Wee girl (10) who is heavier than her mammy

Granted, she’s tall for her age, but she’s very overweight. I have the deep feeling that her issue is emotional, like a padding from the world. She expresses herself very well to me (her mum) but struggles with her dad somewhat and paternal grandmother even more so (very strong personality there, always right, that kinda energy). She fears deeply and cares even more deeply.
However it doesn’t help that her dad is a feeder and food gives her comfort. I feel I am having to be the strict one in excess to balance this out. I have spoken to him many many times about this issue, but he struggles to say no. It’s difficult to walk the tightrope of helping with her weight bit also not wanting to sow seeds of dysfunctional eating habits and eating disorders. Fyi she had no weight issues until after she started school (age 5) and since then it’s crept up and up. I used to have a set of scales in the house but I had to throw them away as she was weighing herself daily and asking if she looked thinner. :worried: Both her father and I have suffered eating disorders (and addictions) in the past, the propensity is there in the cells.
I could really use some advice with a stack to play to her while she sleeps, to assist her with her fears and the related weight issue. She’s sensitive to music and so far the only one she likes is the Plasma Flaunt, which I don’t feel is suitable for her age. She won’t actively listen to anything she doesn’t like so it will need to be played after bedtime.
Thank you brother’s and sisters for any consideration given to help my little girl. I’m almost crying writing this. Having children is a beautiful but painful experience. It’s probably always been so. Much love.


While many audios, suggestions, and words even come to my mind now,

I think the chakra fields could actually help her a lot, and I mean, more than one would think on first glance they’d help…
I would even suggest the Iron Gullet as I have noticed personally it spreads out its effect to all what means with the solar plexus.

Pure heart coherence because it makes all the audios work better and puts the body and mind in coherence to acting along these energetic and behavioral changes.
It releases all resistance of the mind and dissolves all the blockages of the heart, making both act on the same path.
You will find it extending to everything that has to do not just with what you mentioned but all areas of her life as well :)

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I am considering the heart coherence audio. Though if I bought that today sued have no problem losing weight as bone of us would be eating for over a week, given I just spent £241 on Plasma Flaunt yesterday :joy:. But it’s definitely worth prioritising when the bank account regenerates itself again, as it always does. Thank you dear one. Much appreciate the input. :kissing_closed_eyes:


This is so kind of hard because it sounds very similar to my ten year old experience. I was super desperate, I even sent a cash envelope to some diet pill company hoping for a miracle-

So I’m going to respond in a way that’s subjective to me and I want you to look at it like a buffet (that’s a bad analogy but I hear it elsewhere regarding some things) pick what you think might be relevant and disregard the rest.

The emotional:

Is there a lot of criticism in her life? Is she often under a microscope?

How often is she complimented for who she is, as a person vs. how often is she criticized or micromanaged

When she fears, how is she comforted, if at all?

Does she feel she is able to confide in anyone around the house?

Is she the oldest? If she is, is there more responsibility put on her vs her siblings like does she have to carry the weight of their mistakes too

Does she spend most of her time alone? Why do you think that might be?

Is she expected to control things she can’t possibly control?

Is there an over emphasis on vanity and looks in the house? Is it an unspoken thing that looks are the most important thing?

How often are people criticized for their looks on television?

When she does something “wrong” how is that handled? Is there a lot of shame?

The physical:

I lost like 50 lbs in 7th grade and I did it with the 90s low fat diet and walking. I’m not saying I recommend the diet, but I do recommend the walking. I started at 3.2 speed worked up to 4.0, for an hour every day.

Again- I’m a mother, I know how easy it is to take things personally. Don’t. I’m reflecting my early experience before I became more self aware later on, and if it sounds familiar, and you feel some things can be changed, do with it what you will. I wish the best for all of you.

P.s. You asked for an audio and I didn’t deliver. I do t know if the shamanic medicine blend would be appropriate for her but I think it’s excellent. I also happen to like Gaba, or one could potentially increase it naturally by eating more tryptophan. Like, Turkey and things like that.


Haha! The Plasma Flaunt is on my see you soon list for some very similar reasons! I hope you come across a near chance that allows you to buy the heart coherence the soonest! But if not, that’s totally fine! The Solar plexus chakra audio also means with the heart… And I think for a reason :)))

Plenty of other heart fields can give a good hold until heart coherence lands on your way :slight_smile:

I’m not sure if the Mana circuits audio would be suitable for her, but I would start with something like the Smart Reiki perhaps if you have it?

Or the Flower of Life. I think this one would be great! :)


No, not a lot. She is very sensitive, I have to ask her to stop apologising for things that require no apology, so actually what isn’t meant as criticism she can take as criticism. One has to wary of how they approach things with her.

Daily, many times daily. Though she thirsts for appreciation from others so if she asks me “did I do well?” I tend to ask her first “well, how do YOU feel you did?” And then give my answer. I do try not to give her advice unless she asks for it (easier said than done but still, we do our very best, don’t we?)

My way of comforting her is to be with her, hug her while being fully in my own body and present with her fear. I don’t pretend to her that her fears will never happen, unless I really feel they won’t. Her biggest two just now are “all my family might die and I’ll be alone” (could happen) and “I’ll get stuck in my dreams and you’ll think I’m dead and bury me alive” (not gona happen). One is easier to smooth out than the other.

In my house yes. In her dad’s house she doesn’t FEEL she can. I have helped support her to speak to her dad about things she struggles with by being with her when she brings things up. Her dad is more open to hearing her feelings than she gives him credit for, but her perception must have come from SOMEWHERE. Luckily her dad and I are on friend terms so talking about this stuff is easy. And he just wants to do best for her and listens to my advice about these things.

She is technically the middle child by my eldest is no longer living here so she is filling the role of the eldest in the home right now. I am very very strict to ensure that her little brother is not given more leeway than her, but she has issues saying no to him, which I monitor closely. Not least because I don’t want HIM thinking he can just get away with being a wee toerag to her on without me having something to say about it :joy:

She HATES being alone. She’s only just started being able to sleep in her own room at age 9. A big step and it seems to have brought up a lot.

Not in my house. I don’t wear makeup, patch clothes with holes until they are more patch than original item, sometimes forget to brush my hair and have no problem going to the shop in my jammies.

Not sure, she watches Netflix but most of what she watches are for slightly younger children. She’s not really into more grown up things.

Internally yes. She feels shame very easily. She gets a hug, is told an apology is not necessary. I’m working on helping her understand that while I need to point out certain behaviours, there is no need to apologise for the vast majority of behaviours. Not unless someone has been actively hurt. Which really doesn’t happen with her.

It’s only half her life though. She has a different environment at her dad’s. Example: we just went on holiday and her and her dad were going just before her wee brother and I, with her dad’s mum. She wanted to take her stick that she likes to dance and spin with but thought twice with the phrase " oh, maybe I better not take it, my granny might not approve". That was a sad thing to hear. A bit of confidence to be her true self for all to see would go a long way.

I really appreciate your questions, and your response in general. :heart::heart::heart:

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It seems there’s a lot of fear of death here

First I was wondering if there was a counselor she may be able to talk to

But as far as audios, I’ve gathered that the middle ground on Teespring may be able to help in addition

It seems her fears are centered around people leaving in some way, perhaps not in their control.

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Oh my, wouldn’t a councilor be amazing? She hates talking to adult strangers and will not even speak to loved family members (including me!) over the phone or video chat. The only exception is her big brother. And in the UK counseling and phycology appointments are all still being done over the phone. So that won’t work for her. Total bummer.

Edit: gona head to teespring and give it the once over. Thank you!!! :heart:

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Using food for comfort is dysfunctional, just saying.
You probably know that though.
Her dad needs to understand his behaviour is an issue.
If he really can’t say no, he should get rid of the trigger foods from the house and only keep some healthy snacks like fruit (maybe some healthy oat cookies sweetened by banana made together or whatever).

For the emotional side of things, others have given great advice, I would just add that angelic intercession and become whole could also be good ideas.

And while it’s crucial to address the emotional side of things, it’s also important to change habits.
Regarding the physical side of things, take a look at your lifestyle.
This is a conversation I’ve had with my parents recently as I’m trying to get them to lose weight.
I’m from eastern Europe, where the evenings and weekends generally are spent “passively”. Watch TV in the afternoon/evening, maybe some gardening or something in the summer, but it’s quite a passive sort of life. Traditionally weekends would be about cleaning the house and cooking biiiiig family meals and eating a lot.
Especially after a certain age (after people have kids), adults slowly stop working out, and become less and less fit. We are not quite as overweight as in the UK, but almost :D
The food is quite heavy (though very seasonal, at least) and children aren’t encouraged to move enough.

On the contrary, now I live in one of the countries with the lowest obesity rates in the west.
The main difference is,

  1. People eat much healthier - there are often salads as main course, lighter meals (so an actual light salad, I don’t mean the 1000kcal ones) like that are eaten by also adult men regularly which tbh I never saw back in eastern Europe :joy:
  2. People spend most of their downtime actively. Almost everyone has gym membership where they actually go, people are walking, running, cycling etc. 4-5 times a week at least. Weekends are spent actively too, not lounging around in front of the TV.
    Many people who are retired here are fitter then me and honestly I’m not unfit :sweat_smile:

I don’t know your lifestyles and I don’t need to either, but these things really do matter.
If you tackle the issue from both side, you wi see results, I’m sure.


Oops sorry I see now that her dad’s house is a different place.
That’s more difficult, but as long as he has a lightbulb moment and understands that weight loss is in everyone’s interest…

I mean, kids often get pick on because of their weight (both if they’re too skinny and if they fat). Surely, he doesn’t want that for her?
Maybe if he has some alternatives for healthy snacks, he would switch easier.

How much time does she spend there?

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My Personal Emotional and Mental Supporter


Half her time. She tells me he often sleeps all day and just let’s her watch, where as in my home there is no TV during the day, school holidays or no school holidays makes no difference.
It’s a mine field when your kid has two homes. He makes noises like he understands and then the next day I hear she’s had a whole 12inch pizza to herself along with chips. Gaaaaaaah.
And it’s comfort eating, so yes, as you say dysfunction. I do know that indeed. What I meant was I don’t want her eating to go the other way and start running between TWO dysfunctional states, IE binge and starve. I was there once, as her dad has been so it baffles me as to why he can’t see it now for her. Though she says he’s doing better and being stricter about the snacking thing.
She’s not as hungry as he thinks. All she’s wanted today with me was strawberries and a banana for breakfast (my buckwheat and apple pancakes were “yucky”, oh well, more for me then) and a hummus and cucumber sandwich for lunch. Just offered the remaining strawberries and got told “no thanks, I’m not hungry yet”. See, because there is nothing junky and “yummy” to eat in my house there’s no insensitive to snack when not hungry. If he could get into that and stop buying so many take aways it’d help.
I will put my hands up and say I’m not so great with the exercise. We live in Scotland, it’s been pissing out all day, it’s difficult to get up the motivation to get out. Though we put the encanto soundtrack on and danced about, which is something I guess. I don’t want to make her dad sound like he’s to blame, because that’s not fair. But I do feel like I’m losing a fighting battle sometimes.
So I was looking for an audio or two or three to help with that self esteem/personal will/emotional healing, as she is very aware of her weight and does wish to do something about it. But when you’re ten and someone’s offering you easy access to your addictive substance, very very VERY hard to say no.
Thanks for your insights lovely. It all helps. :heart:

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Aha! This maybe very helpful for her…

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Im a big fan of the become whole audio :)
If you have the means, point of no return addresses a lot of stuff, but I don’t have that personally.

You can play the “love” album (attract love, divine love, unconditional love, that one) when you’re chilling at home, it’s all gentle but powerful.

Yes, it’s complicated.
Maybe if he hears it from someone, like her doctor?
In case there is a third party available to have a talk with him too?

Exercising outdoors in bad weather is also difficult, I understand.
Depending on where you live, maybe there are some cool indoor options (like trampoline park, swimming, bouldering, dance classes depending on what she is into), but those subscriptions also cost money, so again it depends on your situation and options.

It sounds like your daughter is getting in tune with her body and hunger cues.
That’s a very important thing to learn, also for many adults :D

It’s something I always talk to her about, being IN the body. Noticing how it feels. Listening carefully before making decisions about anything at all. The body doesn’t lie. The mind can, as we know.
Means are something that I don’t have a lot of. We just went to Mull (one of the inner Hebridean islands) and she spent at least 2 hours each day swimming in the sea with her dad. Free and highly healthy, not withstanding the general pollution in the world, though it’s not obvious there. The water is very clear.
I just bought her a bike for her birthday so we are doing that too. When her dad actually gets up they can be put in the park for hours. Though he’s been going through quite the depression since he was vaccinated and doesn’t feel much like doing anything these days.
We do our best, and the gentle discussions I’ve had with her regards food/body signals and health in general, including mental health, are slowly sinking in. I trust her process. Just think a little help along the way wouldn’t go amiss.
I think point of no return and pure magnetic hear coherence are feeling to me like the very best options in terms of paid audios, and I will loop becoming whole a few times for her in the meantime when she’s at mine and asleep. If I ask her dad to do the same he will. He does try. Thanks lovely. Big help. :heart:

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