What are you grateful for?

For me, when I think of all the things I’m grateful for, it just brings me SO much happiness in life. You guys should think of some and list them too. I give thanks to God everyday for these things right here.

-That I’ve got all my senses, all my digits, and all my limbs. (It really gets me emotional when I see someone with no arms, or legs…mediation’s definitely made me an empath now…)
-That I was born-and-raised in America and that I’ve got my freedom
-That I’ve got a roof over my head
-That I’ve got food to eat and water to drink
-That I no longer get angry too much. (I came out the womb with a temper, it’s even made me do extremely wreck less things at places like Wal-mart)
-That God let me know that Sapien’s audios are his answer on how to get back my 15 years lost to prison life.
-I’d kicked my horrible drug and sex addictions.
-That I still look young and handsome for my age despite of going on 4 or 5 days out of the week with zero sleep…
-For this forum and you guys. You guys are great! I love how we’re all active with each other, always looking to uplift.
-The cute little ducks around here… I love them!


I am grateful for being able to be grateful.


I forgot that one. When I use to smoke k-2 in prison, It would like open my mind wide the fuck open. And one night while my cellie was asleep, they’d a new type of k-2 in called “Mind Games”. I already had some sticks rolled up so I lit one up. I started to think about my brushes with death, and I’ve counted over 9 times. 3 times in prison and the rest were either from the beach, to the mall, and out on the street. It was God, he’s kept me alive.


I am grateful for the opportunity to incarnate on earth at this time. Although the mainstream media is making it look like its a scary and stressful place but they fail to capture the compassion that people show eachother. We are all born with a list of unique challenges so that we can learn and grow. We are on the same journey to discover more about ourselves and help eachother because we know what it is like to be human.

God bless you all :pray: :heart:


Today I got the NFT I wanted the most. I worked hard. I spent little, I saved a lot. Finally, I got the NFT I wanted the most. I am very grateful



I bought a new phone today.Very Very Thankful. Also, I’m starting to feel like I’m coming out of either sade sati or rahu ketu. But for years I wasn’t sure which one I was in. I just feel grateful that the difficult astrological period is starting to end.