What is it like to have psychic abilities?

What is it like to have psychic abilities?

People who have psychic abilities have them because they have a specific combination of traits:

  • They are very sensitive to energy and aware of their surroundings.
  • They are very intelligent in a creative sort of way.
  • They generally have a pretty high emotional IQ. They have a high awareness of their own emotional states which aids in sorting through information to sort wishful thinking out from actual information.
  • They have a high tolerance for ambiguity and holistic thinking abilities that allow them to sort through the noise.
  • They tend to be individualists, trusting their own instincts over the advice of others. They tend to ignore critics. (Versus skeptics who are extreme conformists that tend to overemphasize the importance of criticism.)
  • They tend to be good with their hands.

It also seems to bring with it a sense of aliveness that most people don’t seem to feel or understand.

As for the psychic ability itself, it’s nothing special. Information just “comes to you.” You just have to be quiet (quiet the mind) enough in your head to listen and willing to trust it. The more you build that trust the more the intensity of psychic informations comes to you.

That’s why some fields even if they don’t refers to psychic abilities are important to have.
Fields that deals with emotions like Emotional Mastering Protocol.

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Do we have the same traits? Did i miss other traits?


The list is very interesting and complete.

For me, as long as i still have doubts and question myself, there are things that I just know.

I also have premonitions sometimes, not at will though

And sometimes I look at people and know what they’ve been through. Not as particular events, but energetically.


I get the premonitions but as mind visions.
The trust might build up when you get more pronounced psychic informations.



They can literally download conceptually any piece of information and knowledge from anyone, anything, any place and any item. Most minds don’t have firewalls.

They can communicate with any alien race, being and entitiy in the universe.

You will never need Google or books again once you become fully psychic.


I would say that after being able to manifest your reality, becoming fully psychic would be the number 1 skill to have :muscle:


I don’t think this ability (conceptual realization) all psychics can do i mean this an ability that captain have developped and shared with us through his field.


The conceptual thinking is how psychic and other entities such ghost or whatever out there is there to communicate.

Dream made this field is for us to develop it stronger. And better understanding of how to communicate.

But conceptual thinking alone is already within us but the modern world teach us to thinking logically and ignoring our intuition because fear or they think it’s bull.

The annoying part of being able to speak with the death. At least for me. Is that sometimes you can’t just be alone without being annoyed by spirit asking for help :joy:

Like how am I supposed to help you anyway. That’s the funny part. But also annoying and overwhelming.

If not used to their crap

It is funny at the same time. You know they just like us.

Sometimes when I have section reading. Or just have some phone call with a friend whom they have someone in their family. Have a dead person in the family tree or perhaps friends.

You just talk to the person. Then suddenly out of no where. You just being interrupt by the spirit trying to say something about this individual that I have phone call with

Sometimes it’s just annoying because we chat and suddenly I get urges to say ( your nan love to bake chocolate pie? )

Then the person on phone ( girl how you know that :eyes:)


Cause I saw this old grandma cooking coco pie :joy:

Then the person on call will say ( girl she dead though)

Usually I’m just laughing or not saying anything at all until they say it themselves. You witch or something? :joy:


Spirits likes to have human as friends, so they just bump when ever situation allowed to try and help to keep contact.


Do you get this sometimes, when you try to push a thought to manifest. You start hearing it from people around you (friends)randomly or you get in movie or even sometimes in radio, even sometimes someone call you for that specific matter. Its like an echoes


Yes and numbers too


Hard work also pays… For example, I did seem to have some psychic abilities as a child and could recollect some past lives, but it was a hazy thing. Meditation, energy work/practice certainly gave me the ability to make sense of it all.

For example, a lot of Tantric meditation is to train one in the art of conceptual communication, and it is done systematically. You focus first on the body, then hone the emotions, then the Chakras/Dantiens, then work on Kundalini and eventually continue work on astral realms. There is no over/under focus on any one aspect but it is holistic - which IMO, certainly helps avoid many pitfalls.

So, do not discount the role of hard work. Some of my students are even better attuned than me psychically, and initially, they displayed no abilities. It was just a lot of sweat and blood. That said, there is always a 1%, who no matter what, do not seem to get it and for such folks, I tell them to focus on other areas…

And for the serious spiritual aspirant - the advice always given by the teacher is - enjoy the sights called psychic abilities, do not dwell on them too much, it can cause energy expenditure as also a mental grasping at psychic phenomena which can be detrimental if one’s goal is to experience higher states of freedom consciousness. Till there is grasping - at anything including the notion of “self” - these states cannot be achieved.


Thanks @Maoshan_Wanderer very informative


I’ve had this and it feels very strange. As if others are kind of an extension of me and that we’re like a hive mind working for each others benefit. Like if I have thoughts or exploration in an area, then people will start just talking about it as if I’m a kind of open book (even though I’m trying to keep things private!). Or that people just know what I’m thinking and will blurt it out for me. Granted this is really strange because it’s not like these people are enlightened sages with special abilities, they’re just ordinary people. So it sometimes feels like my presence is distorting reality (or maybe clarifying it?)

Or even concepts that I’m working on, people will just synchronously work on similar things that are a kind of complementary jigsaw to what I’m working on, and vice versa.


I will clarify things for you

Think of yourself as god and those who around you, are following your commands

They aren’t aware of but you are, you can direct this as you want, but don’t get greedy be simple on your mental suggestions. Don’t Let the ego get to you because this is when you’ll lose it.

My explanation was some like metaphor lol

But it is simply your brainwaves (thoughts…) are much stronger than theirs and it can affect theirs so they wouldn’t know if it was theirs or someone else because they aren’t simply aware.


Interesting! It’s strange because I used to have a very strong identification with “my” ideas and “others” ideas. But then I started getting annoyed that people were just coming up with what I had already thought out. It’s a pretty typical modern western view, the idea of “intellectual property”. But that made me realise that if it’s a good idea, it belongs to all, and plus, I started noticing that many of my ideas were things that were seeded decades ago, so what right did I have to complain. It wasn’t really “mine” in the first place. Kind of reminds me of this quote from the Dao De Jing.

For this reason, the Sage concerns himself only
with affairs that involve no active doing,
and carries forth a wordless teaching.
The myriad creatures arise and he does not deny any of them.
They are produced, yet he does not seek to possess them.
He acts and yet does not claim compensation for so doing.
When he brings meritorious work to completion he takes no credit for it.
For only by not taking credit for these accomplishments
are the fruits of his activities kept safe.

Not that I consider myself a Sage that does no active work in this world…


To some people who are born with them it’s like having a limb. Nothing special. Just feels natural.


I was born with some but now some added to but as captain said when you gain the ability it might seem strange thing to do, till it will incorporate in your being and it become natural and automatic, so in the future we may not talk about this because it will become natural.


Indeed, very true my friend.

I don’t have extraordinary psychic powers, but I do have occasional premonitory dreams (rarely nowadays, it used to be more often), also, sometimes a thought comes in my head and whomever I’m talking with says that he/she had the same idea/wanted to say that and there are certain syncronicities, well, usual stuff and I think these types of powers are way more common than people give them credit for.

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I would also say that generally, psychic powers can be attainable over time as long as one is willing to self-realise and strive to learn and grow in life. These powers are not really powers but more like abilities. So if you think about what’s required to develop these abilities, the kind of effort isn’t very special at all.