Most of us are in lockdown down, so probably easier to sit down and listen to the audios peacefully, without multitasking …
But amidst your daily and regular routine - how do you listen to your Sapien audios?
With full attention without doing anything else? Could be difficult on a day to day basis if your stack is long and you need to do this twice or thrice in a day!
Or while multitasking?
While watching TV (on your other speakers)?
As background white noise when doing chores?
While sleeping?
While working out?
What has worked best for you?
I upload all my audios to Google Music and stream it on to my Sonos One speakers, which I have on either side of my bed. It works very well when sleeping and seems to work well for me.
I also use Alchemy audios when doing Taiji or Neigong. I have lately started doing Jin Shin Jyutsu, during which I use Brainwave, Chakra or Self-Realization audios.
During mornings/evenings, I tend to use the workout audios in the background while doing chores or working out.
Essentially, my “meditative” listening is not much, and there is probably room to add it in there!
Do you recommend not listening on iPhone speakers? Is it better with Bluetooth speakers? that’s what I’ve been doing listening from my iPhone and not really seeing any amazing results.
Hello, you guys. These are my listening methods. When I’d first started, I was still prepping and strengthening my subconscious and beliefs. So I use to use the “Subconscious limits remover” about 3 times a day. (about a little over a week ago) But now, even though I don’t need it, I just use it as a reinforcement to keep my subconscious strong and 3 “Nerve Growth Factor” videos. Then the “Serotonin overloaded” (just to ensure that I’m in the best of moods , during my listening .) I listen to these first before all the other ones, as I feel these are the most important. Then I’d go listen to the other vital ones, like “Endocrine Rejuvenation”, “Senescent Cell Removal”, “Antioxidant”, and etc. Then I’d listening to ones helping me connect with my higher self like, " Pietersite Energy" , “Animal Empathy/Telepathy” (I LOVE animals!), and etc. Then I’d do a couple of aesthetic one’s last. Along with some subliminals. I order my videos by efficiency and importance. =]
All of them. Just for me though, but I switch it up because two of them are for every other day. But the NGF and “Subconscious limits removal” video are mandatory for me and are apart of my daily regimen, as I’ve seen some drastic changes in my overall thinking and behavior and rather quick too.
Yeah, I do that because it ensures that your brain is strong and that your mind pure and filled with nothing but happiness and happy thoughts. I’m telling you, this for me has made results come in super fast… like within minutes I’d see change. Like for example, I plan to model because when I was in prison, the female guards would always tell me that I was pretty or this and that…and I’ve got a muscular physique too, BUT one thing that killed my V-shape was my hips… it gave me like a slight apple look that I didn’t like…Well, I’d listen to this “This forced narrow hips” subliminal that I trusted along with 2 boosters that I’d trusted…and I would literally see my hips getting smaller and smaller after each listen. And I’m not talking about fat neither! No problem and I hope this helps bud. =]
Btw, for me, the nerve growth factor enhances my brain capacity and makes me apt to learn and solve things quickly the more I listen to it. Sapien’s a genius!
On my desktop speakers.
I usually listen while going thru and reading the forum, answering questions here and on UTube S.M. related vids. Then I read my e-mails. Do my regular activities, chores, all the while listening through my computer speakers.
My very late evening vids are sometimes listened to while I am in the next room usually watching an old movie. I sleep with a vid playing on repeat. Usually Muscle Message/Spa Days or Reiki Message to help ease the pain. Most of the time I wake up once during my sleep time, I usually change the vid to another one depending. It may be Animal Regen. for my cat, Skin Regen, Virus Disruption V.2. I tried putting on Mantra Meditations but the flute notes (and I love the flute, I was a beginner many years ago) ascending and
descending keeps me from falling back asleep.
When I participate in the Mass Meditations I am always at my computer, sitting down.
I’m an Audio Engineer and I use an audio interface bc of the better quality of the pre amps and the application of a DAC chip so you get and analog audio signal, also using the best quality of speakers or the best source you can and keeping near to it as you can.
btw for subliminals I use headphones that can achieve a good frequency response, especially at high freqs
I’m also a dj, and sometimes I try to put a field trough the PA very slightly so we can enhance our expirience in a way
Mostly with headphones, sometimes using phone speakers (I used to listen on my TV, but then I learned that it’s better for the audio to be close/closer to me/my body).
I have one question though, is it ok to listen with headphones on my pc in one tab to Sapien and in other tab to something else, music or movie (I know it is ok to listen to fields on my phone and to watch TV, but here I’m asking about using those tabs on the same device)? Or it’s not recommended or even nullifying results?