What if you could change your past? Happy birthday, Neville

Some of you may know Neville Goddard and his teachings. And some of you who know him, may be familiar with his revision technique.
Revision means to change a past event and experience the consequence of that change in the present.
For example, if you had an accident, you can revise that accident to heal your body, since your body wouldn’t be wounded if there was no accident.
To me, this is my all time favorite technique by Neville Goddard.
I have benefited from it so many times in my life already and I am eternally grateful for it.
I used it on big and small things and it worked.
Besides that, its implications are wild.
If you have practiced it and experienced it for yourself, then you basically prove to yourself that actions don’t mean anything at all. It is the importance and meaning we give those actions that shape the world.

Here is how you do it:
Remember the event you want to change and reexperience it. It is important to not judge it, but to objectively view it. Then, follow through until you get to the point you want to change and simply imagine something else happened. It doesn’t matter if you want that something did not happen or if you want something specifically to happen, it works in both ways.
So you simply go through it and then you replay it over and over again, until it feels real.
When it feels real, you can let go of it and come back.
The crucial point about this is after you get back, you must not think about it in the sense of “Did this really work? Let’s see if it is still there”. Otherwise, you simply revise your revision and you end up with what you wanted to change again.

I have used this technique for so many things… health, money, relationships … a lot. I am always astonished how easy it works.

I have had this discussion on my channel before and I asked people “If you could change the past, would you do it?” Some answered yes, some said no. Out of those who said no, most reasoned by saying that the events of the past have shaped them into what they are now.
I understand where this point, but it is not actually true. Like I said earlier, it is the meaning that we give the actions and events that allows them to shape our experience a certain way.
The action itself doesn’t hold any power at all, and I can prove it by undoing it.
Undo an injury, undo a fight I had with someone, undo a bad message I have received.
Actually, this is the exact technique I used when I got Corona, and it worked immediately.

As I kept discussing about this intriguing topic with people, I thought: “Wouldn’t it be great if everyone had a simple way to undo the things in their lives that hurt them the most?”
I experienced freedom after I freed myself from the past using this technique and I wanted others to feel the same freedom I do. So I decided to create a subliminal that would do this job, so everyone may experience a new, fresh life and forgive the past.
I really believe it is along with Sacred Sexuality one of the most important subliminals I will ever create.
If you are interested in that, the subliminal’s premiere is on the 2nd of March. You can check it out here (second one):

Now, I am curious: Did you know about this technique before? Did you try it? If so, what are your experiences? Would you try it, now that you have heard about it? If not, why?

I am really curious to hear about your opinions and experiences.


I personally think Neville should have lectured about Revision way more often. It is incredibly underrated, in my opinion


By the way, I just found out that yesterday/today is his birthday.
Happy birthday, Neville


This sounds great. I’ve been drawn to him recently and I’m looking to grab his books. I’m going through the choices on amazon, and the reviews are overwhelmingly positive. The only issue that seems to come up in some of the reviews is that his original works are being edited to some degree, especially in regards to his scripture references.

Do you own his physical books, and if so, do you have any specific recommendations where I’ll be getting a completely unabridged version of his teachings?


I actually did this technique while meditating to the plasma field.
This just came randomly in my thoughts that i should do this.
I didnt know its some nevvile technique lol.
It gave me huge confidence boost but for a very short moment.
But i only worked on small moment, small fear and for few minutes.


I have tried it at the course level in other forms, but never applied. But if there is an audio that automates it, I would say that it is excellent


The book that I own is “The Complete Reader”. It contains all of his released books, or almost all, I am not sure right now. There is another book, called “The Neville Goddard Collection”, which also includes Class Lessons and Radio Talks. I don’t own this one yet, but it seems none of them kept the references. The quotes are there but it doesn’t say where they are taken from, which is very sad, indeed.
I guess the reason why they did that is because it would have been harder to read, but there should be a solution to that. Well…


Yes, indeed. The effects are immediate, the trick is to keep them, since some effects immediately activate counter-states which negate the effect.


One of the reasons why I feel this is a very very important topic is because I have witnessed
countless occasions where people changed or wanted to change and then other people brought up their past, making it hard for them to start a new life. You know the “You will always be a X”-line.
This is the tool and consciousness to rise above that.
This is actual forgiveness, in my opinion.
Forgiving yourself and others by changing the past into the best it could have been, so everyone can have a fresh, new start.
This old world is dying because it doesn’t know forgiveness.
So, don’t have a cold heart and forgive yourself and others by revising.


To be honest, I really struggled with NG in the beginning because it seemed too much out there.
It took quite some time until I regained interest and looked into his teachings again. And again it took quite some time to make my own experiences and contemplate his words.
Now I know he spoke the truth, because the things he talked about happened to me. I have experienced them and I understand that I didn’t understand anything at all.
Yes, it needs time. What we need to understand is that Neville didn’t just teach a “get-what-you-want”-trick. He talked about the foundation of reality and what awakening really means.
I am very very grateful I have found him and I wish everyone who stumbles upon him to give him some time and to ponder his words carefully. They are invaluable.


Persistence is something I try to keep…

I got into Neville’s teachings through reddit late 2019. I forgot how, but it is life changing. I like his understanding of the Bible. I liked reading it as I was growing up; however, going to a Catholic school and then my parents converting and my father becoming a pastor made me so conflicted.

I have tried revision among other techniques and it has worked. Last year, my money “disappeared” while shopping online. Customer service said it could not be traced. So I worked on changing that to a different response. A few months later, I was pleasantly surprised to be reimbursed in full.

It’s also worked in relationships. My ex came back and asked for forgiveness for the way things ended after he ghosted me. He wanted a second chance, but I’m over him. Just glad we had a proper closure (though that was not needed because I had imagined it was all good).

I probably should make a habit of practicing these more consistently. :thinking:


Indeed, lifechanging is the right word to describe it.
Neville himself said that if you only practiced revision alone and made it a habit to revise the day at the end of the day, there is nothing you couldn’t realize.

I always love to read testimonials, thank you for those!


You are most welcome!

Thank you also for everything that you share.

And thanks too, to Neville! Happy birthday to him.

His talk on Power suddenly came to mind. I think that was his first lecture I heard (on Youtube) and read online.

I turn to my own wonderful human Imagination, and then I imagine what I want as real in my world and persuade myself that it’s true. To the degree that I am self-persuaded, it becomes true.

I’ve tried revising the day at times, but only when something bad happens. I know it could also be done to make a good day even better. Will go back to it tonight.

I really should be using my imagination for good use instead of only daydreaming. Lol.

One day, I’ll be able to read all of this works.


One of the reasons why I applied Nevillle’s most famous technique was the difficulty in visualizing, which I often had. But now Sapien team has created the Enhanced Visual Processing field and this difficulty can be overcome.


Appreciate it. That was one of the ones I had my eye on. I’m going to pick it up

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Hi, This is very interesting!
Does NG say anywhere if you can change actions that others did and that affect you in a direct or indirect manner?
If so, would you imagine the same event with the people involved doing things differently?


I discovered about this technique in Maitreya fields channel.
There even you have an audio to download Neville’s knowledge.
There are some NLP excersices related though.


yes what you’re describing Neville calls revision.

as you’re falling asleep, you visualize everything that happened on that day backwards until the point you woke up.

while visualizing you make edits for what you’d like to hear and feel from yourself and others.

you can do this for any experience you’ve had or even a fear you’re ready to face.


The past revised, it seems to me that it is called that.

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You don’t even have to wait for a certain time or meditate for that or anything.
I literally use it on the go sometimes. The last time I remember was on new years eve, when I drank too fast and I got dizzy and I didn’t like that. So I just lay down and imagined how I picked up the bottle but this time I said “Nah” and put it away.
Dizziness instantly washed away.

This is not an excuse for careless drinking though lol