Does a weird thought ever cross your mind and you want to share it with people? I’m guessing not or you would have created this thread already.
It’s not quite Fortean phenomenon and it’s not exactly an inspirational quote. But you want to share it any way. The fortean pseudo-inspirational events that happen only between your two ears; feel free to share them here.
What if we do get to choose our lives and who we will be before we are born? And what if some of us have lives that seem a bit extra hard because we chose it that way? Maybe we kicked way too much ass in life during our previous 10 lifetimes and we thought, I’m amazing at this, it’s too easy, I’m getting bored, Please give me a few mental spiritual physical or social handicaps so I can at least stay awake during the next run.
What if on most planets people never really die. Everyone is immortal. Or they just respawn to the nearest temple and keep on going, no memories lost. And what if everyone on this planet chose hardcore mode where you can only die once and then all your memories are erased when you start again because we were all hard bastards that were just way too good at living.
Not so weird. That’s kind of how I look at life. Every challenge gives us the opportunity to grow spiritually. I think at least certain circumstances are chosen by the soul. The soul thinks differently than our personality.
Yeah not so much this tho
More like a video game that’s supergood/hard that we ragequit and, of course, come back to, after a day or two of cooling off.
Every “body” dies eventually. Even beings known as “stars”.
But yes, on every other plane, (and in earlier versions of this game) one doesn’t lose one’s past memories, so it’s like a respawn.
Yep. Explained this to someone via PM ;)
Our “Sun” being (and others around us) decided to create the most difficult “hardcore” version of this “game” as their “experiment”. ie. no past life memories, no underlying “knowingness” of one’s immortality or connection to “God”, etc.
In retrospect, and when I’m feeling like @Samurai, it’s kinda been a clusterfuck overall, but indeed, some felt earlier versions of the game were “too easy”, but this version of the game might be just a little too hard.
Attempted humor, yes. Maybe a little dark. It popped into my head and I thought someone could get a laugh out of it. I’m sure everyone has thoughts like that sometimes, not exactly like that, and they could have a place for it.
i do have the same bizarre (dark) humorous thoughts pop into my mind several times a day, i once was working with my colleagues and i’ve said something really weird but funny in the same time, and i’ve been told that always i come up with bizarre creative funny thoughts lol.
Weird Thought:
Can a soul that has passed over come back to this plane in the form of an animal?
A couple of years after my brother died I was sitting in my garden at the back of my house near a bird bath. A small bird landed and started chirping away, splashed around for a bit and then flew off and almost hit the tree behind the bird bath. At that moment I said out aloud “Jesus Bobby are you still drunk?” (my brother was an alcoholic) and then wondered to myself why would I have thought the bird was my brother?… why did I say that?…where did that thought come from? Just after that my husband came round the corner and asked me who I was talking to, he of course gave me a weird look when I told him what had just happened. A look that said “girl have you been smoking your socks???”
Three years later my husband of 28 years had a heart attack and passed away. About two or three weeks after he died I was sitting in my lounge working on my laptop when a bird flew into the room. This bird did not act like the other birds who have flown indoors before and start flying into things trying to find their way out. This bird flew in through the back door across the kitchen, flew a meter and a half down the corridor then turned left and flew into the lounge/dinning room. He flew across the lounge and landed right on top of the large framed photo that I had used at my husband’s funeral that was now sitting on the dining room table. He was very calm, quite happy and just started chirping. I of course responded “hello N…. how are you?..are you well?..I miss you…” then afterwards I felt silly that I was talking to a bird so I just sat there watching him. After a couple more seconds I then told the bird “don’t shit on that photo okay!” he chirped some more and then flew out of the room the same way he had come in. I was left there sitting on my sofa wondering if my grief had made me to start imagining things. I then walked over to the photo and guess what bird had indeed shat on the photo!!!
Was that bird my husband coming to check on me? I should also tell you that he did visit me in my dreams on three separate occasions.
Maybe birds can be messengers of the spirit realm at times. If not the people themselves, sent by their spirit, carrying some essence of it to hint at something they wish they could be there to say.
Thank you @Lucky at one time I thought he chose the bird because of overhearing me when I talked to the bird in the past when I thought it was brother. The weird thing is that on both these occasions the first thought I had was that it was them and then after a couple of seconds I doubted myself and wondered why on earth I would think like that?
Possibility, yes. They could have visited if your gut feeling strongly says so… irrespective of that usually I would suggest to pray for them for their further life journey even though they are near or far from us. In that way progress happens from both sides.
Thank you @Lucky. It’s been 12 years since my brother died and 7 years since my husband died. I am at peace with both their passing.
What made me write my post was that I was busy reading the original first post and while reading a bird flew into my cottage and my mind immediately tied the two together and I remembered the two incidents.
“The Seth Material is a collection of writing dictated by Jane Roberts to her husband from late 1963 until her death in 1984. Roberts claimed the words were spoken by a discarnate entity named Seth. The material is regarded as one of the cornerstones of New Age philosophy, and the most influential channelled of the post-World War II “New Age” movement…
John P. Newport, in his study of the influence of New Age beliefs, described the central focus of the Seth Material as the idea that each individual creates his or her own reality, a foundational concept of the New Age movement first articulated in the Seth Material”.
That’s a really interesting dream. I wonder if your daughter in law has more abilities than she realises in this regard or, more likely, that you do too. Dreams often point us to inner truths. Thanks for sharing it