What can be manifested and what cannot?

Hello everyone,
I’m a fan of spirituality, and I’m an agnostic with Christian family roots.

I’m a ‘beginner’ and I often have trouble understanding some topics. I enjoy creating theories about them, and my favorite subjects are ‘What happens after death?’ and ‘Who are God and the Universe?’

I’ve never engaged in any spiritual practice other than meditating, using morphic fields, and attempting to transmute my sexual energy.

Let’s talk about manifestation; I want to share what I know:

Manifestation is the ability to attract and physically materialize through thoughts and emotions. Using methods like universal laws, positive affirmations, visualization, awareness of everything, or mental diet, astrology, using energy fields, and manipulating certain energies.

Manifestations originate in the mind, move to the energetic field, and then materialize.

It’s like threading a needle 🪡 through three layers:

Mental body → Energetic body → Physical body.

I know I sound confident, but I still have a lot to learn.

I’m very confused about what can and cannot be manifested; when I search for videos on YouTube about manifestations, I only find ‘how to manifest money, trips, abundance, and fortune.’ At least 80% of the videos are about that.

I understand that this is because the root of many things is money. For example, to go on vacation, you’d need money; to manifest a dietary supplement, you’d need money; to manifest ‘X object,’ you’d need money.

In summary, you’re just swapping the word ‘manifest’ with ‘buy’ (lol).

I’d like to have a reference list of things that can and cannot be manifested, so we can have a guideline on how to start.

I was talking to ChatGPT and asked for a list, but among the points, there were things that confused me, for example, ‘muscle growth.’ As far as I know, a direct physical change can’t be manifested because that would fall under what’s called ‘biokinesis,’ but I want to hear your thoughts on this.

In truth, everything is manifested, so to speak. Energy becomes things as matter densifies. What you are really asking is how can you “consciously create circumstances” and things.

There are many things that affect manifestation, which is a natural process. Beliefs, limitations, etc. What might be easy for someone who has years of practice might be difficult for another, and vice versa. Some do it on the first try.

Also just knowing how to do something doesn’t actually do it. Practice energy conversion (some people start with manifesting a parking place). Look into the works of Neville Goddard.

It’s always odd when people take natural phenomena and try to turn it into a commercial enterprise. Complicates the heck out of it.

The Esoteric Arts Guild put out a release called Potion of Manifestation, and I can attest to the fact that it works (I play it a lot!). Learning to get more conscious control over natural phenomena becomes effortless with morphic fields. We are truly blessed here.


It’s good to not separate “mental” from “physical”, both exist as physical, just not the same physical as something of very specific material like often is narrowed, actually like the very fact that human perceives just some particular wavelength (or frequency) light, doesn’t mean that other wavelengths are ephemeral, they are perfectly physical, vacuum, sound, air all are.

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Do you go for specific things, if have you only gone general with it?

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I made no intentions. I just know that it is what it is, and I allow it to do what it does. It really is a beautiful field.


I think the mental body has characteristics of the other bodies; it’s intangible like the energetic body, and physical like the physical body.

How do we know the mind exists?

Because we can think, but we can’t touch thoughts.

How do we know the spirit and soul exist?

There are multiple ways; some people can feel and/or see the energetic body (aura), others use intuition, others experience spiritual connections (Deities, Higher Self), (the most fortunate, or masters).

But none of these experiences are physical; they occur in the mental spectrum. And for some reason, the spiritual world affects the physical and vice versa.

The mental body is like a pathway or connector between the physical and energetic bodies.

This is my theory (but if someone has already thought of this, I give them credit).

Note: I don’t mean to say the mental body is the most important or that the three bodies are separate or superimposed on one another (I’m still thinking about how they’re organized).

I’m still a novice, but I’m learning and thinking for myself.

Categorizing the bodies helps me understand how everything and the whole works, separately.

I mean “touching” thoughts is sort of an illusion, thinking thoughts is “touching” them. Like hearing sound, seeing light, etc.

Separation of “physical” and “mental” or any more layers on the basis that some are inaccessible to some sensations is dubious.

Living organisms don’t see genes or hear or perceive them, at least not that anybody can claim it without using special equipment used to get some sort of projection of how they will look like with great magnification, but genes exist physically, influence life greatly.

I’m not stating about importance of one or another, rather that very notion of separating them bodies/worlds is an imaginary thing.

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In short, imagination is your limitation.

Thought form energizes, gets denser and materializes. So anything you can “think” of.

What you think of as “matter” is nothing more than a stable wave of dense energy.

We do not live in a physical universe. We are all inside the imagination of Cosmic Consciousness, and therefore, every “thing” is mental by nature.

Only difference is the spectrum of how dense or light something is: water is solid, liquid & gas. But they’re all the same atom in degree of denseness.

But just to give a gist of what you can manifest:

CAN: (change = growth or death, or shift)

  • emotional change
  • mental change
  • plant change
  • energetic or aetheric/ astral constructs
  • situations
  • manipulate people
  • get a new skill
  • health & biological change (including biokinesis)
  • extreme abilities (psychic, remote viewing, Aerokinesis, eat anything, etc.)
  • luck change
  • wealth change
  • spiritual change


  • fly off into space (physical laws — you can levitate but not still can’t survive in space)
  • use a magic broom that flies (physical laws)
  • perform Kamehameha wave (physical laws)
  • go to a reality where everyone is purple (spiritual & physical laws)
  • make someone love you (they will always revert back to normal)
  • make this entire world heaven (spiritual & physical laws)
  • make room shift into what you imagined (you can change it vibrationally but not physically)
  • create a universe or god (you can’t create things higher than you)
  • bring higher beings down to Earth (you need to meet them where they at, they can’t come down)
  • turn into a literal wolf (physical laws…don’t believe the stories. You can have wolf-like features but not wolf on four legs with tail).

In other words, anything you can possibly think of…that’s realistic and probable and doesn’t violate physical or spiritual natural laws.

Aside from that…anything YOU believe is realistic and probable based on your own belief.

And how do you do it? Do you listen to it and focus on what you want? Does it work for physical changes too?

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@Michael1 If you are asking specifically about the Potion, I suggest going to the thread, reading about it and asking there. The Potion of Manifestation - Key to a Life of Ease and Grace!

Another thread similar, I added this if you are functionally better with structured mechanistic thinking (even though it’s not really mechanistic in practice).

That said, there’s no limit to what can be manifested, but more a limit to WHO can manifest it, and what that requires.

For the bigger scale end of things, We have some very recent examples of manifestation that in actually, because the things we were creating were too big, required a timeline hop. IE, parallel realities, phase shifts, aetheric forks in the timeline. Can’t honestly say the timeline hop was the intention but I can see in retrospect why that was the method to get what we wanted to create.