What fields to stop wanting to hurt others back?

Every time someone hurts me either on purpose or not, directly or indirectly, I want to hurt them back and make them feel the pain that I feel/felt.

What can I use? Im listening to Anger Management rn…


Just allow the emotion. Feel it why you want to hurt it. And release it.

As for field. The devil audio works for releasing negative ties.


Etheric cord cutter from dream seeds. Place your phone near your heart area and play it.


Thank you guys :heart:

Check out these playlists:

Remove Negative Thoughts

Release Negative Emotional Energy

Balance Emotions and Energy

Unconditional Love

Self Realization

There’s a lot of overlaps, so you don’t have to listem to all of them. Choose what you feel is best from them.

Good luck.


@anon36920264 Get the Emotional Alchemy NFT. It works extremely well and fast. Any anger/rage emotions that come up, use this.


forgiveness and self-love needed.

The forgiveness is not for them, its for yourself; the anger is caused by you clinging onto the belief that you are not in control and others may define your life. Forgiveness is the tool to regain control. Self-love sorta goes hand-in-hand with it.

And might be a good idea to throw in the interconnectedness of everyone, one listen should give you sufficient insight as to why wanting to hurt others is really futile


Wow, thank you!


Just finish the alchemy of Gris course (which is free now) and get rid of all type of emotional issues. Why bother with this or that when you can destroy the problem form it’s root.


Thanks will look into it. That will boost my results from fields too

Knight Warrior Mindset. It allowed me to turn my resentment and anger into motivation to improve myself.
Instead of thinking: “I will broke his jaw/make people hate him, that will show him”
I begun to think: “I will succeed and overcome my weaknesess”
Of course I didnt became a person who would not protect himself, and I dont just accept people mistreating me.
There is just an awareness that after being initially hurt in one way or another, I have recieved some ‘‘damage’’, now obsessing over it and thinking about revenage all the time is in a way me doing unnecessary damage to myself because of something that happened in the past.
This time and energy could be used productively or having fun. Someone “destroyed” your moment, making your angry, sad, in pain or whatever, dont let that person take more of your precious time, that way you truly win.


Ego dissolution is my #1 rec cause I’ve been through this myself. A lot of people were nasty to me after I lost my parents, surprisingly most of them being my own relatives. But i have controlled myself from engaging with them in that way. Of course I’ve stood my ground wherever necessary but yes, I’ve mostly left them to get their karma from God. I’m not responsible for doing the settling of scores. Don’t burden yourself with thoughts of revenge. Cause then you’ll be sucked into a vicious cycle. And we shouldn’t think of getting back too because we will stoop to their level if we do so. Always focus on keeping yourself and your thoughts pure.

White light waves has also helped me in going from resentful to a purer cleaner mindset. Also it affects the environment so its a useful field.


Also comes to mind Nullify negative planetary aspects

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