I would just like to see everyone’s brain stacks, so I can compare it to mine in the experiment I am running, and also results (has your intelligence increased?) people have gotten from listening for a while. I know there are already some topics on this, but I just wanted to start my own active discussion on the topic.
I dont listen to it daily maybe twice a week, i did for like 2 months after a very exhausting period where i felt my brain fried lol then after that just once or twice a week.
When i do is as soon as i wake up.
I will only talk about the results
I’ll share my starting point before I mention the results.
I used to have a faulty visuospatial processing, coordination wise, trying to walk in a straight line required my full attention. Procedural memory: I didn’t develop habits, up to the end of high school putting on my clothes was a challenge. Writing ? They gave up trying to make me write with a pen when I past 14yo.
Seriously I was impressed to watch people write with a pen, so much coordination lol. Whether my hands or my legs, they felt so far away and out of control. It’s funny now, but it wasn’t at the time.
So that’s the starting point.
With the fields: my movements improved, it took far less energy and focus, my whole life got better. Then I started developing habits, it was so weird. I could do something automatically without really thinking about it (lol, that’s a normal thing most people aren’t fully aware of). My focus and coordination skyrocketed. I’m more comfortable with my left hand than I was with me right one. I can spend the whole day in my thought and complete all the task for the day. I can drive fast with one little finger, a burger in one hand and texting on my phone with the other, I feel safe and focused (yeah, I shouldn’t). There are more and more processes that I’m not even aware of, they go in the background. Doing a little math, thinking in a few other languages. I don’t even realize the stuff I do.
My environment became more intense.
I used to read complex scientific books and wonder what it meant. Now any scientific stuff I read is easy or medium. I’m not even sure why I didn’t understand before, I mean it’s spelled in black and white, there is no guessing. It just describes things I see. I can connect so much information together at the same time in my mind, keep doing math in my head while remembering a string of past results, finding equations to explain things I see. The theoretical and the concrete have been merging for a while. I see things coming.
Also, I can read a phone number or a code once and remember for the rest of the week. I’ve had a phase where I started to memorize random licence plates from cars parked or in front of me while I was driving. I’d see the same car in another city, check the plates and be like, “n times I see this truck”. I impressed myself, 2h later “it’s the same toyota !”, sometimes a few days latter. No idea how many licence plates I knew at one time. Anyway I developed a lot of little mind games to pass the time.
I used permanent brain enhancement for about 1 week. The results were pretty good .Understanding language and learning language became easier. My reasoning also improved. I cant say about my memory because even before i ised it I had an powerful memory. I could easily memorize a whole page in about 10 minutes . . I Became smarter i general.
That’s great, I have listened for almost 3 weeks, but no results, it should take like 3-4 months
That sounds amazing, If I may ask, what fields did you use, and for how long did you use them to see the results?
My stack was pretty similar to the one Philip/FBI recommended
For the rest, I can’t give you a timeframe, it’ll depend on you and the new brain fields are different.
How long did u listen for results?
Trying to get the same answer another way huh ?
If I tell you “years”, it won’t take into account the fact that my results were unequally made at the end because the new fields are much better.
Don’t ask yourself theses kind of questions, just use the fields everyday, as much as you can, you’ll get results when you get them. It won’t be when you expected, it won’t be how you expected. Just do it
Oh sorry, I thought u were talking about the fields, mb. Thanks
I’m talking about the fields
As In u said the results depends on what fields and stuff ur listening to, I just got confused, didn’t read it right. Yeah, I have been listening for 3 weeks, I have a lot of subconscious blockages, so I am trying to remove them, so the fields will work, and also energy sensitivity.
Just to be clear, you don’t need to be energy sensitive
But you do need to remove subconscious blockages.
I use another field maker’s one for it, for 5 days so far. I will see if it works in a few weeks.
Stick to sapien. His stuff is the best and all the other makers are junk or con-artists.
Sapien is the best you will find
There are a lot of testimonials on this person, and she is actually legit.
You don’t use Permanent Brain Enhancement?
I don’t anymore, because the new stuff is better