Hi! I’m new here on the forum, I’m Brazilian, and currently I translate to communicate here … what are tags / dogtag? what is a server? (I’m very curious) what are items? I need to know everything here haha, I’m fascinated by Sapien work.
the current servitors available:
- Dark from Energetic Addendum on Patreon
- Light from Energetic Addendum on Patreon
- Dragon from The Dragon Golem on Patreon
- Fae from The Book of Cards
- Energetic Support from The Book of Cards
Hi @SpartanAngel, welcome to the forum!
The tags / dogtags are objects like necklaces which are programmed with morphic fields. Morphic field ‘items’ are any object programmed with a morphic field.
‘Dogtag’ em português:
Morphic fields don’t require any specific form and can be programmed into many different forms.
So rather than the audio and video form one sees on YouTube, or the audio form one sees on Patreon, a morphic field is programmed into the image on a dog tag and becomes part of the object.
The Sapien field items are available here:
Here are more detailed explanations of morphic field items (objects) and their creation process, from the FAQ section on the Sapien website:
How do you use it?
You just wear the item. You can also carry it in your pocket and it will still work on you. Fields work most powerfully within a 1 foot radius but also affect the environment within 5 feet or so.
Are these fields some form of energy then? (Is this magic?)
The fields we speak of in field theory are likely formed of patterns the ambient energy that make objects up, rather than being a separate form of energy. What seems to be happening is that the patterns in the fields of energy that form objects influences part of how that object behaves.
Traditional magic seems to work, when it gets real effects (which does happen, after all, not with the consistency practitioners may like…) On the same basic principle. However, by learning the rules by which these fields operate the effects are so much stronger and more reliable that it is almost like dealing with a completely different topic!
Where do fields draw energy from?
They draw zero point energy. The pure and base energy that makes up all the atoms around you.
Can these fields, if overworked, dissipate?
Most of dale’s fields and mine are self-propagating, meaning they function similarly like a like a living organism, growing and repairing itself. But what is overworking it? Using it constantly would not be overworking it. Overworking may be like burning the item every day or running an electrical field through it, that’s overworking because you are forcing it to constantly repair and regenerate itself, which can be damaging.
Does having several fields at the same time hinder one to another? Or would it add? How many fields can you have at a time?
Depends on the fields and the effects you wish to have, thinking logically about it would let you see easily which compliments each other.
I suggest wearing no more than 4-5 at the same time. Some people are able to handle it though so it’s up to whether you can. Generally though, this amount can be overwhelming to most people’s energy bodies. The audio fields though,you can listen to many different ones the same day.
Do I still need to listen to audios if I have the same field on an item?
No. But the audios would serve as an extra boost. It would not be necessary to listen though.
Are the Teespring pendants as strong as the others? Why are they less expensive?
Yes. They are just as strong as the other pendants. The fields are embedded in the images themselves and are programmed to become a part of the dogtags they are printed on.
How are fields embedded in an image? The same way they are embedded in an item or audio. An image has its own unique, energetic imprint. In the same way runes, sigils and all sorts of symbols over human history have had energies tied to them, we can embed an energy to an image. The way they’d do it is through a long period of prayer or ritualistic practices to attribute energy to a a symbol. Over time, the energy would be tied to the symbol and have a mild subconscious effect on people.
What we do is similar but rather different. A hyper spatial transdimensional point (pocket dimension) is created, that looks exactly like the photo and the field is embedded there and also programmed to draw from zero point energy to continuously grow over time.
Religious symbols have the advantage of having people pray to them daily and other sorts of images would have to have energy manually added from time to time to keep the programming active. These images have fields in their own private pocket dimension to support infinite growth. And no matter where this image appears in the physical world, it will always be tied to the energy in the pocket dimension, making the image always emit the morphic field onto your aura. In a way you can say that the image itself is the morphic field.
So instead of individually making fields for each item, the fields are made for images… which can then be placed on any item for the same effect. It’s less expensive because we don’t have to recreate the fieldfor every single pendant. If you are energy sensitive, focus on the images for several moments and you will be able to feel the energy flow.
If you have any questions regarding this, ask here.
How are these imbued items any different from the thousands of “magic” or even “haunted” objects we can find on the web usually much less expensive?
All objects here have fields carefully formed over weeks and even months of time, by a highly trained individual using actual technique. Most of the similar sounding claims made are just objects people are selling, with no mention as to what they did to them (if anything) or how they believe this would work, even if they did mention it.
These imbued items have their fields built using the processes of field theory. This means that all work is done in a deep mental state (a trance if you will) and time is taken on each part, often hours of work! Instead of a fairly useless “spell” being spoken over the objects, a far more useful “conceptual construct” is formed and held for the duration of the work period.One of the concepts used in the formation of these field states is called an “organic model”. By using these specific concepts, the fields themselves grow, almost as if a living thing! This means that the fields themselves become far more powerful than a single person could get them without vast amounts of work.
So the biggest difference between this imbued jewelry and objects and what you might find elsewhere? They actually work.
Is there any religion behind this? Is this satanic?
No, there is no religion behind this and this is not satanic. Our fields are completely natural and do not use the help of spirits or certain energies. Its simply pure, zero point energy that directs biological or energetic processes to create the changes that one seeks. The energy within you and all around you is already set with informational fields. All that you are doing is altering it to create the change you need.
Do these objects work for everyone, or only people that believe in them?
They work for whomever is holding the object. More specifically, they work for anyone that has this object inside of their person energy field (aura).
Interestingly, though there is a small portion of people that will absolutely refuse to admit that these effects are taking place, these objects even work for die hard “debunkers” and “skeptics.” Cognitive bias would have people conclude certain happenings as placebo or mere coincidences. There isn’t anything that can fully convince you if you come into this with attempts to debunk it. Skepticism with an open mind is a different story as skepticism is only natural for all the claims being made here. But if you do have an open mind, you’ll open your mind to some very interesting discoveries.
Welcome @SpartanAngel!
Uial’s wall
Welcome, I’m also Brazilian