Weird mirror feeling/seeing

Come back here and reply if such ‘peculiarities’ happen again — and you feel the need.
Writing the below just in case.

If it is your shadow and it started showing itself to you, you’re going to want to take care of it — integrate it. You want to do this sooner rather than later, if it is your shadow and you’re going psychic.

If it is your shadow, what you see is pointing to a disowned aspect of yourself, that is asking for your attention, acceptance, healing — so that you become whole, reach your potential, continue to evolve in a healthy manner, and live your life as a free, powerful, sovereign being.
If it is your shadow, it has been operating under the surface of your awareness — if you feel like you’re stuck in some way, this may be why.

You’re going to want to make sure your house is in order before you go on with your mystic experiments.

From my experience, few of the things that have been helping me, also as advised by forum members throughout,

Numero Uno: You can introduce this now. Make sure you’re more grounded than a mofo before you reach for the stars. Besides grounding fields, start with root chakra (will help you ground), then work up. Mandelbrot is great.

Soul Restoration if you have any, Project Mental Health also has it
Become Whole
Depths of Your Soul / Mind Body Soul Graviton
From Maitreya, Shadow Integration
+Exactly what @JAAJ said:

Tres: If you see it again, and whatever else you may see, ask it what it wants to tell you. Remember this mantra: ‘I accept’ — acknowledge and listen what it’s got to tell you. If it has showed itself to you, my personal opinion is that you are now ready to hear, acknowledge, and heal it :)

Q: Particularities.
It did not show itself to you in the mirror for no reason. Perhaps you might in fact have even some distant recognition of what the nose and the clown point to? Start from there and the feelings and experiences associated with it.

Plenty of Alchemical Revisions, Trauma, and Release fields around here. Other suggested playlists in the search box.
Programmed Intention has wunderbar ‘Heal Dissociation’ on YouTube, also helps to ground (but not instantly) and bring back aspects unknown of yourself

6: Ease off the psychic experiments until you get your house in order, unless you like too much adventure.
Heal first, and establish strong connections with your Soul, HS; Allies: God/Source / some divinity you’re already connected to / spirit guide. You may add Higher Self Connection. Grace and First Light of Dawn are also great. I’d put FLOD in a daily stack.
