Are you a Potions Master, An Esoteric Artist (we’d love to see your artwork!), A Clairsentient, a Harry Potter nerd or do you just love All Things Magical and Mystical (like me)?
Then please, join like-minded members in The Esoteric Arts Guild!
A no-drama, chill place to hang out, chat, research and share what you would like to see manifest as projects with a certain magical or otherworldly mystique.
All types of possibilities exist for our clan: studying ways of furthering your spiritual path, becoming a better gamer, stepping up your manifestations, beefing up your attractor factor, or maybe mastering the path to wealth and financial freedom.
It’s early days, folks, so this is a work in progress.
We can make it a Mystical Sanctuary of Awesomeness!
Just fire up the old caldron, stick out your wand 'and and give it a wave!
A new era is dawning. Be a part of the cool, weird kids!
Join the Esoteric Arts Guild!
Submit your interest to @Rosechalice via DM. Tell me what your areas of interest are and what you would like to accomplish.
p.s. Mystic Tarot readings every weekend! Plus random Giveaways!