What do Morphic Fields say about “Timing?”

And is there a resource here to study more into morphic fields, as discussed by Captain?

Having read comments about morphic fields here, I learned I am familiar with the energetics of it and have utilized it myself in my own practices and connections with others.

I developed my skills in the age of, “respect and honor the Timing.” All happens in the time it is destined to…

But these Morphic Fields by Dream show an alternative perspective. That Timing is malleable, perhaps not necessarily ordained by God. Perhaps there’s a better way to phrase that, and someone could share.

I’m curious to understand more about how Morphic Fields utilize Time.



Morphic fields reside outside of “space-time”, that’s why they are able to influence “space-time” in the first place.

“Space-time” follows the instruction of a morphic field.

The whole physical universe is held together by its own giant morphic field.

And so are the various astral planes…


Timing was an accurate discussion before we started getting into quantum discussions. “The universe is not locally real” and “spooky action at a distance” highlight a reality where sympathetic linking causes instantaneous results. Where timing still has a place in my opinion, is sometimes you manifest a pebble, and sometimes that pebble is the start of an avalanche.

But then you have the reality trans-surfers/timeline shifters/etc who will tell you that you can wake up tomorrow with everything already in place.

Where timing is always relevant is using it as a mantra to detach from results - a necessary step in law of attraction and assumption. “I’ve done the thing, it will happen when it’s best to” is freeing when you actually believe it and let go.

Not an answer, but I wanted to show that timing is both old-hat and still relevant.


This is a great breakdown, Mr Pixeltech.

To expand on this, I’ll add some metrics to play with which can help some people expand their understanding and access to morphic fields but possibly throw some folks off. If this doesn’t feel useful just pass it by. It’s not absolute.

These are for reference in a sense, because it’s not so mathematical. Yet on the other hand because we can create our reality and experience we can add mathematics into the way we relate to reality.

Manifestation is a universal mechanistic process of creation that generates absolutely everything we experience.

Manifestation in this case is “the act of intentionally creating”. You might ask, ‘if that’s the case then carpentry and making a meal are manifestation?’.


So this is where the mathematical analogy becomes useful. Manifestation is an equation of:

(I * A * V* Fo * D * P * Fa * B * W * G * E * Ch * Ca)

I’ve also written it:

(I * At * As * Ex * V * Fo * D * Fa * B * W * Ch) / (D * T * P * G * En * Ca)

These are:

Intention. Attention. Assumption.
Expectation. Vision. Focus.
Discipline. Patience. Trust.
Faith. belief. Will. Gratitude.
Energy. Choice. Capacity.

Are there others? Sure. The mechanisms are again a frame of reference. I make it very granular because when I’m mentoring people I need lots of specificity. I could add sigilry, magick, story, intensity, etc.

Ultimately the core is Intention, Attention, Faith, Trust, Vision, Will, Choice, Energy.

But I digress.

The point is that the different aspects of your Self will work together to create your “manifestation potency”. Aka, how much power you can push.

100% is God.
0% is absolutely inert.

Most people function around 3-5%, the rest of which has to be made up with effort in gross reality. This community probably functions well over 3x that.

My anam cara and I just cured epileptic focal seizures. We cleared diabetic pancrease failure at the beginning of the year. It’s all possible, but what is possible in any given moment is your manifestation potency.

Your manifestation potential will dictate how much you can shift at once, so the difference between these two, as Mr Pixel exampled, is how well you’re filling up that potency:

Time is therefore a measure for the delay in space time that is generated by “not 100% potency”



Morphic fields reside outside of “space-time”, that’s why they are able to influence “space-time” in the first place.

“Space-time” follows the instruction of a morphic field.

You’ve put this in such a great, simple way. I see it now.


But then you have the reality trans-surfers/timeline shifters/etc who will tell you that you can wake up tomorrow with everything already in place.

I’ve certainly experienced this before. Spent a long time learning how to replicate it.

Hmm thanks for your input— definitely an answer, tying into the larger question


Wow, wonderful way of describing this, and what a wonderful success. I also love specificity so this sings to me.

So morphic fields are stepping outside time/space, viewing and perceiving the fields/makeup/threads and weaving them in a different makeup?

That “push” or manifestation “push” I suppose is where the different aspects of self attend to the threads beyond our conscious awareness and the freedom of allowing it so? The big kaboom… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Exactly. Manifestation is a development and refinement of the Selves so that the bridge between manifest instant dimension can reach not this gross material plane. The higher you push your manifest potency the less “effort” needs to be done, or more accurately, the better the “result to effort” ratio gets.

Morphic fields can do more if we’re open and aligned to all Selves.

They also enhance aspects of the equation to get the results.


Beautifully said…

Now, when doing this for others, what’s is the distinction that prevents our personal energy from draining whilst doing so? :thinking:

Especially while utilizing the aspects of ourselves and utilizing such a big push…

This is a big of a different question, but it’s something I’ve contemplated for a long while and I suspect engaging with morphic fields has the answer

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It becomes the difference between using your energy to directly influence and support them - giving it to them- versus using your energy to animate the energetics of their bodies, the field, and reality itself. Difference between a disposable pencil and a refillable ink pen. Or between giving them your tools versus using them to generate energy on their behalf.


Hmm, I see. Thank you :open_hands: reminds me of a fortune cookie I received, something-something, “teach them how to fish.” No need to give thyself….

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Morphic fields are great toolsets to externalize that energetic sourcing. Let the field hold it versus your own energy body. That way it can serve you and serve others. It will also train you to actualize energetics using ambient aether and not your own chi. Time and a place for everything but you’ll burn out the latter way.

When I make aesthetic objects, totems and relics, I create a vessel that’s primed. Shape, Material, dimensions, intention. Then I press the morphic field, the aetheric spell craft, into the object. It’s not my energy. I tried that at first and got burnt out. It’s a concentrator and a vessel. I’m just filling it.


That’s certainly a different set of muscles to use! It also makes it easier to recognize how the fields have a force of their own. What a fun thing to practice. Back to burning the midnight oil. I appreciate your examples. I know what you mean. I spent about a year replenishing after that burn out. Thanks to you, I’ve got a different way to perceive it now. :pray:t5:


Good luck out there! I’m excited to hear how it goes!


Am I allowed to share here my paintings with practiced morphic field overlay? To receive feedback. Please, those with the authority let me know what the rules are and if that’s an accepted thing to do here.