What are some practical ways to get rid of parts of the EGO

What are some practical ways to get rid of part of the EGO.

Am using ego and am somtimes do the ego meditation.

What are other ways? Practical ways people have found usefull?

Can I ask my servtoirs to help reduce ego? And how would I go about doing that. Is that somthing they can do.


Expand your consciousness and become more conscious in your daily life


So being mindfull in general, How would you expand your consciousness what do u mean by that?


It’s very similar but not exactly the same, being aware of more things inside and out


@Dyslexic_Professor Besides what Philip said, I would recommend yoga, meditation, chakras work, mantras, these can speed up your progress towards your spiritual goal(s); of course, some fields might be the tools you need, yet I can not understand what you want to get rid of and why, so I can not say exactly (considering my little knowledge regarding fields) which fields are better (perhaps you want to keep that part for yourself and that’s perfectly fine), yet point of no return and a few other fields might be the solution, field-wise.

I wish you all the success you want/need, Inspector. :pray:

Sorry, wrong reply. :sweat_smile:

Edit: transmutation fields, also those like

Might be of great help.


Or perhaps you mean in a general way, as to reduce the influence of the Ego?
I don’t understand this part, to be honest.

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Yes I think ur correct

Topic edited

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The Ego is a complex thing, I still have no idea what it is or how complex it is :sweat_smile:, so it won’t be as “easy” as changing a belief (that is hard as hell too, yet the Ego is the “Godfather” of all sorts of beliefs, limitations, rules, definitions, etc. - at least I think so…; maan, I need to study this Ego thing someday, thoroughly), it will probably be one of the hardest challenges.

Edit: nevermind, to study the Ego is a never ending journey in psychology…


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Pranayama. helps to get into the state of “just being”


Transcend and realise that there is only consciousness, that is a greater truth to the ego


Just want to add that people usually want to get rid of their “ego”. That is not the right approach. The ego is that aspect of the mind which gives one a sense of “I-ness”. It may be argued that this is often the mistaken notion of “I” where one identifies the true self as body, mind, emotion, etc., and not as the Universal Consciousness. Yes, if this ego aspect takes over other aspects of the mind, then the balance is lost and the synergetic functioning of one’s personality is impaired.

That said, also a shot out to two AMAZING fields - Subconscious Limits Remover and Ego Dissolution. Most of the time, these two fields do not get the love they deserve as they get grouped solely as “boosters” to make other fields work. That is not incorrect, but on their own, they offer so many benefits - we need to take a minute to recognize them :slight_smile:

Did you know that If you were to free yourself of all your subconscious limiting beliefs/negativity/blocks in your life, you would be able to do ANYTHING you possibly wanted? If you believe that you can accomplish anything and that anything is possible, you open your self to limitless possibilities and allow life to bring you the things you want. But as we grow older, we start believing that we can’t do certain things or that some things aren’t possible. Our subconscious minds reinforce these beliefs and ensure that we can’t do what we would like to do or that some things are just not possible for us. Examples of subconscious limiting beliefs/blocks: I’m not good looking enough to go up to women, I can’t travel the world, I can’t dance, I can’t swim, I’m too weird to talk to people, I can never pass math class, ext…Now imagine a life where those I can’ts don’t exist and you believe that you can accomplish anything. A whole new world will open up for you. You will feel free! The Morphic and energetic programming will work together to help dissolve a large number of subconscious blocks/limiting beliefs. This will have profound effects on your mental state and your daily interactions with the world. You will feel more free than you ever have in your life.

Pausing the ego’s patterns can allow for moments of pure clarity and openness. In these moments of mental malleability, we can create new patterns that stay with us to overcome the negative patterns that dominate our lives. But best of all, its a break of all the weight that the patterns of the mind have on us and feel free for an extended period of time. The effect of this is called ‘ego dissolution’ and it is what this audio induces in you. This can definitely be a great help in your own spiritual growth and development, you may feel resistance but this is probably the most gentle way to do this.


Should give you some ideas

Take 1 thing that you would like to change. Start with one small thing, that comes up every day. Try to change it. If you can’t seem to change it, really try to focus on what the problem is, you might find it had multiple layers. Insist on getting to the root of it. Observe what arises when you try to break through that resistance. Find out what that is and what the source of it is. Insist until you break through. Or just f* all analysis and do the thing regardless of what the voice tells you.

A personal example, while running and getting exhausted, there would invariably arise an increasingly insistent and alarming voice telling me that if I make one more step I might die. I came to observe that if I accepted my potential death and pushed through, my legs would start moving on their own, effortless, automatic.

And/or meditate, your can start even with 5 minutes.


How do you decide how much of the EGO? Is there a way to measure EGO?

Ego is a mental construct of you being a separate entity or a thing living and breathing that is separate from others first from forms that don’t resemble you like animals (obvious to eyes) but even to your own kind, humans (brain is fooled).

The reason it is mental is because people can give up everything but they can never give up their intellectual ego, that they know better than the rest and go on endless tirades to prove their point. In this age people who claim to be enlightened, brag about countless hours of meditation and look spiritual still carry their own ego.

Here are the things you can try:

  • If english language is your mother tongue, try to use less ‘I’, ‘my’ and ‘mine’, try to use more ‘we’. After thinking a lot there seems to be enough truth that english is a language which creates stronger ego, probably a reason why britain set out to rule the world and in the process destroyed countless cultures and languages. Other languages also which emphasize I, my and mine would do a similar job but it depends on the syntax and how much one uses those words in speaking and writing and worse in thinking.

  • Ego is powerless against vast expanse of consciousness what Eckhart Tolle calls presence. You can try the 3 or 4 portals he suggests in the Power of Now book.

  • You can also learn some martial arts especially where sparring is less violent like Aikido, the mind-body coordination over a long-term has been proven to reduce the grip of ego.

  • The easiest way is to take psychedelics often once a month or two so that ego over time becomes weak. Recommendation - psilocybin mushroom.

  • Start doing something very simple like helping total strangers, small acts of kindness but it depends on your culture, imagine living in a country where people get offended when you give a warm smile at them!

  • Most difficult thing is to have meditation as a practice.

Ego tricks people into believing that taming it is not so easy but it is extremely powerless against a trivial thing like observation. People spend lifetimes getting over their ego, so you have to be patient.

I will end with the quote from Gandalf.


Ego is always supported on identification and social bond. There’s no ego without that.

Therefore it exists and thrives on what it believes to be ideal, an ideal image of itself that was given by society through social bond and -at the same time- it lacks.

For example: “I need to be rich and famous to be somebody” (which means you lack being rich and famous) or “I need an expensive car to be somebody” (which means you lack it) or “I need a beautiful woman to be somebody” (which means you lack it).

It desires and lacks in relationship to those ideals given by society.

Once the ideals are accomplished, the ego moves to the next thing (a more expensive car? or more accomplished + smart + beautiful woman?) to achieve the next social ideal in the ladder and “be someone” (because ego does not know itself).

For this I developed a very simple process for de-identification.

  1. What’s the problem?
  2. How do you feel when you have that problem? (X)
  3. What’s the best possible scenario that you’d want to happen when you feel X?
  4. How do you feel when you’re on that situation? (Y)
  5. In which part of your body do you feel Y? (Z)
  6. Contemplate neutrally Y and Z without doing anything to it until it dissolves (it could take minutes).

That’s the technical way in which I deal with attachments.


To this I would add isolation / ‘dopamine detox’ even for a little while. Shut off your social accounts for a while. Stay off the media. You can pick one thing at a time and remove gradually. Give yourself some space. Observe what thoughts arise.
Also, it hasn’t ceased to amaze me how much clearer I see through, every time I ‘return’ to media after a ‘detox’.


Cold showers
or even better
Cold baths

In a cold bath you have but no chance but to be in tune with your ego. Its automated mindfulness


Amazing comments and others here to

@Daniel u legend, U told me before that i can loop this even without doing the exercise which i never considered. Its like an SLR 3.0. And dont think i forgot about the mandala! :shushing_face: :astonished:

@Maoshan_Wanderer I did take your advice and started to acutally respect the EGO audio, and acutally i quite like it to TBH. I dont know why i never played it. I started to do the execise (By sammy) and also i felt like my whole body was in pain while doing it. I now play it at random times it doesnt have to feel like a chore anymore. Its quite good audio.

@Kalacakra @zea @SoulStar33 @Dr_Manhattan @Nice2knowU @heidegger
Thank you for your comments!!



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