What are the most powerful fields?

There are many powerful fields, but the most challenging for me would be Ascensionnaut.


For me

Crucible of the Past
Become whole
Subconscious Limits Removal

But from an overall view
-Blueprint of Life



But, i understand


I don’t… there’s no such thing as a “weak” Sapien field. People only say that who don’t know how far the work has come and are generally spoiled/ungrateful for how lucky we are to have these tools at our disposal. To add insult to injury this incredibly powerful field was free. Tuh… :roll_eyes:


I really don’t think @Sunflawy meant it in any negative way lol, no need to come at him/her like that, everyone has an opinion on what they feel is strong or weak, it was just an opinion


yes exactly, just an opinion.
i also have some more “favorite” fields, just because they had a bigger impact on me than others. So its subjective really and totally fine

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Nah I wasn’t coming at them sideways, but you still have to let people know what it is. None of this stuff is weak, even if it’s just an issue is semantics. I understand it’s subjective, but the language we sometimes use to describe these gifts is actually a little insulting. I bought Mythic last year and still have no idea what it does, but I’d never say it was weak…I just haven’t yet discovered it fully yet.


Idk who we is, nobody insulted anything, in fact we’re all grateful for what we have

We’re grateful but trust, we’re spoiled…

We’re just used to being apart of this community and having access to this kind of stuff. Most people would be astonished to know the things we speak about and engage in so casually everyday here.


I guess “powerful” could mean different things?

  • How we feel when listening to the field (not always a good indicator)?
  • How fast we feel the results?
  • How comprehensive or life-changing the results are?

My favorite fields (excluding unreleased fields):


I will take the definition of powerful by the most changing field:

-Higher Self connection on Dreamseeds

Just by reading the description you can understand how impactful the audio is,
If you read what a Higher-Self is and the consequence of having a strong connection to it, you will begin to understand

It is a one in 400 field in one

The more you will listen the better you will see by yourself


Fully agree. The only thing that can top this is the Higher Self NFT.


Well for me it’s higher being experience > higher self connection


Sometimes i like critizing and complimenting in the same time… about well, anything.

I’m sorry for using bad words. But really, that field is too light (emotional release) for me. So i consider it is not as strong as others.

And i think, all dream fields are wonderful and valuable for all time.


Yea but most people would also be quick to dismiss all this as placebo effect or mumbo jumbo and judge people like us as delusional when we share this with them…

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Aside from all the ones mentioned here, detoxed Plasmatron life has been such a wonderful field. Very powerful in its own right


Yes I know. I’ve shared fields with family and friends. Last t yearI lost one of my best friends over an argument centered around the fact that I wouldn’t go to the hospital with her and wait to see if she had COVID. I stayed on FaceTime with her the whole time and sent her the Ivermectin field to help her… she still said I was selfish. Fast forward 3 days ago my aunt caught COVID and I sent it to her along with the other COVID field and she feels better because of it. I also sent my mom the lung fields after surgery on her lungs. Even though she said it was giving her relief, she doesn’t use them anymore I’ve told quite a few people about this work and directed them to the exact free fields they can use to solve specific issues and they won’t even play it. As much as I’d like to share, I just keep it to myself mostly. Not because I care what other people think, but I’ve learned the best way to integrate these tools is organic discovery. I think if it’s meant for you, you’ll eventually get it and support it with supporting yourself and the community through the work. Other than that, sadly, it won’t be appreciated by the outside world.

I use free fields and pay and every purchase I make I wholeheartedly stand behind with immense gratitude for the opportunity to even be in the know. We truly don’t know how lucky we are just to be able to have certain energetic processes on demand to heal grow and ascend. It’s easy to take it lightly after you’ve been around for awhile, but every release, free or paid should be revered someone sometimes. We get tools that can take years of meditation, spiritual practice /discipline or years of therapy at the push of a button.


Not the most powerfull field, But am guessing u want to know the best field.

I have been rereading the plasma brain thread. Plasma brain has to be up their. What a legendary field.

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1000 breaths of the Star Exercise :wink: