For me, when I think of all the things I’m grateful for, it just brings me SO much happiness in life. You guys should think of some and list them too. I give thanks to God everyday for these things right here.
-That I’ve got all my senses, all my digits, and all my limbs. (It really gets me emotional when I see someone with no arms, or legs…mediation’s definitely made me an empath now…)
-That I was born-and-raised in America and that I’ve got my freedom
-That I’ve got a roof over my head
-That I’ve got food to eat and water to drink
-That I no longer get angry too much. (I came out the womb with a temper, it’s even made me do extremely wreck less things at places like Wal-mart)
-That God let me know that Sapien’s audios are his answer on how to get back my 15 years lost to prison life.
-I’d kicked my horrible drug and sex addictions.
-That I still look young and handsome for my age despite of going on 4 or 5 days out of the week with zero sleep…
-For this forum and you guys. You guys are great! I love how we’re all active with each other, always looking to uplift.
-The cute little ducks around here… I love them!