Weightloss Combo - Audio and Tag can use an upgrade?

This for me?
Me do cardio?! :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :sweat_smile: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:
Whew! thatā€™s never a thing.

Yeah, I wasnā€™t even doing cardio when I was competing nationally.
Even back then, I had discovered this weird thing called ā€œinterval running trainingā€ (now itā€™s called HIIT) that was much more effective.
Had my whole team doing it.
Had endurance for days.


Oh, sorry bro. :smile: I meant to @Maoshan_Wandererā€¦.Oops. Yeah, that shit is great bro. I love the way it exerts me, but I do it on the elliptical machine. National? I like that man. Pretty impressive. I wish I was into working out when I was younger, but when youā€™re busy ripping and running the streets, exercising is the last thing on oneā€™s mind. (Talk about lower vibrational living haha) Yeah bro, thumbs down for cardio. Lolā€¦


Not once have I explored HIIT, I go out for a run around the neighborhood and I chalk it up as my routine, lol any suggestions on where to lookup something to follow an example on or routine? I really need to get my fat burning gong with 3-6x cardarine to take full advantage of it right? Or is it just burning fat anyway with minimal exercise.


Personally, I feel Cardarine will help you regardlessly. But I feel if you want to maximize your fat burning, do HIIT if you can. And train with heavy weights, and eat lots and lots of fiber. In prison, I would eat like a bull, but didnā€™t do hit or cardio period. I would just do heavy weight lifting, and eat a bunch of fiber. I mean a ton. Beans, spinach, squash, etc. Eating a lot of veggies and legumes help keep me really lean. I would alternate at times too, with lighter weight training. You can find great HIIT videos on YouTube. But beware though, not all of them are correct. With HIIT, you are exerting yourself to the limit, to where you cannot go anymore. Hence the high intensity aspect of it. If you are doing exercises that donā€™t make your lungs feel like theyā€™re exploding, you are not doing it correctly. You wonā€™t be able to muster anymore for the durations that you are doing, if youā€™re doing them right. But donā€™t worry, they are just in intervals.


Instead of going for a slow jog for a long time, do sprints. Run at nearly the maximum speed you can, like as if youā€™re running for your life from a giant-ass tiger. Go full out like that for 15 seconds or so, then slow down to a walk until your heart rate calms down. Then repeat.

Do this until youā€™re spent. 1000% more effective than a jog, and youā€™ll be done sooner.

Hereā€™s the key (same with HIIT) - exercise in such a way that your body thinks you are fighting to survive (short bursts of max power). Do this, and the body freaks out and grows as much as it can, so next time you can outrun the tiger and live another day.


Not only more effective, but itā€™s better for your joints :slightly_smiling_face:


Hey man. Maybe you can send some links where is correct HIIT method? :slight_smile:

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I will find you one right now. Brb.

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I didnā€™t have time to go through all of them, but this one explains HIIT good.


check thomas delauer other videos too, his diet videos have helped me so much


I used to like using some of his weight lifting videos, when I had first got home. Theyā€™re pretty good.

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Any chance of a New Year, New Weightloss Combo? :crossed_fingers: Maybe with built-in Diabetes, Leptin, and Hunger Inhibitor fields, and stress relief, for weight gain and depression from cortisol.

Lockdown just got extended in my country, got me reaching for the comfort carbs.:disappointed: