- What fat?

has any lady been able to confirm whether their weight on the scale has been dropping?


I haven’t weighed myself in a decade, I usually go with tape measurements and by clothes itrms.

I have absolutely lost fat though. Very noticeable. Clothes are bigger too. You can see my first update above.


Thanks :)
Did you ever use adipose album and/or tesofensine?
If you did, is it similar or v different to this


I have not used those others.

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Thank you :relaxed:


Not necessarily; if you play the Integration Tool during the day or, failing that

it will probably be enough to listen much less


I appreciate you


Forgot about this. Too many fields. :sweat_smile:

Thanks for the great tip.


I bought this field yesterday! I’ve been listening about three hours a day so far, with Lymph effusion to follow it up. I definitely feel it in my stomach while it’s playing, and my appetite is waaay down. I forgot that was an effect people were seeing, I’m very happy with that! I’ll report back once I have some more time with it.


Long shot, but has anyone with osteoporosis seen this helping them?

(continual decline in bone mass is closely associated to the dynamic of “weight cycling”- something I’m reallllly struggling with)

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Update: It has been two weeks now looping this field. I have reduced the daily playing time, mostly due to the sinus detoxing side effect.

Bodyfat decreased Areas: Back, waist, back flanks (love handle area), thighs/legs, upper arms, torso below belly button, torso above belly button and the hips seem to be the last area (which makes sense as a female).
Waist is tiny now and I think if I kept going you would see Abs (that is not really my goal).

I will give it another full week and then will reduce it and then return back to building a little more muscle.

It is absolutely working though! Kind of crazy, but of course not, because it’s Dream!

Edit: I don’t know my weight change because I do not weigh myself.


Hi, Muse. Can you pinpoint a few things for me?

  • Define what looping means to you.
  • How long are you playing the audio?
  • Passively or actively?
  • Change in diet or no?
  • In a stack with other things or all by itself
  • Potentially other audios in the same category that may affect fat loss

Thanks! :slight_smile: and gratz on your great results! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

  • Define what looping means to you
    Playing on repeat :repeat_one:

  • How long are you playing the audio?

2hrs-8hrs (I really don’t keep track as I am always listening passively while I go about my daily activities)

The sinus stuff was disrupting me, so I played much less for about 3 days this past week.

  • Passively or actively?
    Passively, while I am painting, on the computer, driving, sleeping, doing tasks/makeup/cooking etc.

  • Change in diet or no?
    Slightly more protein, but that started a few weeks ago, still have my daily large hot chocolate drink (I don’t drink coffee), and a bit of chocolate.

  • In a stack with other things or all by itself?
    For the last 2 weeks I have greatly reduced stacks to focus.

Looping: 2hrs-8hrs (I really don’t keep track as I am always listening passively while I go about my daily activities)

What Fat
Helen of Troy NFT (week 2)/Face Lift (week
Automated Glute

3x - up to 1 hour on a most mornings:
Max Heal

3-5 plays/ most day:
Plasma Flaunt
Womanly woman
Plasma Teeth Gums
Lymphatic Effusion
Plasma Skin
Skin Tightener

(I have not been playing my wealth, health, brain, Spiritual stacks. I have played some fields sporadically- Neg Pulsar, Lungs.
My laptop would not turn on for a week, so I was forced to just play less anyway.

  • Potentially other audios in the same category that may affect fat loss

I have NOT played any of these - thigh fat, stomach fat, belly burn, muscles hungry for fat, Metab Boost, fat to stem cells, or any other

As listed above that is all I have been playing for 2 weeks.

Edit: I have not been to the gym for 3 weeks, while testing fields.


Awesome! Thanks for answering my questions in such detail. Greatly appreciated! :slight_smile:


Of course. To clarify I am looping so “much/long” because I wanted to get desired results in 3 weeks and then return to my priority fields :relaxed:

If one is happy for it to occur over a month or two, or three, I’m sure reducing the looping duration would be just as effective.


I think I might be experiencing the sinus detox side effect as well. I feel it in my eyes and get slightly lightheaded here and there. Especially while I drive.


Any quick fix for the sinus detox effects? Any field that worked for anyone?

Edit: Sinus, Throat and Upper Respiratory Help on patreon helped. Three listens and I felt better.

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Did you experience the sinus detox as well with What Fat?

Yes and its really annoying. The tough thing about it for me is that it brings up migraines the ones related with sinusitis. It is back and that field is helping a bit but not completely.

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What’s weird is I was getting really lightheaded while driving. It kinda scared me a little. I was using it with Maitreya Fields Field Emitter carrying it with the field always on. It helped alot once I added the Field Optimizer.

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