I often go through phases where the same concept keeps coming up to me from different sources.
Like for a whole week or two, totally unrelated people mention it, I get recommendations on youtube, see topics on forums etc.
I don’t wanna mention the topics here for several personal reasons, but I can say it gets really weird when randomly my mom mentions “X”, and I get an email about “X”, and a random dude on this forum creates a topic about “X”, all within the same day. Then X evolves into Y through different people/sources, and goes on for a week or so until it just stops!!
Could it be a spirit guide? Could it be that I’m just unconsciously attracting/manifesting these?
It could be that you are focused on a subject and therefore your neuroreticular system shows it to you everywhere, like when you like a car and see it very often, or it is something you need to learn more about.
These are in my opinion the possible explanations.
Well honestly I am going between thoughts of extreme gratitude for the assistance of the universe and buying the curse/spell remover audio.
I think the main thing is just that I learn new (spiritual) concepts and that’s about it.
Oh also, synchronicities like seeing 111 repeatedly are kindergarden education comparing to my accidental enrollment at college level courses. I can often predict my mobile notifications 1-2s before they arrive, and they’re synced with certain things I do. and that’s just one simple example of many more. and no I’m not using IPF, and I have no clue what they mean. I read the topics about synchronicities. many times.
I already accept the oneness of the universe, so I don’t think that is the lesson I should learn. Could it be that knowing/accepting is not enough, but I should embrace it fully and always live with that consciousness? I do like dropping back to my ego, maybe that’s a problem? -oh here we go again. it happened as i typed that sentence.-
@_OM please forgive me for tagging you everywhere.
Oh, you wanted a commentary ?
I agree with the number syncs being beginner stuff.
After a while, universe expects you to listen your higher self with out the need for “signs”…but that’s gonna upset some here so I’ll probably delete that…
And, intellectually knowing is different that KNOWING ie making a part of your every thought and action.
Almost all problems trace back to the Ego once you’ve used it for its intended purpose.
@explorer no man, honestly I don’t even remember the particular syncs nor do I pay much attention to them individually anymore. There are just too many, and it’s a rabbit hole when I go down one by one. I think the real message with those is something like “see the bigger picture, it’s all one and connected”.