.
I never get chosen for giveaways. literally.
so I would attribute it to the field


I keep forgetting to update. Received 1.000$ from a relative this month and it came as a big surprise. Didn’t expect this generous gift at all!


I only listen to this every few days and it still works so well.

Every psychic reading I do, people are so generous and I always get more than I charge.

Everything comes so abundantly and I’m able to give back in the exact same way it’s given to me.

Abundance for the world begins within :sun_with_face:
Never coerced for anyone, and always coming from a place of overflow


Since you mentioned this, I guess I can now talk about this without much issues.

This is actually embedded with an insanely powerful gratitude bomb … it is so intense, that once the seed is planted, you will feel immensely grateful for everything … down to every atom of oxygen you breath.


Been even part of the premium subscription for some time but never actually listened to this audio.

I was given some discount coupon to get $25 off each month for 3 months. Working right away :pray:t5::mechanical_arm: