Wealth Generation + +

I see discounts as an additional of the amount i get from this field
When theoretically i would have to pay 100$ but lets say get a Discount where i only have to pay 60$, then i saved / “received” 40$


Can you share how this field helped your family business please? Like increased sales/customer etc. I am running my family business and I am interested in more detail.

All it did was attract more customers. There was no blueprint plan. Our business is just simple.


I find when I have inner contentment, so is the people around me. Families are sometimes complicated, we are all in this together at the end of the day.


How dare you post a Mr. McMahon video without his infamous billionaire walk ! :rofl::rofl: Mr. McMahon Billionaire Walk 🤑💰 #shorts - YouTube


Got it man, thank you. More customers are great especially during the current business environment. I did a review yesterday and realized that my business receive enough orders this week that can last us 2 months, to the point that we might not have enough workers to work on them haha. This is with just free wealth/luck stack. But profit margin could be higher though.


So happy for you! My business has been increasing like crazy with this field. Now we need an additional worker lol.


I was listening to Wealth generator with my boyfriend bering present but with no idea it’ is playing. He got discount while buying new flying simulator game modul. And he won some money on lottery. He scratches those little papers .
It s funny cause i got no results yet myself and he is so not aware.:face_with_hand_over_mouth::sweat_smile:


Ok update…
Something very interesting is happening. He just got a side job. He will get the same amount of money that’ he would get dały im his regular job doing the same thing for just one hour.
I’m listening while I’m resting during my free time while he is taking action.
It is getting very interesting…


That sounds great man, I think it is also a blessing for your family to hire additional worker and to provide for that person. Just made my leap of faith and got premium tier, let’s see what this and financial protector can bring.

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I think this is very interesting in that there is no way he is getting the benefit directly as wealth generator is protected and thus does not work for anyone that isn’t subscribed. Him being able to reap all that benefits means that this field should work on one’s spouse/partner as well without having two subscription. And you can help out your loved ones without them even doing what we know and what we are doing:) before from my experience I know that free fields can do it, now makes me feel even better that premium tier can do that as well! Great discovery indeed!

What makes it more interesting is that you guys aren’t even married, before I thought the “immediate family” definition is more like parents/spouse/children. So Dream is being very generous here haha.

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We share household ,finances etc . So my wealth is his wealth…
I guess that is why it works for him too.

Also we are very generous towards each other so field probably works on him as an extension of me.
That’s how i see it.


yeah that would make sense, I thought you guys were just dating so my bad, then it is more like spouse/partner status.

Currently listening to wealth generation while I am typing this reply. My wife is currently on a job hunt with two opportunities so hope I can pass all these energies to her.


Good luck then .:slightly_smiling_face:
I will definetly update.
I got gift from my boyfriend. He got discount on his game so decided to buy one for me. I suppose three are first results.
I also listen to woven world’s millions and i see some indirect clues around me that’something is going on . I will tell more on woven world’s topić when i have more to say.


Ahhh ha! There is the connection!

What a magical audio haha

Im gonna start playing it around friends/family/coworkers/etc so they get money to buy ME stuff haha thats amazing!!


It probably works for people around You that You have connection with. Connection that lead to Your wealth.

I just got message from my mom that she sold a flat that was pretty hard to sale.

I’m few months i’m moving to new apartment. She told me that she will buy me new kitchen as a gift. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

My parents are pretty wealthy but i am on my own sińce i was very young. Its not like they give me new kitchens and stuff.

Note that we have a huge crisis. In Poland it’s very nasty one.

I also listen to woven world’s millions. But with wealth generator results are on faster i think.

I also listen to generator more frequently.

Fun fact is that i live near Ukrainie border. And this area is affected by crisis in complex way.


Been watching this thread ever since. The results speak loudly.

This Wealth Generation + + field does tangible financial benefits!

Only couple of weeks to end my Sapien 4.5usd patreon tier, and I’ll join the premium 22usd tier!

Thank you all that keep sharing their awesome results!



can i get access to this field if i get 4.5 usd subscription


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